123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428 |
- from enum import Enum
- from config import conf
- from common.log import logger
- import requests
- import threading
- import time
- from bridge.reply import Reply, ReplyType
- import aiohttp
- import asyncio
- from bridge.context import ContextType
- from plugins import EventContext, EventAction
- class TaskType(Enum):
- GENERATE = "generate"
- UPSCALE = "upscale"
- VARIATION = "variation"
- RESET = "reset"
- def __str__(self):
- return self.name
- class Status(Enum):
- PENDING = "pending"
- FINISHED = "finished"
- EXPIRED = "expired"
- ABORTED = "aborted"
- def __str__(self):
- return self.name
- class TaskMode(Enum):
- FAST = "fast"
- RELAX = "relax"
- task_name_mapping = {
- TaskType.GENERATE.name: "生成",
- TaskType.UPSCALE.name: "放大",
- TaskType.VARIATION.name: "变换",
- TaskType.RESET.name: "重新生成",
- }
- class MJTask:
- def __init__(self, id, user_id: str, task_type: TaskType, raw_prompt=None, expires: int = 60 * 30,
- status=Status.PENDING):
- self.id = id
- self.user_id = user_id
- self.task_type = task_type
- self.raw_prompt = raw_prompt
- self.send_func = None
- self.expiry_time = time.time() + expires
- self.status = status
- self.img_url = None
- self.img_id = None
- def __str__(self):
- return f"id={self.id}, user_id={self.user_id}, task_type={self.task_type}, status={self.status}, img_id={self.img_id}"
- class MJBot:
- def __init__(self, config):
- self.base_url = "https://api.link-ai.chat/v1/img/midjourney"
- self.headers = {"Authorization": "Bearer " + conf().get("linkai_api_key")}
- self.config = config
- self.tasks = {}
- self.temp_dict = {}
- self.tasks_lock = threading.Lock()
- self.event_loop = asyncio.new_event_loop()
- def judge_mj_task_type(self, e_context: EventContext):
- """
- 判断MJ任务的类型
- :param e_context: 上下文
- :return: 任务类型枚举
- """
- if not self.config:
- return None
- trigger_prefix = conf().get("plugin_trigger_prefix", "$")
- context = e_context['context']
- if context.type == ContextType.TEXT:
- cmd_list = context.content.split(maxsplit=1)
- if cmd_list[0].lower() == f"{trigger_prefix}mj":
- return TaskType.GENERATE
- elif cmd_list[0].lower() == f"{trigger_prefix}mju":
- return TaskType.UPSCALE
- elif cmd_list[0].lower() == f"{trigger_prefix}mjv":
- return TaskType.VARIATION
- elif cmd_list[0].lower() == f"{trigger_prefix}mjr":
- return TaskType.RESET
- elif context.type == ContextType.IMAGE_CREATE and self.config.get("use_image_create_prefix"):
- return TaskType.GENERATE
- def process_mj_task(self, mj_type: TaskType, e_context: EventContext):
- """
- 处理mj任务
- :param mj_type: mj任务类型
- :param e_context: 对话上下文
- """
- context = e_context['context']
- session_id = context["session_id"]
- cmd = context.content.split(maxsplit=1)
- if len(cmd) == 1 and context.type == ContextType.TEXT:
- self._set_reply_text(self.get_help_text(verbose=True), e_context, level=ReplyType.INFO)
- return
- if len(cmd) == 2 and (cmd[1] == "open" or cmd[1] == "close"):
- is_open = True
- tips_text = "开启"
- if cmd[1] == "close":
- tips_text = "关闭"
- is_open = False
- self.config["enabled"] = is_open
- self._set_reply_text(f"Midjourney绘画已{tips_text}", e_context, level=ReplyType.INFO)
- return
- if not self.config.get("enabled"):
- logger.warn("Midjourney绘画未开启,请查看 plugins/linkai/config.json 中的配置")
