Переглянути джерело

refactor: use enum to specify type

lanvent 2 роки тому
13 змінених файлів з 185 додано та 118 видалено
  1. +5
  2. +13
  3. +5
  4. +42
  5. +22
  6. +5
  7. +51
  8. +9
  9. +9
  10. +12
  11. +3
  12. +6
  13. +3

+ 5
- 1
bot/bot.py Переглянути файл

@@ -3,8 +3,12 @@ Auto-replay chat robot abstract class

from bridge.context import Context
from bridge.reply import Reply

class Bot(object):
def reply(self, query, context=None):
def reply(self, query, context : Context =None) -> Reply:
bot auto-reply content
:param req: received message

+ 13
- 14
bot/chatgpt/chat_gpt_bot.py Переглянути файл

@@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
# encoding:utf-8

from bot.bot import Bot
from bridge.context import ContextType
from bridge.reply import Reply, ReplyType
from config import conf, load_config
from common.log import logger
from common.expired_dict import ExpiredDict
@@ -19,22 +21,19 @@ class ChatGPTBot(Bot):

def reply(self, query, context=None):
# acquire reply content
if context['type'] == 'TEXT':
if context.type == ContextType.TEXT:
logger.info("[OPEN_AI] query={}".format(query))
session_id = context['session_id']
reply = None
if query == '#清除记忆':
reply = {'type': 'INFO', 'content': '记忆已清除'}
reply = Reply(ReplyType.INFO, '记忆已清除')
elif query == '#清除所有':
reply = {'type': 'INFO', 'content': '所有人记忆已清除'}
reply = Reply(ReplyType.INFO, '所有人记忆已清除')
elif query == '#更新配置':
reply = {'type': 'INFO', 'content': '配置已更新'}
elif query == '#DEBUG':
reply = {'type': 'INFO', 'content': 'DEBUG模式已开启'}
reply = Reply(ReplyType.INFO, '配置已更新')
if reply:
return reply
session = self.sessions.build_session_query(query, session_id)
@@ -47,25 +46,25 @@ class ChatGPTBot(Bot):
reply_content = self.reply_text(session, session_id, 0)
logger.debug("[OPEN_AI] new_query={}, session_id={}, reply_cont={}".format(session, session_id, reply_content["content"]))
if reply_content['completion_tokens'] == 0 and len(reply_content['content']) > 0:
reply = {'type': 'ERROR', 'content': reply_content['content']}
reply = Reply(ReplyType.ERROR, reply_content['content'])
elif reply_content["completion_tokens"] > 0:
self.sessions.save_session(reply_content["content"], session_id, reply_content["total_tokens"])
reply={'type':'TEXT', 'content':reply_content["content"]}
reply = Reply(ReplyType.TEXT, reply_content["content"])
reply = {'type': 'ERROR', 'content': reply_content['content']}
reply = Reply(ReplyType.ERROR, reply_content['content'])
logger.debug("[OPEN_AI] reply {} used 0 tokens.".format(reply_content))
return reply

elif context['type'] == 'IMAGE_CREATE':
elif context.type == ContextType.IMAGE_CREATE:
ok, retstring = self.create_img(query, 0)
reply = None
if ok:
reply = {'type': 'IMAGE_URL', 'content': retstring}
reply = Reply(ReplyType.IMAGE_URL, retstring)
reply = {'type': 'ERROR', 'content': retstring}
reply = Reply(ReplyType.ERROR, retstring)
return reply
reply= {'type':'ERROR', 'content':'Bot不支持处理{}类型的消息'.format(context['type'])}
reply = Reply(ReplyType.ERROR, 'Bot不支持处理{}类型的消息'.format(context.type))
return reply

def reply_text(self, session, session_id, retry_count=0) -> dict:

+ 5
- 6
bridge/bridge.py Переглянути файл

@@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
from bridge.context import Context
from bridge.reply import Reply
from common.log import logger
from bot import bot_factory
from common.singleton import singleton
@@ -28,16 +30,13 @@ class Bridge(object):
def get_bot_type(self,typename):
return self.btype[typename]

