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  1. tiktoken>=0.3.2 # openai calculate token
  2. #voice
  3. pydub>=0.25.1 # need ffmpeg
  4. SpeechRecognition # google speech to text
  5. gTTS>=2.3.1 # google text to speech
  6. pyttsx3>=2.90 # pytsx text to speech
  7. baidu_aip>=4.16.10 # baidu voice
  8. # azure-cognitiveservices-speech # azure voice
  9. numpy<=1.24.2
  10. langid # language detect
  11. #install plugin
  12. dulwich
  13. # wechaty
  14. wechaty>=0.10.7
  15. wechaty_puppet>=0.4.23
  16. pysilk_mod>=1.6.0 # needed by send voice
  17. # wechatmp
  18. web.py
  19. wechatpy
  20. # chatgpt-tool-hub plugin
  21. --extra-index-url https://pypi.python.org/simple
  22. chatgpt_tool_hub>=0.4.1