- self._set_reply_text(f"Midjourney绘画未开启", e_context, level=ReplyType.INFO)
- return
- if not self._check_rate_limit(session_id, e_context):
- logger.warn("[MJ] midjourney task exceed rate limit")
- return
- if mj_type == TaskType.GENERATE:
- if context.type == ContextType.IMAGE_CREATE:
- raw_prompt = context.content
- else:
- raw_prompt = cmd[1]
- reply = self.generate(raw_prompt, session_id, e_context)
- e_context['reply'] = reply
- e_context.action = EventAction.BREAK_PASS
- return
- elif mj_type == TaskType.UPSCALE or mj_type == TaskType.VARIATION:
- clist = cmd[1].split()
- if len(clist) < 2:
- self._set_reply_text(f"{cmd[0]} 命令缺少参数", e_context)
- return
- img_id = clist[0]
- index = int(clist[1])
- if index < 1 or index > 4:
- self._set_reply_text(f"图片序号 {index} 错误,应在 1 至 4 之间", e_context)
- return
- key = f"{str(mj_type)}_{img_id}_{index}"
- if self.temp_dict.get(key):
- self._set_reply_text(f"第 {index} 张图片已经{task_name_mapping.get(str(mj_type))}过了", e_context)
- return
- reply = self.do_operate(mj_type, session_id, img_id, e_context, index)
- e_context['reply'] = reply
- e_context.action = EventAction.BREAK_PASS
- return
- elif mj_type == TaskType.RESET:
- clist = cmd[1].split()
- if len(clist) < 1:
- self._set_reply_text(f"{cmd[0]} 命令缺少参数", e_context)
- return
- img_id = clist[0]
- reply = self.do_operate(mj_type, session_id, img_id, e_context)
- e_context['reply'] = reply
- e_context.action = EventAction.BREAK_PASS
- else:
- self._set_reply_text(f"暂不支持该命令", e_context)
- def generate(self, prompt: str, user_id: str, e_context: EventContext) -> Reply:
- """
- 图片生成
- :param prompt: 提示词
- :param user_id: 用户id
- :param e_context: 对话上下文
- :return: 任务ID
- """
- logger.info(f"[MJ] image generate, prompt={prompt}")
- mode = self._fetch_mode(prompt)
- body = {"prompt": prompt, "mode": mode, "auto_translate": self.config.get("auto_translate")}
- if not self.config.get("img_proxy"):
- body["img_proxy"] = False
- res = requests.post(url=self.base_url + "/generate", json=body, headers=self.headers, timeout=(5, 40))
- if res.status_code == 200:
- res = res.json()
- logger.debug(f"[MJ] image generate, res={res}")
- if res.get("code") == 200:
- task_id = res.get("data").get("task_id")
- real_prompt = res.get("data").get("real_prompt")
- if mode == TaskMode.RELAX.value:
- time_str = "1~10分钟"
- else:
- time_str = "1分钟"
- content = f"🚀您的作品将在{time_str}左右完成,请耐心等待\n- - - - - - - - -\n"
- if real_prompt:
- content += f"初始prompt: {prompt}\n转换后prompt: {real_prompt}"
- else:
- content += f"prompt: {prompt}"
- reply = Reply(ReplyType.INFO, content)
- task = MJTask(id=task_id, status=Status.PENDING, raw_prompt=prompt, user_id=user_id,
- task_type=TaskType.GENERATE)
- self.tasks[task.id] = task
- self._do_check_task(task, e_context)
- return reply
- else:
- res_json = res.json()
- logger.error(f"[MJ] generate error, msg={res_json.get('message')}, status_code={res.status_code}")
- if res.status_code == INVALID_REQUEST:
- reply = Reply(ReplyType.ERROR, "图片生成失败,请检查提示词参数或内容")
- else:
- reply = Reply(ReplyType.ERROR, "图片生成失败,请稍后再试")
- return reply
- def do_operate(self, task_type: TaskType, user_id: str, img_id: str, e_context: EventContext,
- index: int = None) -> Reply:
- logger.info(f"[MJ] image operate, task_type={task_type}, img_id={img_id}, index={index}")
- body = {"type": task_type.name, "img_id": img_id}
- if index:
- body["index"] = index
- if not self.config.get("img_proxy"):
- body["img_proxy"] = False
- res = requests.post(url=self.base_url + "/operate", json=body, headers=self.headers, timeout=(5, 40))
- logger.debug(res)
- if res.status_code == 200:
- res = res.json()
- if res.get("code") == 200:
- task_id = res.get("data").get("task_id")
- logger.info(f"[MJ] image operate processing, task_id={task_id}")
- icon_map = {TaskType.UPSCALE: "🔎", TaskType.VARIATION: "🪄", TaskType.RESET: "🔄"}
- content = f"{icon_map.get(task_type)}图片正在{task_name_mapping.get(task_type.name)}中,请耐心等待"
- reply = Reply(ReplyType.INFO, content)
- task = MJTask(id=task_id, status=Status.PENDING, user_id=user_id, task_type=task_type)
- self.tasks[task.id] = task
- key = f"{task_type.name}_{img_id}_{index}"
- self.temp_dict[key] = True
- self._do_check_task(task, e_context)
- return reply
- else:
- error_msg = ""
- if res.status_code == NOT_FOUND_ORIGIN_IMAGE:
- error_msg = "请输入正确的图片ID"
- res_json = res.json()
- logger.error(f"[MJ] operate error, msg={res_json.get('message')}, status_code={res.status_code}")
- reply = Reply(ReplyType.ERROR, error_msg or "图片生成失败,请稍后再试")
- return reply
- def check_task_sync(self, task: MJTask, e_context: EventContext):
- logger.debug(f"[MJ] start check task status, {task}")
- max_retry_times = 90
- while max_retry_times > 0:
- time.sleep(10)
- url = f"{self.base_url}/tasks/{task.id}"
- try:
- res = requests.get(url, headers=self.headers, timeout=8)
- if res.status_code == 200:
- res_json = res.json()
- logger.debug(f"[MJ] task check res sync, task_id={task.id}, status={res.status_code}, "
- f"data={res_json.get('data')}, thread={threading.current_thread().name}")
- if res_json.get("data") and res_json.get("data").get("status") == Status.FINISHED.name:
- if self.tasks.get(task.id):
- self.tasks[task.id].status = Status.FINISHED
- self._process_success_task(task, res_json.get("data"), e_context)
- return
- max_retry_times -= 1
- else:
- res_json = res.json()
- logger.warn(f"[MJ] image check error, status_code={res.status_code}, res={res_json}")
- max_retry_times -= 20
- except Exception as e:
- max_retry_times -= 20
- logger.warn(e)
- logger.warn("[MJ] end from poll")
- if self.tasks.get(task.id):
- self.tasks[task.id].status = Status.EXPIRED
- def _do_check_task(self, task: MJTask, e_context: EventContext):
- threading.Thread(target=self.check_task_sync, args=(task, e_context)).start()
- def _process_success_task(self, task: MJTask, res: dict, e_context: EventContext):
- """
- 处理任务成功的结果
- :param task: MJ任务
- :param res: 请求结果
- :param e_context: 对话上下文
- """
- task.status = Status.FINISHED
- task.img_id = res.get("img_id")
- task.img_url = res.get("img_url")
- logger.info(f"[MJ] task success, task_id={task.id}, img_id={task.img_id}, img_url={task.img_url}")
- reply = Reply(ReplyType.IMAGE_URL, task.img_url)
- channel = e_context["channel"]
- _send(channel, reply, e_context["context"])
- trigger_prefix = conf().get("plugin_trigger_prefix", "$")
- text = ""
- if task.task_type == TaskType.GENERATE or task.task_type == TaskType.VARIATION or task.task_type == TaskType.RESET:
- text = f"🎨绘画完成!\n"
- if task.raw_prompt:
- text += f"prompt: {task.raw_prompt}\n"
- text += f"- - - - - - - - -\n图片ID: {task.img_id}"
- text += f"\n\n🔎使用 {trigger_prefix}mju 命令放大图片\n"