# 以下所有函数需要得到一个reply字典,格式如下:
# reply["type"] = "ERROR" / "TEXT" / "VOICE" / ...
# reply["content"] = reply的内容

def fetch_reply_content(self, query, context):
def fetch_reply_content(self, query, context : Context) -> Reply:
return self.get_bot("chat").reply(query, context)

def fetch_voice_to_text(self, voiceFile):
def fetch_voice_to_text(self, voiceFile) -> Reply:
return self.get_bot("voice_to_text").voiceToText(voiceFile)

def fetch_text_to_voice(self, text):
def fetch_text_to_voice(self, text) -> Reply:
return self.get_bot("text_to_voice").textToVoice(text)

+ 42
- 0
bridge/context.py Переглянути файл

@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
# encoding:utf-8

from enum import Enum

class ContextType (Enum):
TEXT = 1 # 文本消息
VOICE = 2 # 音频消息
IMAGE_CREATE = 3 # 创建图片命令
def __str__(self):
return self.name
class Context:
def __init__(self, type : ContextType = None , content = None, kwargs = dict()):
self.type = type
self.content = content
self.kwargs = kwargs
def __getitem__(self, key):
if key == 'type':
return self.type
elif key == 'content':
return self.content
return self.kwargs[key]

def __setitem__(self, key, value):
if key == 'type':
self.type = value
elif key == 'content':
self.content = value
self.kwargs[key] = value

def __delitem__(self, key):
if key == 'type':
self.type = None
elif key == 'content':
self.content = None
del self.kwargs[key]
def __str__(self):
return "Context(type={}, content={}, kwargs={})".format(self.type, self.content, self.kwargs)

+ 22
- 0
bridge/reply.py Переглянути файл

@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@

# encoding:utf-8

from enum import Enum

class ReplyType(Enum):
TEXT = 1 # 文本
VOICE = 2 # 音频文件
IMAGE = 3 # 图片文件
INFO = 9
ERROR = 10
def __str__(self):
return self.name

class Reply:
def __init__(self, type : ReplyType = None , content = None):
self.type = type
self.content = content
def __str__(self):
return "Reply(type={}, content={})".format(self.type, self.content)

+ 5
- 3
channel/channel.py Переглянути файл

@@ -3,6 +3,8 @@ Message sending channel abstract class

from bridge.bridge import Bridge
from bridge.context import Context
from bridge.reply import Reply

class Channel(object):
def startup(self):
@@ -27,11 +29,11 @@ class Channel(object):
raise NotImplementedError

def build_reply_content(self, query, context=None):
def build_reply_content(self, query, context : Context=None) -> Reply:
return Bridge().fetch_reply_content(query, context)

def build_voice_to_text(self, voice_file):
def build_voice_to_text(self, voice_file) -> Reply:
return Bridge().fetch_voice_to_text(voice_file)
def build_text_to_voice(self, text):
def build_text_to_voice(self, text) -> Reply:
return Bridge().fetch_text_to_voice(text)

+ 51
- 50
channel/wechat/wechat_channel.py Переглянути файл

@@ -7,6 +7,8 @@ wechat channel
import itchat
import json
from itchat.content import *
from bridge.reply import *
from bridge.context import *
from channel.channel import Channel
from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor
from common.log import logger
@@ -69,10 +71,8 @@ class WechatChannel(Channel):
from_user_id = msg['FromUserName']
other_user_id = msg['User']['UserName']
if from_user_id == other_user_id:
context = {'isgroup': False, 'msg': msg, 'receiver': other_user_id}
context['type'] = 'VOICE'
context['content'] = msg['FileName']
context['session_id'] = other_user_id
context = Context(ContextType.VOICE,msg['FileName'])
context.kwargs = {'isgroup': False, 'msg': msg, 'receiver': other_user_id, 'session_id': other_user_id}
thread_pool.submit(self.handle, context).add_done_callback(thread_pool_callback)

def handle_text(self, msg):
@@ -89,17 +89,17 @@ class WechatChannel(Channel):
content = content.replace(match_prefix, '', 1).strip()
context = {'isgroup': False, 'msg': msg, 'receiver': other_user_id}
context['session_id'] = other_user_id
context = Context()
context.kwargs = {'isgroup': False, 'msg': msg, 'receiver': other_user_id, 'session_id': other_user_id}

