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config.py 7.6KB

  1. # encoding:utf-8
  2. import json
  3. import logging
  4. import os
  5. from common.log import logger
  6. import pickle
  7. # 将所有可用的配置项写在字典里, 请使用小写字母
  8. available_setting = {
  9. # openai api配置
  10. "open_ai_api_key": "", # openai api key
  11. # openai apibase,当use_azure_chatgpt为true时,需要设置对应的api base
  12. "open_ai_api_base": "https://api.openai.com/v1",
  13. "proxy": "", # openai使用的代理
  14. # chatgpt模型, 当use_azure_chatgpt为true时,其名称为Azure上model deployment名称
  15. "model": "gpt-3.5-turbo",
  16. "use_azure_chatgpt": False, # 是否使用azure的chatgpt
  17. # Bot触发配置
  18. "single_chat_prefix": ["bot", "@bot"], # 私聊时文本需要包含该前缀才能触发机器人回复
  19. "single_chat_reply_prefix": "[bot] ", # 私聊时自动回复的前缀,用于区分真人
  20. "group_chat_prefix": ["@bot"], # 群聊时包含该前缀则会触发机器人回复
  21. "group_chat_reply_prefix": "", # 群聊时自动回复的前缀
  22. "group_chat_keyword": [], # 群聊时包含该关键词则会触发机器人回复
  23. "group_at_off": False, # 是否关闭群聊时@bot的触发
  24. "group_name_white_list": ["ChatGPT测试群", "ChatGPT测试群2"], # 开启自动回复的群名称列表
  25. "group_name_keyword_white_list": [], # 开启自动回复的群名称关键词列表
  26. "group_chat_in_one_session": ["ChatGPT测试群"], # 支持会话上下文共享的群名称
  27. "trigger_by_self": False, # 是否允许机器人触发
  28. "image_create_prefix": ["画", "看", "找"], # 开启图片回复的前缀
  29. "concurrency_in_session": 1, # 同一会话最多有多少条消息在处理中,大于1可能乱序
  30. # chatgpt会话参数
  31. "expires_in_seconds": 3600, # 无操作会话的过期时间
  32. "character_desc": "你是ChatGPT, 一个由OpenAI训练的大型语言模型, 你旨在回答并解决人们的任何问题,并且可以使用多种语言与人交流。", # 人格描述
  33. "conversation_max_tokens": 1000, # 支持上下文记忆的最多字符数
  34. # chatgpt限流配置
  35. "rate_limit_chatgpt": 20, # chatgpt的调用频率限制
  36. "rate_limit_dalle": 50, # openai dalle的调用频率限制
  37. # chatgpt api参数 参考https://platform.openai.com/docs/api-reference/chat/create
  38. "temperature": 0.9,
  39. "top_p": 1,
  40. "frequency_penalty": 0,
  41. "presence_penalty": 0,
  42. "request_timeout": 30, # chatgpt请求超时时间
  43. # 语音设置
  44. "speech_recognition": False, # 是否开启语音识别
  45. "group_speech_recognition": False, # 是否开启群组语音识别
  46. "voice_reply_voice": False, # 是否使用语音回复语音,需要设置对应语音合成引擎的api key
  47. "always_reply_voice": False, # 是否一直使用语音回复
  48. "voice_to_text": "openai", # 语音识别引擎,支持openai,google,azure
  49. "text_to_voice": "baidu", # 语音合成引擎,支持baidu,google,pytts(offline),azure
  50. # baidu 语音api配置, 使用百度语音识别和语音合成时需要
  51. "baidu_app_id": "",
  52. "baidu_api_key": "",
  53. "baidu_secret_key": "",
  54. # 1536普通话(支持简单的英文识别) 1737英语 1637粤语 1837四川话 1936普通话远场
  55. "baidu_dev_pid": "1536",
  56. # azure 语音api配置, 使用azure语音识别和语音合成时需要
  57. "azure_voice_api_key": "",
  58. "azure_voice_region": "japaneast",
  59. # 服务时间限制,目前支持itchat
  60. "chat_time_module": False, # 是否开启服务时间限制
  61. "chat_start_time": "00:00", # 服务开始时间
  62. "chat_stop_time": "24:00", # 服务结束时间
  63. # itchat的配置
  64. "hot_reload": False, # 是否开启热重载
  65. # wechaty的配置
  66. "wechaty_puppet_service_token": "", # wechaty的token
  67. # wechatmp的配置
  68. "wechatmp_token": "", # 微信公众平台的Token
  69. # chatgpt指令自定义触发词
  70. "clear_memory_commands": ['#清除记忆'], # 重置会话指令,必须以#开头
  71. # channel配置
  72. "channel_type": "wx", # 通道类型,支持:{wx,wxy,terminal,wechatmp}
  73. "debug": False, # 是否开启debug模式,开启后会打印更多日志
  74. # 插件配置
  75. "plugin_trigger_prefix": "$", # 规范插件提供聊天相关指令的前缀,建议不要和管理员指令前缀"#"冲突
