@@ -19,7 +19,6 @@ def sigterm_handler_wrap(_signo): | |||||
if callable(old_handler): # check old_handler | if callable(old_handler): # check old_handler | ||||
return old_handler(_signo, _stack_frame) | return old_handler(_signo, _stack_frame) | ||||
sys.exit(0) | sys.exit(0) | ||||
signal.signal(_signo, func) | signal.signal(_signo, func) | ||||
@@ -1,9 +1,7 @@ | |||||
# 微信公众号channel | # 微信公众号channel | ||||
鉴于个人微信号在服务器上通过itchat登录有封号风险,这里新增了微信公众号channel,提供无风险的服务。 | 鉴于个人微信号在服务器上通过itchat登录有封号风险,这里新增了微信公众号channel,提供无风险的服务。 | ||||
目前支持订阅号(个人)和服务号(企业)两种类型的公众号,它们的主要区别就是被动回复和主动回复。 | |||||
个人微信订阅号有许多接口限制,目前仅支持最基本的文本对话和语音输入,支持加载插件,支持私有api_key。 | |||||
暂未实现图片输入输出、语音输出等交互形式。 | |||||
目前支持订阅号和服务号两种类型的公众号。个人主体的微信订阅号由于无法通过微信认证,接口存在限制,目前仅支持最基本的文本交互和语音输入。通过微信认证的订阅号或者服务号可以回复图片和语音。 | |||||
## 使用方法(订阅号,服务号类似) | ## 使用方法(订阅号,服务号类似) | ||||
@@ -21,37 +19,79 @@ pip3 install web.py | |||||
相关的服务器验证代码已经写好,你不需要再添加任何代码。你只需要在本项目根目录的`config.json`中添加 | 相关的服务器验证代码已经写好,你不需要再添加任何代码。你只需要在本项目根目录的`config.json`中添加 | ||||
``` | ``` | ||||
"channel_type": "wechatmp", | |||||
"wechatmp_token": "Token", # 微信公众平台的Token | |||||
"wechatmp_port": 8080, # 微信公众平台的端口,需要端口转发到80或443 | |||||
"wechatmp_app_id": "", # 微信公众平台的appID,仅服务号需要 | |||||
"wechatmp_app_secret": "", # 微信公众平台的appsecret,仅服务号需要 | |||||
"channel_type": "wechatmp", # 如果通过了微信认证,将"wechatmp"替换为"wechatmp_service",可极大的优化使用体验 | |||||
"wechatmp_token": "xxxx", # 微信公众平台的Token | |||||
"wechatmp_port": 8080, # 微信公众平台的端口,需要端口转发到80或443 | |||||
"wechatmp_app_id": "xxxx", # 微信公众平台的appID | |||||
"wechatmp_app_secret": "xxxx", # 微信公众平台的appsecret | |||||
"single_chat_prefix": [""], # 推荐设置,任意对话都可以触发回复,不添加前缀 | |||||
"single_chat_reply_prefix": "", # 推荐设置,回复不设置前缀 | |||||
"plugin_trigger_prefix": "&", # 推荐设置,在手机微信客户端中,$%^等符号与中文连在一起时会自动显示一段较大的间隔,用户体验不好。请不要使用管理员指令前缀"#",这会造成未知问题。 | |||||
``` | ``` | ||||
然后运行`python3 app.py`启动web服务器。这里会默认监听8080端口,但是微信公众号的服务器配置只支持80/443端口,有两种方法来解决这个问题。第一个是推荐的方法,使用端口转发命令将80端口转发到8080端口(443同理,注意需要支持SSL,也就是https的访问,在`wechatmp_channel.py`需要修改相应的证书路径): | |||||
然后运行`python3 app.py`启动web服务器。这里会默认监听8080端口,但是微信公众号的服务器配置只支持80/443端口,有两种方法来解决这个问题。第一个是推荐的方法,使用端口转发命令将80端口转发到8080端口: | |||||
``` | ``` | ||||
sudo iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp --dport 80 -j REDIRECT --to-port 8080 | sudo iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp --dport 80 -j REDIRECT --to-port 8080 | ||||
sudo iptables-save > /etc/iptables/rules.v4 | sudo iptables-save > /etc/iptables/rules.v4 | ||||
``` | ``` | ||||
第二个方法是让python程序直接监听80端口。这样可能会导致权限问题,在linux上需要使用`sudo`。然而这会导致后续缓存文件的权限问题,因此不是推荐的方法。 | |||||
