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兼容符合openai请求格式的三方服务,根目录的config.json里增加配置"bot_type": "chatGPT"

6vision 8 months ago
2 changed files with 34 additions and 29 deletions
  1. +33
  2. +1

+ 33
- 29
bridge/ View File

@@ -19,38 +19,42 @@ class Bridge(object):
"translate": conf().get("translate", "baidu"),
# 这边取配置的模型
model_type = conf().get("model") or const.GPT35
if model_type in ["text-davinci-003"]:
self.btype["chat"] = const.OPEN_AI
if conf().get("use_azure_chatgpt", False):
self.btype["chat"] = const.CHATGPTONAZURE
if model_type in ["wenxin", "wenxin-4"]:
self.btype["chat"] = const.BAIDU
if model_type in ["xunfei"]:
self.btype["chat"] = const.XUNFEI
if model_type in [const.QWEN]:
self.btype["chat"] = const.QWEN
if model_type in [const.QWEN_TURBO, const.QWEN_PLUS, const.QWEN_MAX]:
self.btype["chat"] = const.QWEN_DASHSCOPE
if model_type in [const.GEMINI]:
self.btype["chat"] = const.GEMINI
if model_type in [const.ZHIPU_AI]:
self.btype["chat"] = const.ZHIPU_AI
if model_type and model_type.startswith("claude-3"):
self.btype["chat"] = const.CLAUDEAPI
bot_type = conf().get("bot_type")
if bot_type:
self.btype["chat"] = bot_type
model_type = conf().get("model") or const.GPT35
if model_type in ["text-davinci-003"]:
self.btype["chat"] = const.OPEN_AI
if conf().get("use_azure_chatgpt", False):
self.btype["chat"] = const.CHATGPTONAZURE
if model_type in ["wenxin", "wenxin-4"]:
self.btype["chat"] = const.BAIDU
if model_type in ["xunfei"]:
self.btype["chat"] = const.XUNFEI
if model_type in [const.QWEN]:
self.btype["chat"] = const.QWEN
if model_type in [const.QWEN_TURBO, const.QWEN_PLUS, const.QWEN_MAX]:
self.btype["chat"] = const.QWEN_DASHSCOPE
if model_type in [const.GEMINI]:
self.btype["chat"] = const.GEMINI
if model_type in [const.ZHIPU_AI]:
self.btype["chat"] = const.ZHIPU_AI
if model_type and model_type.startswith("claude-3"):
self.btype["chat"] = const.CLAUDEAPI

if model_type in ["claude"]:
self.btype["chat"] = const.CLAUDEAI
if model_type in ["claude"]:
self.btype["chat"] = const.CLAUDEAI

if model_type in ["moonshot-v1-8k", "moonshot-v1-32k", "moonshot-v1-128k"]:
self.btype["chat"] = const.MOONSHOT
if model_type in ["moonshot-v1-8k", "moonshot-v1-32k", "moonshot-v1-128k"]:
self.btype["chat"] = const.MOONSHOT

if conf().get("use_linkai") and conf().get("linkai_api_key"):
self.btype["chat"] = const.LINKAI
if not conf().get("voice_to_text") or conf().get("voice_to_text") in ["openai"]:
self.btype["voice_to_text"] = const.LINKAI
if not conf().get("text_to_voice") or conf().get("text_to_voice") in ["openai", const.TTS_1, const.TTS_1_HD]:
self.btype["text_to_voice"] = const.LINKAI
if conf().get("use_linkai") and conf().get("linkai_api_key"):
self.btype["chat"] = const.LINKAI
if not conf().get("voice_to_text") or conf().get("voice_to_text") in ["openai"]:
self.btype["voice_to_text"] = const.LINKAI
if not conf().get("text_to_voice") or conf().get("text_to_voice") in ["openai", const.TTS_1, const.TTS_1_HD]:
self.btype["text_to_voice"] = const.LINKAI

self.bots = {}
self.chat_bots = {}

+ 1
- 0 View File

@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ available_setting = {
"proxy": "", # openai使用的代理
# chatgpt模型, 当use_azure_chatgpt为true时,其名称为Azure上model deployment名称
"model": "gpt-3.5-turbo", # 支持ChatGPT、Claude、Gemini、文心一言、通义千问、Kimi、讯飞星火、智谱、LinkAI等模型,模型具体名称详见common/const.py文件列出的模型
"bot_type": "", # 可选配置,使用兼容openai格式的三方服务时候,需填"chatGPT"。bot具体名称详见common/const.py文件列出的bot_type,如不填根据model名称判断,
"use_azure_chatgpt": False, # 是否使用azure的chatgpt
"azure_deployment_id": "", # azure 模型部署名称
"azure_api_version": "", # azure api版本