img_match_prefix = check_prefix(content, conf().get('image_create_prefix'))
if img_match_prefix:
content = content.replace(img_match_prefix, '', 1).strip()
context['type'] = 'IMAGE_CREATE'
context.type = ContextType.IMAGE_CREATE
context['type'] = 'TEXT'
context.type = ContextType.TEXT

context['content'] = content
context.content = content
thread_pool.submit(self.handle, context).add_done_callback(thread_pool_callback)

def handle_group(self, msg):
@@ -123,15 +123,16 @@ class WechatChannel(Channel):
match_prefix = (msg['IsAt'] and not config.get("group_at_off", False)) or check_prefix(origin_content, config.get('group_chat_prefix')) \
or check_contain(origin_content, config.get('group_chat_keyword'))
if ('ALL_GROUP' in config.get('group_name_white_list') or group_name in config.get('group_name_white_list') or check_contain(group_name, config.get('group_name_keyword_white_list'))) and match_prefix:
context = { 'isgroup': True, 'msg': msg, 'receiver': group_id}
context = Context()
context.kwargs = { 'isgroup': True, 'msg': msg, 'receiver': group_id}
img_match_prefix = check_prefix(content, conf().get('image_create_prefix'))
if img_match_prefix:
content = content.replace(img_match_prefix, '', 1).strip()
context['type'] = 'IMAGE_CREATE'
context.type = ContextType.IMAGE_CREATE
context['type'] = 'TEXT'
context['content'] = content
context.type = ContextType.TEXT
context.content = content

group_chat_in_one_session = conf().get('group_chat_in_one_session', [])
if ('ALL_GROUP' in group_chat_in_one_session or
@@ -144,18 +145,18 @@ class WechatChannel(Channel):
thread_pool.submit(self.handle, context).add_done_callback(thread_pool_callback)

# 统一的发送函数,每个Channel自行实现,根据reply的type字段发送不同类型的消息
def send(self, reply, receiver):
if reply['type'] == 'TEXT':
itchat.send(reply['content'], toUserName=receiver)
def send(self, reply : Reply, receiver):
if reply.type == ReplyType.TEXT:
itchat.send(reply.content, toUserName=receiver)
logger.info('[WX] sendMsg={}, receiver={}'.format(reply, receiver))
elif reply['type'] == 'ERROR' or reply['type'] == 'INFO':
itchat.send(reply['content'], toUserName=receiver)
elif reply.type == ReplyType.ERROR or reply.type == ReplyType.INFO:
itchat.send(reply.content, toUserName=receiver)
logger.info('[WX] sendMsg={}, receiver={}'.format(reply, receiver))
elif reply['type'] == 'VOICE':
itchat.send_file(reply['content'], toUserName=receiver)
logger.info('[WX] sendFile={}, receiver={}'.format(reply['content'], receiver))
elif reply['type']=='IMAGE_URL': # 从网络下载图片
img_url = reply['content']
elif reply.type == ReplyType.VOICE:
itchat.send_file(reply.content, toUserName=receiver)
logger.info('[WX] sendFile={}, receiver={}'.format(reply.content, receiver))
elif reply.type == ReplyType.IMAGE_URL: # 从网络下载图片
img_url = reply.content
pic_res = requests.get(img_url, stream=True)
image_storage = io.BytesIO()
for block in pic_res.iter_content(1024):
@@ -163,69 +164,69 @@ class WechatChannel(Channel):
itchat.send_image(image_storage, toUserName=receiver)
logger.info('[WX] sendImage url=, receiver={}'.format(img_url,receiver))
elif reply['type']=='IMAGE': # 从文件读取图片
image_storage = reply['content']
elif reply.type == ReplyType.IMAGE: # 从文件读取图片
image_storage = reply.content
itchat.send_image(image_storage, toUserName=receiver)
logger.info('[WX] sendImage, receiver={}'.format(receiver))