- text += f"例如:\n{trigger_prefix}mju {task.img_id} 1"
- text += f"\n\n🪄使用 {trigger_prefix}mjv 命令变换图片\n"
- text += f"例如:\n{trigger_prefix}mjv {task.img_id} 1"
- text += f"\n\n🔄使用 {trigger_prefix}mjr 命令重新生成图片\n"
- text += f"例如:\n{trigger_prefix}mjr {task.img_id}"
- reply = Reply(ReplyType.INFO, text)
- _send(channel, reply, e_context["context"])
- self._print_tasks()
- return
- def _check_rate_limit(self, user_id: str, e_context: EventContext) -> bool:
- """
- midjourney任务限流控制
- :param user_id: 用户id
- :param e_context: 对话上下文
- :return: 任务是否能够生成, True:可以生成, False: 被限流
- """
- tasks = self.find_tasks_by_user_id(user_id)
- task_count = len([t for t in tasks if t.status == Status.PENDING])
- if task_count >= self.config.get("max_tasks_per_user"):
- reply = Reply(ReplyType.INFO, "您的Midjourney作图任务数已达上限,请稍后再试")
- e_context["reply"] = reply
- e_context.action = EventAction.BREAK_PASS
- return False
- task_count = len([t for t in self.tasks.values() if t.status == Status.PENDING])
- if task_count >= self.config.get("max_tasks"):
- reply = Reply(ReplyType.INFO, "Midjourney作图任务数已达上限,请稍后再试")
- e_context["reply"] = reply
- e_context.action = EventAction.BREAK_PASS
- return False
- return True
- def _fetch_mode(self, prompt) -> str:
- mode = self.config.get("mode")
- if "--relax" in prompt or mode == TaskMode.RELAX.value:
- return TaskMode.RELAX.value
- return mode or TaskMode.FAST.value
- def _run_loop(self, loop: asyncio.BaseEventLoop):
- """
- 运行事件循环,用于轮询任务的线程
- :param loop: 事件循环
- """
- loop.run_forever()
- loop.stop()
- def _print_tasks(self):
- for id in self.tasks:
- logger.debug(f"[MJ] current task: {self.tasks[id]}")
- def _set_reply_text(self, content: str, e_context: EventContext, level: ReplyType = ReplyType.ERROR):
- """
- 设置回复文本
- :param content: 回复内容
- :param e_context: 对话上下文
- :param level: 回复等级
- """
- reply = Reply(level, content)
- e_context["reply"] = reply
- e_context.action = EventAction.BREAK_PASS
- def get_help_text(self, verbose=False, **kwargs):
- trigger_prefix = conf().get("plugin_trigger_prefix", "$")
- help_text = "🎨利用Midjourney进行画图\n\n"
- if not verbose:
- return help_text
- help_text += f" - 生成: {trigger_prefix}mj 描述词1, 描述词2.. \n - 放大: {trigger_prefix}mju 图片ID 图片序号\n - 变换: mjv 图片ID 图片序号\n - 重置: mjr 图片ID"
- help_text += f"\n\n例如:\n\"{trigger_prefix}mj a little cat, white --ar 9:16\"\n\"{trigger_prefix}mju 11055927171882 2\""
- help_text += f"\n\"{trigger_prefix}mjv 11055927171882 2\"\n\"{trigger_prefix}mjr 11055927171882\""
- return help_text
- def find_tasks_by_user_id(self, user_id) -> list:
- result = []
- with self.tasks_lock:
- now = time.time()
- for task in self.tasks.values():
- if task.status == Status.PENDING and now > task.expiry_time:
- task.status = Status.EXPIRED
- logger.info(f"[MJ] {task} expired")
- if task.user_id == user_id:
- result.append(task)
- return result
- def _send(channel, reply: Reply, context, retry_cnt=0):
- try:
- channel.send(reply, context)
- except Exception as e:
- logger.error("[WX] sendMsg error: {}".format(str(e)))
- if isinstance(e, NotImplementedError):
- return
- logger.exception(e)
- if retry_cnt < 2:
- time.sleep(3 + 3 * retry_cnt)
- channel.send(reply, context, retry_cnt + 1)
- def check_prefix(content, prefix_list):
- if not prefix_list:
- return None
- for prefix in prefix_list:
- if content.startswith(prefix):
- return prefix
- return None