You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long. 1009B

1 jaar geleden
  1. from bridge.context import Context, ContextType
  2. from bridge.reply import Reply, ReplyType
  3. from common.log import logger
  4. from linkai import LinkAIClient, PushMsg
  5. from config import conf
  6. class ChatClient(LinkAIClient):
  7. def __init__(self, api_key, host, channel):
  8. super().__init__(api_key, host)
  9. = channel
  10. self.client_type = channel.channel_type
  11. def on_message(self, push_msg: PushMsg):
  12. session_id = push_msg.session_id
  13. msg_content = push_msg.msg_content
  14."receive msg push, session_id={session_id}, msg_content={msg_content}")
  15. context = Context()
  16. context.type = ContextType.TEXT
  17. context["receiver"] = session_id
  18. context["isgroup"] = push_msg.is_group
  19., content=msg_content), context)
  20. def start(channel):
  21. client = ChatClient(api_key=conf().get("linkai_api_key"),
  22. host="", channel=channel)
  23. client.start()