# 处理消息 TODO: 如果wechaty解耦,此处逻辑可以放置到父类
def handle(self, context):
reply = {}
reply = Reply()

logger.debug('[WX] ready to handle context: {}'.format(context))
# reply的构建步骤
e_context = PluginManager().emit_event(EventContext(Event.ON_HANDLE_CONTEXT, {'channel' : self, 'context': context, 'reply': reply}))
reply = e_context['reply']
if not e_context.is_pass():
logger.debug('[WX] ready to handle context: type={}, content={}'.format(context['type'], context['content']))
if context['type'] == 'TEXT' or context['type'] == 'IMAGE_CREATE':
reply = super().build_reply_content(context['content'], context)
elif context['type'] == 'VOICE':
logger.debug('[WX] ready to handle context: type={}, content={}'.format(context.type, context.content))
if context.type == ContextType.TEXT or context.type == ContextType.IMAGE_CREATE:
reply = super().build_reply_content(context.content, context)
elif context.type == ContextType.VOICE:
msg = context['msg']
file_name = TmpDir().path() + context['content']
file_name = TmpDir().path() + context.content
reply = super().build_voice_to_text(file_name)
if reply['type'] != 'ERROR' and reply['type'] != 'INFO':
context['content'] = reply['content'] # 语音转文字后,将文字内容作为新的context
context['type'] = reply['type']
reply = super().build_reply_content(context['content'], context)
if reply['type'] == 'TEXT':
if reply.type != ReplyType.ERROR and reply.type != ReplyType.INFO:
context.content = reply.content # 语音转文字后,将文字内容作为新的context
context.type = ContextType.TEXT
reply = super().build_reply_content(context.content, context)
if reply.type == ReplyType.TEXT:
if conf().get('voice_reply_voice'):
reply = super().build_text_to_voice(reply['content'])
reply = super().build_text_to_voice(reply.content)
logger.error('[WX] unknown context type: {}'.format(context['type']))
logger.error('[WX] unknown context type: {}'.format(context.type))

logger.debug('[WX] ready to decorate reply: {}'.format(reply))
# reply的包装步骤
if reply and reply['type']:
if reply and reply.type:
e_context = PluginManager().emit_event(EventContext(Event.ON_DECORATE_REPLY, {'channel' : self, 'context': context, 'reply': reply}))
if not e_context.is_pass() and reply and reply['type']:
if reply['type'] == 'TEXT':
reply_text = reply['content']
if not e_context.is_pass() and reply and reply.type:
if reply.type == ReplyType.TEXT:
reply_text = reply.content
if context['isgroup']:
reply_text = '@' + context['msg']['ActualNickName'] + ' ' + reply_text.strip()
reply_text = conf().get("group_chat_reply_prefix", "")+reply_text
reply_text = conf().get("single_chat_reply_prefix", "")+reply_text
reply['content'] = reply_text
elif reply['type'] == 'ERROR' or reply['type'] == 'INFO':
reply['content'] = reply['type']+":\n" + reply['content']
elif reply['type'] == 'IMAGE_URL' or reply['type'] == 'VOICE' or reply['type'] == 'IMAGE':
reply.content = reply_text
elif reply.type == ReplyType.ERROR or reply.type == ReplyType.INFO:
reply.content = str(reply.type)+":\n" + reply.content
elif reply.type == ReplyType.IMAGE_URL or reply.type == ReplyType.VOICE or reply.type == ReplyType.IMAGE:
logger.error('[WX] unknown reply type: {}'.format(reply['type']))
logger.error('[WX] unknown reply type: {}'.format(reply.type))

# reply的发送步骤
if reply and reply['type']:
if reply and reply.type:
e_context = PluginManager().emit_event(EventContext(Event.ON_SEND_REPLY, {'channel' : self, 'context': context, 'reply': reply}))
if not e_context.is_pass() and reply and reply['type']:
if not e_context.is_pass() and reply and reply.type:
logger.debug('[WX] ready to send reply: {} to {}'.format(reply, context['receiver']))
self.send(reply, context['receiver'])