最后在刚才的“服务器配置”中点击`提交`即可验证你的服务器。 | |||||
第二个方法是让python程序直接监听80端口,在配置文件中设置`"wechatmp_port": 80` ,在linux上需要使用`sudo python3 app.py`启动程序。然而这会导致一系列环境和权限问题,因此不是推荐的方法。 | |||||
443端口同理,注意需要支持SSL,也就是https的访问,在`wechatmp_channel.py`中需要修改相应的证书路径。 | |||||
程序启动并监听端口后,在刚才的“服务器配置”中点击`提交`即可验证你的服务器。 | |||||
随后在[微信公众平台](https://mp.weixin.qq.com)启用服务器,关闭手动填写规则的自动回复,即可实现ChatGPT的自动回复。 | 随后在[微信公众平台](https://mp.weixin.qq.com)启用服务器,关闭手动填写规则的自动回复,即可实现ChatGPT的自动回复。 | ||||
如果在启用后如果遇到如下报错: | |||||
``` | |||||
'errcode': 40164, 'errmsg': 'invalid ip xx.xx.xx.xx not in whitelist rid | |||||
``` | |||||
需要在公众号开发信息下将IP加入到IP白名单。 | |||||
## 个人微信公众号的限制 | ## 个人微信公众号的限制 | ||||
由于人微信公众号不能通过微信认证,所以没有客服接口,因此公众号无法主动发出消息,只能被动回复。而微信官方对被动回复有5秒的时间限制,最多重试2次,因此最多只有15秒的自动回复时间窗口。因此如果问题比较复杂或者我们的服务器比较忙,ChatGPT的回答就没办法及时回复给用户。为了解决这个问题,这里做了回答缓存,它需要你在回复超时后,再次主动发送任意文字(例如1)来尝试拿到回答缓存。为了优化使用体验,目前设置了两分钟(120秒)的timeout,用户在至多两分钟后即可得到查询到回复或者错误原因。 | 由于人微信公众号不能通过微信认证,所以没有客服接口,因此公众号无法主动发出消息,只能被动回复。而微信官方对被动回复有5秒的时间限制,最多重试2次,因此最多只有15秒的自动回复时间窗口。因此如果问题比较复杂或者我们的服务器比较忙,ChatGPT的回答就没办法及时回复给用户。为了解决这个问题,这里做了回答缓存,它需要你在回复超时后,再次主动发送任意文字(例如1)来尝试拿到回答缓存。为了优化使用体验,目前设置了两分钟(120秒)的timeout,用户在至多两分钟后即可得到查询到回复或者错误原因。 | ||||
另外,由于微信官方的限制,自动回复有长度限制。因此这里将ChatGPT的回答拆分,分成每段600字回复(限制大约在700字)。 | |||||
另外,由于微信官方的限制,自动回复有长度限制。因此这里将ChatGPT的回答进行了拆分,以满足限制。 | |||||
## 私有api_key | ## 私有api_key | ||||
公共api有访问频率限制(免费账号每分钟最多20次ChatGPT的API调用),这在服务多人的时候会遇到问题。因此这里多加了一个设置私有api_key的功能。目前通过godcmd插件的命令来设置私有api_key。 | |||||
公共api有访问频率限制(免费账号每分钟最多3次ChatGPT的API调用),这在服务多人的时候会遇到问题。因此这里多加了一个设置私有api_key的功能。目前通过godcmd插件的命令来设置私有api_key。 | |||||
## 语音输入 | ## 语音输入 | ||||
利用微信自带的语音识别功能,提供语音输入能力。需要在公众号管理页面的“设置与开发”->“接口权限”页面开启“接收语音识别结果”。 | 利用微信自带的语音识别功能,提供语音输入能力。需要在公众号管理页面的“设置与开发”->“接口权限”页面开启“接收语音识别结果”。 | ||||
## 测试范围 | |||||
目前在`RoboStyle`这个公众号上进行了测试(基于[wechatmp分支](https://github.com/JS00000/chatgpt-on-wechat/tree/wechatmp)),感兴趣的可以关注并体验。开启了godcmd, Banwords, role, dungeon, finish这五个插件,其他的插件还没有测试。百度的接口暂未测试。语音对话没有测试。图片直接以链接形式回复(没有临时素材上传接口的权限)。 | |||||
## 语音回复 | |||||
请在配置文件中添加以下词条: | |||||
``` | |||||
"voice_reply_voice": true, | |||||
``` | |||||
这样公众号将会用语音回复语音消息,实现语音对话。 | |||||
默认的语音合成引擎是`google`,它是免费使用的。 | |||||
如果要选择其他的语音合成引擎,请添加以下配置项: | |||||
``` | |||||
"text_to_voice": "pytts" | |||||
``` | |||||
pytts是本地的语音合成引擎。还支持baidu,azure,这些你需要自行配置相关的依赖和key。 | |||||
如果使用pytts,在ubuntu上需要安装如下依赖: | |||||
``` | |||||
sudo apt update | |||||
sudo apt install espeak | |||||
sudo apt install ffmpeg | |||||
python3 -m pip install pyttsx3 | |||||
``` | |||||
不是很建议开启pytts语音回复,因为它是离线本地计算,算的慢会拖垮服务器,且声音不好听。 | |||||
