
  1. import web
  2. import time
  3. import channel.wechatmp.reply as reply
  4. import channel.wechatmp.receive as receive
  5. from config import conf
  6. from common.log import logger
  7. from bridge.context import *
  8. from channel.wechatmp.common import *
  9. from channel.wechatmp.wechatmp_channel import WechatMPChannel
  10. # This class is instantiated once per query
  11. class Query():
  12. def GET(self):
  13. return verify_server(web.input())
  14. def POST(self):
  15. # Make sure to return the instance that first created, @singleton will do that.
  16. channel = WechatMPChannel()
  17. try:
  18. query_time = time.time()
  19. webData =
  20. logger.debug("[wechatmp] Receive request:\n" + webData.decode("utf-8"))
  21. wechatmp_msg = receive.parse_xml(webData)
  22. if wechatmp_msg.msg_type == 'text':
  23. from_user = wechatmp_msg.from_user_id
  24. to_user = wechatmp_msg.to_user_id
  25. message = wechatmp_msg.content.decode("utf-8")
  26. message_id = wechatmp_msg.msg_id
  27."[wechatmp] {}:{} Receive post query {} {}: {}".format(web.ctx.env.get('REMOTE_ADDR'), web.ctx.env.get('REMOTE_PORT'), from_user, message_id, message))
  28. supported = True
  29. if "【收到不支持的消息类型,暂无法显示】" in message:
  30. supported = False # not supported, used to refresh
  31. cache_key = from_user
  32. reply_text = ""
  33. # New request
  34. if cache_key not in channel.cache_dict and cache_key not in channel.running:
  35. # The first query begin, reset the cache
  36. context = channel._compose_context(ContextType.TEXT, message, isgroup=False, msg=wechatmp_msg)
  37. logger.debug("[wechatmp] context: {} {}".format(context, wechatmp_msg))
  38. if message_id in channel.received_msgs: # received and finished
  39. return
  40. if supported and context:
  41. # set private openai_api_key
  42. # if from_user is not changed in itchat, this can be placed at chat_channel
  43. user_data = conf().get_user_data(from_user)
  44. context['openai_api_key'] = user_data.get('openai_api_key') # None or user openai_api_key
  45. channel.received_msgs[message_id] = wechatmp_msg
  46. channel.running.add(cache_key)
  47. channel.produce(context)
  48. else:
  49. trigger_prefix = conf().get('single_chat_prefix',[''])[0]
  50. if trigger_prefix or not supported:
  51. if trigger_prefix:
  52. content = textwrap.dedent(f"""\
  53. 请输入'{trigger_prefix}'接你想说的话跟我说话。
  54. 例如:
  55. {trigger_prefix}你好,很高兴见到你。""")
  56. else:
  57. content = textwrap.dedent("""\
  58. 你好,很高兴见到你。
  59. 请跟我说话吧。""")
  60. else:
  61. logger.error(f"[wechatmp] unknown error")
  62. content = textwrap.dedent("""\
  63. 未知错误,请稍后再试""")
  64. replyMsg = reply.TextMsg(wechatmp_msg.from_user_id, wechatmp_msg.to_user_id, content)
  65. return replyMsg.send()
  66. channel.query1[cache_key] = False
  67. channel.query2[cache_key] = False
  68. channel.query3[cache_key] = False
  69. # Request again
  70. elif cache_key in channel.running and channel.query1.get(cache_key) == True and channel.query2.get(cache_key) == True and channel.query3.get(cache_key) == True:
  71. channel.query1[cache_key] = False #To improve waiting experience, this can be set to True.
  72. channel.query2[cache_key] = False #To improve waiting experience, this can be set to True.
  73. channel.query3[cache_key] = False
  74. elif cache_key in channel.cache_dict:
  75. # Skip the waiting phase
  76. channel.query1[cache_key] = True
  77. channel.query2[cache_key] = True
  78. channel.query3[cache_key] = True
  79. assert not (cache_key in channel.cache_dict and cache_key in channel.running)
  80. if channel.query1.get(cache_key) == False:
  81. # The first query from wechat official server
  82. logger.debug("[wechatmp] query1 {}".format(cache_key))
  83. channel.query1[cache_key] = True
  84. cnt = 0
  85. while cache_key not in channel.cache_dict and cnt < 45:
  86. cnt = cnt + 1
  87. time.sleep(0.1)
  88. if cnt == 45:
  89. # waiting for timeout (the POST query will be closed by wechat official server)
  90. time.sleep(1)
  91. # and do nothing
  92. return
  93. else:
  94. pass
  95. elif channel.query2.get(cache_key) == False:
  96. # The second query from wechat official server
  97. logger.debug("[wechatmp] query2 {}".format(cache_key))
  98. channel.query2[cache_key] = True
  99. cnt = 0
  100. while cache_key not in channel.cache_dict and cnt < 45:
  101. cnt = cnt + 1
  102. time.sleep(0.1)
  103. if cnt == 45:
  104. # waiting for timeout (the POST query will be closed by wechat official server)
  105. time.sleep(1)
  106. # and do nothing
  107. return
  108. else:
  109. pass
  110. elif channel.query3.get(cache_key) == False:
  111. # The third query from wechat official server
  112. logger.debug("[wechatmp] query3 {}".format(cache_key))
  113. channel.query3[cache_key] = True
  114. cnt = 0
  115. while cache_key not in channel.cache_dict and cnt < 40:
  116. cnt = cnt + 1
  117. time.sleep(0.1)
  118. if cnt == 40:
  119. # Have waiting for 3x5 seconds
  120. # return timeout message
  121. reply_text = "【正在思考中,回复任意文字尝试获取回复】"
  122."[wechatmp] Three queries has finished For {}: {}".format(from_user, message_id))
  123. replyPost = reply.TextMsg(from_user, to_user, reply_text).send()
  124. return replyPost
  125. else:
  126. pass
  127. if float(time.time()) - float(query_time) > 4.8:
  128. reply_text = "【正在思考中,回复任意文字尝试获取回复】"
  129."[wechatmp] Timeout for {} {}, return".format(from_user, message_id))
  130. replyPost = reply.TextMsg(from_user, to_user, reply_text).send()
  131. return replyPost
  132. if cache_key in channel.cache_dict:
  133. content = channel.cache_dict[cache_key]
  134. if len(content.encode('utf8'))<=MAX_UTF8_LEN:
  135. reply_text = channel.cache_dict[cache_key]
  136. channel.cache_dict.pop(cache_key)
  137. else:
  138. continue_text = "\n【未完待续,回复任意文字以继续】"
  139. splits = split_string_by_utf8_length(content, MAX_UTF8_LEN - len(continue_text.encode('utf-8')), max_split= 1)
  140. reply_text = splits[0] + continue_text
  141. channel.cache_dict[cache_key] = splits[1]
  142."[wechatmp] {}:{} Do send {}".format(web.ctx.env.get('REMOTE_ADDR'), web.ctx.env.get('REMOTE_PORT'), reply_text))
  143. replyPost = reply.TextMsg(from_user, to_user, reply_text).send()
  144. return replyPost
  145. elif wechatmp_msg.msg_type == 'event':
  146."[wechatmp] Event {} from {}".format(wechatmp_msg.content, wechatmp_msg.from_user_id))
  147. content = subscribe_msg()
  148. replyMsg = reply.TextMsg(wechatmp_msg.from_user_id, wechatmp_msg.to_user_id, content)
  149. return replyMsg.send()
  150. else:
  152. return "success"
  153. except Exception as exc:
  154. logger.exception(exc)
  155. return exc