+ 9
- 16
channel/wechat/wechaty_channel.py Переглянути файл

@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ import time
import asyncio
import requests
from typing import Optional, Union
from bridge.context import Context, ContextType
from wechaty_puppet import MessageType, FileBox, ScanStatus # type: ignore
from wechaty import Wechaty, Contact
from wechaty.user import Message, Room, MiniProgram, UrlLink
@@ -127,11 +128,9 @@ class WechatyChannel(Channel):
if not query:
context = dict()
context = Context(ContextType.TEXT, query)
context['session_id'] = reply_user_id
context['type'] = 'TEXT'
context['content'] = query
reply_text = super().build_reply_content(query, context)['content']
reply_text = super().build_reply_content(query, context).content
if reply_text:
await self.send(conf().get("single_chat_reply_prefix") + reply_text, reply_user_id)
except Exception as e:
@@ -141,10 +140,8 @@ class WechatyChannel(Channel):
if not query:
context = dict()
context['type'] = 'IMAGE_CREATE'
context['content'] = query
img_url = super().build_reply_content(query, context)['content']
context = Context(ContextType.IMAGE_CREATE, query)
img_url = super().build_reply_content(query, context).content
if not img_url:
# 图片下载
@@ -165,7 +162,7 @@ class WechatyChannel(Channel):
async def _do_send_group(self, query, group_id, group_name, group_user_id, group_user_name):
if not query:
context = dict()
context = Context(ContextType.TEXT, query)
group_chat_in_one_session = conf().get('group_chat_in_one_session', [])
if ('ALL_GROUP' in group_chat_in_one_session or \
group_name in group_chat_in_one_session or \
@@ -173,9 +170,7 @@ class WechatyChannel(Channel):
context['session_id'] = str(group_id)
context['session_id'] = str(group_id) + '-' + str(group_user_id)
context['type'] = 'TEXT'
context['content'] = query
reply_text = super().build_reply_content(query, context)['content']
reply_text = super().build_reply_content(query, context).content
if reply_text:
reply_text = '@' + group_user_name + ' ' + reply_text.strip()
await self.send_group(conf().get("group_chat_reply_prefix", "") + reply_text, group_id)
@@ -184,10 +179,8 @@ class WechatyChannel(Channel):
if not query:
context = dict()
context['type'] = 'IMAGE_CREATE'
context['content'] = query
img_url = super().build_reply_content(query, context)['content']
context = Context(ContextType.IMAGE_CREATE, query)
img_url = super().build_reply_content(query, context).content
if not img_url:
# 图片发送

+ 9
- 7
plugins/godcmd/godcmd.py Переглянути файл

@@ -5,6 +5,8 @@ import os
import traceback
from typing import Tuple
from bridge.bridge import Bridge
from bridge.context import ContextType
from bridge.reply import Reply, ReplyType
from config import load_config
import plugins
from plugins import *
@@ -123,13 +125,13 @@ class Godcmd(Plugin):

def on_handle_context(self, e_context: EventContext):
context_type = e_context['context']['type']
if context_type != "TEXT":
context_type = e_context['context'].type
if context_type != ContextType.TEXT:
if not self.isrunning:
e_context.action = EventAction.BREAK_PASS
content = e_context['context']['content']
content = e_context['context'].content
logger.debug("[Godcmd] on_handle_context. content: %s" % content)
if content.startswith("#"):
# msg = e_context['context']['msg']
@@ -239,12 +241,12 @@ class Godcmd(Plugin):
ok, result = False, f"未知指令:{cmd}\n查看指令列表请输入#help \n"
reply = {}
reply = Reply()
if ok:
reply["type"] = "INFO"
reply.type = ReplyType.INFO
reply["type"] = "ERROR"
reply["content"] = result
reply.type = ReplyType.ERROR
reply.content = result
e_context['reply'] = reply

e_context.action = EventAction.BREAK_PASS # 事件结束,并跳过处理context的默认逻辑

+ 12
- 10
plugins/hello/hello.py Переглянути файл

@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
# encoding:utf-8

from bridge.context import ContextType
from bridge.reply import Reply, ReplyType
import plugins
from plugins import *
from common.log import logger
@@ -14,31 +16,31 @@ class Hello(Plugin):

def on_handle_context(self, e_context: EventContext):

if e_context['context']['type'] != "TEXT":
if e_context['context'].type != ContextType.TEXT:
content = e_context['context']['content']
content = e_context['context'].content
logger.debug("[Hello] on_handle_context. content: %s" % content)
if content == "Hello":
reply = {}
reply['type'] = "TEXT"
reply = Reply()
reply.type = ReplyType.TEXT
msg = e_context['context']['msg']
if e_context['context']['isgroup']:
reply['content'] = "Hello, " + msg['ActualNickName'] + " from " + msg['User'].get('NickName', "Group")
reply.content = "Hello, " + msg['ActualNickName'] + " from " + msg['User'].get('NickName', "Group")
reply['content'] = "Hello, " + msg['User'].get('NickName', "My friend")
reply.content = "Hello, " + msg['User'].get('NickName', "My friend")
e_context['reply'] = reply
e_context.action = EventAction.BREAK_PASS # 事件结束,并跳过处理context的默认逻辑

