using Confluent.Kafka; using Confluent.Kafka.Admin; using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging; using Microsoft.Extensions.Options; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; using TelpoKafkaConsole.Model; using static System.Net.Mime.MediaTypeNames; namespace TelpoKafkaConsole.Service { public class KafkaAdminService { private readonly ILogger _logger; private readonly ServiceConfig _configService; public IAdminClient _adminClient; public KafkaAdminService(ILogger logger, IOptions _optConfigService) { _logger = logger; _configService = _optConfigService.Value; _adminClient = new AdminClientBuilder(new AdminClientConfig { BootstrapServers = _configService.KafkaServerAddress, SecurityProtocol = SecurityProtocol.SaslSsl, SaslMechanism = SaslMechanism.ScramSha256, SaslUsername = "superuser", SaslPassword = "password", SslCaLocation = _configService.KafkaServerPEMLocation // Add any other configuration options as needed }).Build(); } public List ListGroups() { try { var groups = _adminClient.ListGroups(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10)); return groups; } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception(ex.Message); } } #region UserScramCredentials public async Task> DescribeUserScramCredentialsAsync(IEnumerable users) { try { var timeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10); var descResult = await _adminClient.DescribeUserScramCredentialsAsync(users, new DescribeUserScramCredentialsOptions() { RequestTimeout = timeout }); return descResult.UserScramCredentialsDescriptions; //foreach (var description in descResult.UserScramCredentialsDescriptions) //{ // Console.WriteLine($" User: {description.User}"); // foreach (var scramCredentialInfo in description.ScramCredentialInfos) // { // Console.WriteLine($" Mechanism: {scramCredentialInfo.Mechanism}"); // Console.WriteLine($" Iterations: {scramCredentialInfo.Iterations}"); // } //} } catch (DescribeUserScramCredentialsException e) { if (e.Error.Code.ToString().Equals("Local_Partial") && e.Results.UserScramCredentialsDescriptions.Count == 1 && e.Results.UserScramCredentialsDescriptions.First().ScramCredentialInfos.Count == 0 ) { return new List(); } else { var errMsg = $"An error occurred describing user SCRAM credentials for some users:\n"; foreach (var description in e.Results.UserScramCredentialsDescriptions) { errMsg += ($"User: {description.User} -- Error: {description.Error}\n"); if (!description.Error.IsError) { foreach (var scramCredentialInfo in description.ScramCredentialInfos) { errMsg += ($"Mechanism: {scramCredentialInfo.Mechanism} -- Iterations: {scramCredentialInfo.Iterations}\n"); } } } throw new Exception(errMsg); } } catch (KafkaException e) { // _logger.LogError($"An error occurred describing user SCRAM credentials: {e}"); throw new KafkaException(e.Error); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception(ex.Message); } } public async Task AlterUserScramCredentialsAsync(ScramCredentialsUser scramUser, string Action = "UPSERT") { var alterations = new List(); string user = scramUser.Name; var mechanism = scramUser.Mechanism; var iterations = scramUser.Iterations; var password = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(scramUser.Password); if (Action.Equals("DELETE")) { alterations.Add(new UserScramCredentialDeletion { User = user, Mechanism = mechanism, } ); } else { alterations.Add(new UserScramCredentialUpsertion { User = user, ScramCredentialInfo = new ScramCredentialInfo { Mechanism = mechanism, Iterations = iterations, }, Password = password, // Salt = salt, } ); } var timeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30); try { await _adminClient.AlterUserScramCredentialsAsync(alterations,new AlterUserScramCredentialsOptions() { RequestTimeout = timeout }); //_logger.LogError("All AlterUserScramCredentials operations completed successfully"); } catch (AlterUserScramCredentialsException e) { var errMsg = ($"An error occurred altering user SCRAM credentials for some users:"); foreach (var result in e.Results) { errMsg += ($"User: {result.User} -- Error: {result.Error}\n"); } throw new Exception( errMsg ); } catch (KafkaException e) { //_logger.LogError($"An error occurred altering user SCRAM credentials: {e}"); throw new KafkaException( e.Error ); } catch (Exception ex) { //_logger.LogError(ex.Message); throw new Exception(ex.Message); } } #endregion #region ACLs public async Task> DescribeAclsAsync() { //var name = "testtopic";//""; //var principal = "demo-consumer"; var host = "*"; List ParseAclBindings = new() { new() { Pattern = new ResourcePattern { Type = Confluent.Kafka.Admin.ResourceType.Any,//resourceType, //Name = "demo-orders", ResourcePatternType = ResourcePatternType.Any//resourcePatternType }, Entry = new AccessControlEntry { //Principal ="User:demo-consumer", Host = host, Operation = AclOperation.Any,//operation, PermissionType = AclPermissionType.Any//permissionType } } }; List aclBindingFilters = ParseAclBindings.Select(aclBinding => aclBinding.ToFilter()).ToList(); try { var result = await _adminClient.DescribeAclsAsync(aclBindingFilters[0]); return result.AclBindings; } catch (DescribeAclsException e) { //_logger.LogError($"An error occurred in describe ACLs operation: Code: {e.Result.Error.Code}" + // $", Reason: {e.Result.Error.Reason}"); throw new Exception($"An error occurred in describe ACLs operation: Code: {e.Result.Error.Code}, Reason: {e.Result.Error.Reason}"); } catch (KafkaException e) { throw new KafkaException(e.Error); } catch (Exception ex) { //_logger.LogError(ex.Message); throw new Exception(ex.Message); } } public async Task CreateAclsAsync(List aclBindings) { try { await _adminClient.CreateAclsAsync(aclBindings); _logger.LogInformation("All create ACL operations completed successfully"); } catch (CreateAclsException e) { var errMsg = ("One or more create ACL operations failed.\n"); for (int i = 0; i < e.Results.Count; ++i) { var result = e.Results[i]; if (!result.Error.IsError) { errMsg += ($"Create ACLs operation {i} completed successfully\n"); } else { errMsg += ($"An error occurred in create ACL operation {i}: Code: {result.Error.Code}" + $", Reason: {result.Error.Reason}\n"); } } throw new Exception(errMsg); } catch (KafkaException e) { //_logger.LogError($"An error occurred calling the CreateAcls operation: {e.Message}"); throw new Exception($"An error occurred calling the CreateAcls operation: {e.Message}"); } catch (Exception ex) { //_logger.LogError(ex.Message); throw new Exception(ex.Message); } } public async Task DeleteAclsAsync(List aclBindings) { List aclBindingFilters = aclBindings.Select(aclBinding => aclBinding.ToFilter()).ToList(); try { var results = await _adminClient.DeleteAclsAsync(aclBindingFilters); int i = 0; foreach (var result in results) { _logger.LogInformation($"Deleted ACLs in operation {i}"); // PrintAclBindings(result.AclBindings); ++i; } } catch (DeleteAclsException e) { var errMsg = ("One or more create ACL operations failed.\n"); for (int i = 0; i < e.Results.Count; ++i) { var result = e.Results[i]; if (!result.Error.IsError) { errMsg += ($"Deleted ACLs in operation {i}\n"); // PrintAclBindings(result.AclBindings); } else { errMsg += ($"An error occurred in delete ACL operation {i}: Code: {result.Error.Code}" + $", Reason: {result.Error.Reason}\n"); } } throw new Exception (errMsg); } catch (KafkaException e) { throw new KafkaException(e.Error); } catch (Exception ex) { //_logger.LogError(ex.Message); throw new Exception(ex.Message); } } #endregion #region Topics public async Task CreateTopic(string topicName, TimeSpan retentionTime,int numPartitions=1) { try { var configEntries = new Dictionary { { "", ((int)retentionTime.TotalMilliseconds).ToString() } }; await _adminClient.CreateTopicsAsync( new TopicSpecification[] { new() { Name = topicName, ReplicationFactor = 1, NumPartitions = numPartitions, Configs = configEntries } }); } catch (CreateTopicsException e) { throw new Exception($"An error occurred creating topic {e.Results[0].Topic}: {e.Results[0].Error.Reason}"); } } public async Task DeleteTopics(IEnumerable topicNames) { try { await _adminClient.DeleteTopicsAsync(topicNames); } catch (DeleteTopicsException e) { throw new Exception($"An error occurred deleting topic {e.Results[0].Topic}: {e.Results[0].Error.Reason}"); } } public async Task> DescribeTopicsAsync(IEnumerable topicNames) { try { // var topicCollection = TopicCollection.OfTopicNames(new[] { topicName }); var topicCollection = TopicCollection.OfTopicNames(topicNames); var topicDescriptions = await _adminClient.DescribeTopicsAsync(topicCollection); return topicDescriptions.TopicDescriptions; //foreach (var topicDescription in topicDescriptions.TopicDescriptions) //{ // Console.WriteLine($"Topic: {topicDescription.Name}"); // foreach (var partition in topicDescription.Partitions) // { // Console.WriteLine($"Partition: {partition.Partition}, Leader: {partition.Leader}, Replicas: {string.Join(",", partition.Replicas)}, Isr: {string.Join(",", partition.ISR)}"); // } //} } catch (DescribeTopicsException e) { if (e.Error.Code.ToString().Equals("Local_Partial") && e.Results.TopicDescriptions.First().Error.Code.ToString().Equals("UnknownTopicOrPart") && e.Results.TopicDescriptions.First().Name.Equals(topicNames.First()) ) { return new List(); } else { throw new Exception($"An error occurred describing topic {e.Message}"); } // throw new Exception($"An error occurred describing topic {e.Message}"); } } #endregion } }