67 Révisions (5b85e60d5d5615fb5fb2bb82dfb7a2e17f59effe)

Auteur SHA1 Message Date
  zwssunny 24de670c2c 解决语音的识别和转换兼容性 il y a 1 an
  zwssunny b3cb81aa52 wx频道增加群语音聊天功能 il y a 1 an
  Chiaki 7c4037147c 1.wechaty添加群组语音回复文本功能;2.wechaty添加群组语音回复语音功能;3.更新config.py和readme; il y a 1 an
  Chiaki 6701d8c5e6 1.wechaty添加群组语音回复文本功能;2.wechaty添加群组语音回复语音功能;3.更新config.py和readme; il y a 1 an
  lanvent 709468d281 fix: wechaty voice_to_text il y a 1 an
  lanvent 92caeed7ab feat: intergrate itchat to lib il y a 1 an
  lanvent 3f78e43bbf fix: increase timeout for itchat il y a 1 an
  lanvent ab6670b3af fix: request qrscan when hotreload failed il y a 1 an
  lanvent 63701c182a enhance: improve writing for README il y a 1 an
  zhayujie efd12dac35 fix: single reply in no prefix il y a 1 an
  lanvent 2f78c072d7 fix: merge plugins to dev il y a 1 an
  lanvent 52abe0893a fix: merge plugins to dev il y a 1 an
  zhayujie c1d1e923cd feat: add plugins config il y a 1 an
  a5225662 9fe59f2949 加入时间管理模块,使用md5验证实现热加载config.json变化 il y a 1 an
  lichengzhe 3d264207a8 如启用hot_reload,不处理1分钟前的历史消息避免重复提交 il y a 1 an
  B1gM8c 852adb72a2 支持Wechaty的自定义前缀+关键词生成AI图片的功能 il y a 1 an
  lichengzhe 3ef7855384 itchat增加hot_reload特性开关,默认关闭。配置文档增加可选参数说明。 il y a 1 an
  zhayujie d760b045d5 fix: close hot reload because of repeat msg il y a 1 an
  zhayujie b3e1f56fb9 feat: itchat login hot reload il y a 1 an
  zhayujie 3c04325aae feat: add config for model selection #471 il y a 1 an
  Chiaki f9b0ad7697 1.新增wechaty方案的语音识别、语音回复功能;2.更新README; il y a 1 an
  lanvent ad6ae0b32a refactor: use enum to specify type il y a 1 an
  lanvent 8d2e81815c compatible for voice il y a 1 an
  lanvent 475ada22e7 catch thread exception il y a 1 an
  lanvent 0fcf0824dc feat: support plugins il y a 1 an
  lanvent 9e07703eb1 formatting code il y a 1 an
  lanvent 9ae7b7773e simple compatibility for wechaty il y a 1 an
  lanvent d6037422ac decouple message processing process il y a 1 an
  ubuntu 48e258dd67 fix: remove prefix match in voice msg il y a 1 an
  Bachery c2e4d88842 fix compatibility il y a 1 an
  Bachery 32cff41df5 add option: group_chat_in_one_session il y a 1 an
  wanggang 3db452ef71 [voice] using baidu service to gen reply voice il y a 1 an
  wanggang d7a8854fa1 [voice] add support for whisper-1 model il y a 1 an
  wanggang 882e6c3576 [voice] add support for wispper il y a 1 an
  wanggang 720ad07f83 [voice] fix issue il y a 1 an
  wanggang cc19017c01 [voice] add text to voice il y a 1 an
  wanggang d38fc61043 [voice] add google voice support il y a 1 an
  Bachery e5ab350bbf support group chat in one seesion il y a 1 an
  lanvent df3f19b534 忽略引用消息 il y a 1 an
  zhayujie bca0939c9d fix: model import isolation il y a 1 an
  ZQ7 18e9d6a9b9 add wechaty il y a 1 an
  zhayujie 43dc49720e fix: group name match #157 #165 il y a 1 an
  lihao627 160df2817d fix typo il y a 1 an
  ubuntu c7d1e77ae6 fix: handle RateLimitError #50 #51 #54 il y a 1 an
  zhayujie 36105b8ff0 feat: add group_at_off and group_chat_reply_prefix config #35 il y a 1 an
  zhayujie 4c42136d0c feat: adjust some configs to be optional il y a 1 an
  evolay 2aa48af661 increase group_chat_keyword and group_name_keyword_white_list into config.json to support fuzzy matching on group chat. il y a 1 an
  zhayujie ccf6b11162 feat: single chat without prefix and group chat fully open #15 il y a 1 an
  zhayujie 71b4cf57c3 fix: adjust log level il y a 1 an
  zhayujie 197f0ae4b8 fix: prefix match il y a 1 an