if content == "Hi":
reply['type'] = "TEXT"
reply['content'] = "Hi"
reply = Reply()
reply.type = ReplyType.TEXT
reply.content = "Hi"
e_context['reply'] = reply
e_context.action = EventAction.BREAK # 事件结束,进入默认处理逻辑,一般会覆写reply

if content == "End":
# 如果是文本消息"End",将请求转换成"IMAGE_CREATE",并将content设置为"The World"
e_context['context']['type'] = "IMAGE_CREATE"
e_context['context'].type = "IMAGE_CREATE"
content = "The World"
e_context.action = EventAction.CONTINUE # 事件继续,交付给下个插件或默认逻辑

+ 3
- 2
voice/baidu/baidu_voice.py Переглянути файл

@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ baidu voice service
import time
from aip import AipSpeech
from bridge.reply import Reply, ReplyType
from common.log import logger
from common.tmp_dir import TmpDir
from voice.voice import Voice
@@ -30,8 +31,8 @@ class BaiduVoice(Voice):
with open(fileName, 'wb') as f:
logger.info('[Baidu] textToVoice text={} voice file name={}'.format(text, fileName))
reply = {"type": "VOICE", "content": fileName}
reply = Reply(ReplyType.VOICE, fileName)
logger.error('[Baidu] textToVoice error={}'.format(result))
reply = {"type": "ERROR", "content": "抱歉,语音合成失败"}
reply = Reply(ReplyType.ERROR, "抱歉,语音合成失败")
return reply

+ 6
- 6
voice/google/google_voice.py Переглянути файл

@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ google voice service
import pathlib
import subprocess
import time
from bridge.reply import Reply, ReplyType
import speech_recognition
import pyttsx3
from common.log import logger
@@ -32,16 +33,15 @@ class GoogleVoice(Voice):
' -acodec pcm_s16le -ac 1 -ar 16000 ' + new_file, shell=True)
with speech_recognition.AudioFile(new_file) as source:
audio = self.recognizer.record(source)
reply = {}
text = self.recognizer.recognize_google(audio, language='zh-CN')
'[Google] voiceToText text={} voice file name={}'.format(text, voice_file))
reply = {"type": "TEXT", "content": text}
reply = Reply(ReplyType.TEXT, text)
except speech_recognition.UnknownValueError:
reply = {"type": "ERROR", "content": "抱歉,我听不懂"}
reply = Reply(ReplyType.ERROR, "抱歉,我听不懂")
except speech_recognition.RequestError as e:
reply = {"type": "ERROR", "content": "抱歉,无法连接到 Google 语音识别服务;{0}".format(e)}
reply = Reply(ReplyType.ERROR, "抱歉,无法连接到 Google 语音识别服务;{0}".format(e))
return reply
def textToVoice(self, text):
@@ -51,8 +51,8 @@ class GoogleVoice(Voice):
'[Google] textToVoice text={} voice file name={}'.format(text, textFile))
reply = {"type": "VOICE", "content": textFile}
reply = Reply(ReplyType.VOICE, textFile)
except Exception as e:
reply = {"type": "ERROR", "content": str(e)}
reply = Reply(ReplyType.ERROR, str(e))
return reply

+ 3
- 3
voice/openai/openai_voice.py Переглянути файл

@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ google voice service
import json
import openai
from bridge.reply import Reply, ReplyType
from config import conf
from common.log import logger
from voice.voice import Voice
@@ -16,16 +17,15 @@ class OpenaiVoice(Voice):
def voiceToText(self, voice_file):
'[Openai] voice file name={}'.format(voice_file))
file = open(voice_file, "rb")
result = openai.Audio.transcribe("whisper-1", file)
text = result["text"]
reply = {"type": "TEXT", "content": text}
reply = Reply(ReplyType.TEXT, text)
'[Openai] voiceToText text={} voice file name={}'.format(text, voice_file))
except Exception as e:
reply = {"type": "ERROR", "content": str(e)}
reply = Reply(ReplyType.ERROR, str(e))
return reply