  76. }
  77. class Config(dict):
  78. def __init__(self, d:dict={}):
  79. super().__init__(d)
  80. # user_datas: 用户数据,key为用户名,value为用户数据,也是dict
  81. self.user_datas = {}
  82. def __getitem__(self, key):
  83. if key not in available_setting:
  84. raise Exception("key {} not in available_setting".format(key))
  85. return super().__getitem__(key)
  86. def __setitem__(self, key, value):
  87. if key not in available_setting:
  88. raise Exception("key {} not in available_setting".format(key))
  89. return super().__setitem__(key, value)
  90. def get(self, key, default=None):
  91. try:
  92. return self[key]
  93. except KeyError as e:
  94. return default
  95. except Exception as e:
  96. raise e
  97. # Make sure to return a dictionary to ensure atomic
  98. def get_user_data(self, user) -> dict:
  99. if self.user_datas.get(user) is None:
  100. self.user_datas[user] = {}
  101. return self.user_datas[user]
  102. def load_user_datas(self):
  103. try:
  104. with open('user_datas.pkl', 'rb') as f:
  105. self.user_datas = pickle.load(f)
  106. logger.info("[Config] User datas loaded.")
  107. except FileNotFoundError as e:
  108. logger.info("[Config] User datas file not found, ignore.")
  109. except Exception as e:
  110. logger.info("[Config] User datas error: {}".format(e))
  111. self.user_datas = {}
  112. def save_user_datas(self):
  113. try:
  114. with open('user_datas.pkl', 'wb') as f:
  115. pickle.dump(self.user_datas, f)
  116. logger.info("[Config] User datas saved.")
  117. except Exception as e:
  118. logger.info("[Config] User datas error: {}".format(e))
  119. config = Config()
  120. def load_config():
  121. global config
  122. config_path = "./config.json"
  123. if not os.path.exists(config_path):
  124. logger.info('配置文件不存在,将使用config-template.json模板')
  125. config_path = "./config-template.json"
  126. config_str = read_file(config_path)
  127. logger.debug("[INIT] config str: {}".format(config_str))
  128. # 将json字符串反序列化为dict类型
  129. config = Config(json.loads(config_str))
  130. # override config with environment variables.
  131. # Some online deployment platforms (e.g. Railway) deploy project from github directly. So you shouldn't put your secrets like api key in a config file, instead use environment variables to override the default config.
  132. for name, value in os.environ.items():
  133. name = name.lower()
  134. if name in available_setting:
  135. logger.info(
  136. "[INIT] override config by environ args: {}={}".format(name, value))
  137. try:
  138. config[name] = eval(value)
  139. except:
  140. if value == "false":
  141. config[name] = False
  142. elif value == "true":
  143. config[name] = True
  144. else:
  145. config[name] = value
  146. if config.get("debug", False):
  147. logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
  148. logger.debug("[INIT] set log level to DEBUG")
  149. logger.info("[INIT] load config: {}".format(config))
  150. config.load_user_datas()
  151. def get_root():
  152. return os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
  153. def read_file(path):
  154. with open(path, mode='r', encoding='utf-8') as f:
  155. return f.read()
  156. def conf():
  157. return config