## 图片回复 | |||||
现在认证公众号和非认证公众号都可以实现的图片和语音回复。但是非认证公众号使用了永久素材接口,每天有1000次的调用上限(每个月有10次重置机会,程序中已设定遇到上限会自动重置),且永久素材库存也有上限。因此对于非认证公众号,我们会在回复图片或者语音消息后的10秒内从永久素材库存内删除该素材。 | |||||
## 测试 | |||||
目前在`RoboStyle`这个公众号上进行了测试(基于[wechatmp分支](https://github.com/JS00000/chatgpt-on-wechat/tree/wechatmp)),感兴趣的可以关注并体验。开启了godcmd, Banwords, role, dungeon, finish这五个插件,其他的插件还没有详尽测试。百度的接口暂未测试。[wechatmp-stable分支](https://github.com/JS00000/chatgpt-on-wechat/tree/wechatmp-stable)是较稳定的上个版本,但也缺少最新的功能支持。 | |||||
## TODO | ## TODO | ||||
* 服务号交互完善 | |||||
* 服务号使用临时素材接口,提供图片回复能力 | |||||
* 插件测试 | |||||
- [x] 语音输入 | |||||
- [ ] 图片输入 | |||||
- [x] 使用临时素材接口提供认证公众号的图片和语音回复 | |||||
- [x] 使用永久素材接口提供未认证公众号的图片和语音回复 | |||||
- [ ] 高并发支持 |
@@ -1,232 +0,0 @@ | |||||
import time | |||||
import web | |||||
import channel.wechatmp.receive as receive | |||||
import channel.wechatmp.reply as reply | |||||
from bridge.context import * | |||||
from channel.wechatmp.common import * | |||||
from channel.wechatmp.wechatmp_channel import WechatMPChannel | |||||
from common.log import logger | |||||
from config import conf | |||||
# This class is instantiated once per query | |||||
class Query: | |||||
def GET(self): | |||||
return verify_server(web.input()) | |||||
def POST(self): | |||||
# Make sure to return the instance that first created, @singleton will do that. | |||||
channel = WechatMPChannel() | |||||
try: | |||||
query_time = time.time() | |||||
webData = web.data() | |||||
logger.debug("[wechatmp] Receive request:\n" + webData.decode("utf-8")) | |||||
wechatmp_msg = receive.parse_xml(webData) | |||||
if wechatmp_msg.msg_type == "text" or wechatmp_msg.msg_type == "voice": | |||||
from_user = wechatmp_msg.from_user_id | |||||
to_user = wechatmp_msg.to_user_id | |||||
message = wechatmp_msg.content.decode("utf-8") | |||||
message_id = wechatmp_msg.msg_id | |||||
logger.info( | |||||
"[wechatmp] {}:{} Receive post query {} {}: {}".format( | |||||
web.ctx.env.get("REMOTE_ADDR"), | |||||
web.ctx.env.get("REMOTE_PORT"), | |||||
from_user, | |||||
message_id, | |||||
message, | |||||
) | |||||
) | |||||
supported = True | |||||
if "【收到不支持的消息类型,暂无法显示】" in message: | |||||
supported = False # not supported, used to refresh | |||||
cache_key = from_user | |||||
reply_text = "" | |||||
# New request | |||||
if ( | |||||
cache_key not in channel.cache_dict | |||||
and cache_key not in channel.running | |||||
): | |||||
# The first query begin, reset the cache | |||||
context = channel._compose_context( | |||||
ContextType.TEXT, message, isgroup=False, msg=wechatmp_msg | |||||
) | |||||
logger.debug( | |||||
"[wechatmp] context: {} {}".format(context, wechatmp_msg) | |||||
) | |||||
if message_id in channel.received_msgs: # received and finished | |||||
# no return because of bandwords or other reasons | |||||
return "success" | |||||
if supported and context: | |||||
# set private openai_api_key | |||||
# if from_user is not changed in itchat, this can be placed at chat_channel | |||||
user_data = conf().get_user_data(from_user) | |||||
context["openai_api_key"] = user_data.get( | |||||
"openai_api_key" | |||||
) # None or user openai_api_key | |||||
channel.received_msgs[message_id] = wechatmp_msg | |||||
channel.running.add(cache_key) | |||||
channel.produce(context) | |||||
else: | |||||
trigger_prefix = conf().get("single_chat_prefix", [""])[0] | |||||
if trigger_prefix or not supported: | |||||
if trigger_prefix: | |||||
content = textwrap.dedent( | |||||
f"""\ | |||||
请输入'{trigger_prefix}'接你想说的话跟我说话。 | |||||
例如: | |||||
{trigger_prefix}你好,很高兴见到你。""" | |||||
) | |||||
else: | |||||
content = textwrap.dedent( | |||||
"""\ | |||||
你好,很高兴见到你。 | |||||
请跟我说话吧。""" | |||||
) | |||||
else: | |||||
logger.error(f"[wechatmp] unknown error") | |||||
content = textwrap.dedent( | |||||
"""\ | |||||
未知错误,请稍后再试""" | |||||
) | |||||
replyMsg = reply.TextMsg( | |||||
wechatmp_msg.from_user_id, wechatmp_msg.to_user_id, content | |||||
) | |||||
return replyMsg.send() | |||||
channel.query1[cache_key] = False | |||||
channel.query2[cache_key] = False | |||||
channel.query3[cache_key] = False | |||||
# User request again, and the answer is not ready | |||||
elif ( | |||||
cache_key in channel.running | |||||
and channel.query1.get(cache_key) == True | |||||
and channel.query2.get(cache_key) == True | |||||
and channel.query3.get(cache_key) == True | |||||
): | |||||
channel.query1[ | |||||
cache_key | |||||
] = False # To improve waiting experience, this can be set to True. | |||||
channel.query2[ | |||||
cache_key | |||||
] = False # To improve waiting experience, this can be set to True. | |||||
channel.query3[cache_key] = False | |||||
# User request again, and the answer is ready | |||||
elif cache_key in channel.cache_dict: | |||||
# Skip the waiting phase | |||||
channel.query1[cache_key] = True | |||||
channel.query2[cache_key] = True | |||||
channel.query3[cache_key] = True | |||||
assert not ( | |||||
cache_key in channel.cache_dict and cache_key in channel.running | |||||
) | |||||
if channel.query1.get(cache_key) == False: | |||||
# The first query from wechat official server | |||||
logger.debug("[wechatmp] query1 {}".format(cache_key)) | |||||
channel.query1[cache_key] = True | |||||
cnt = 0 | |||||
while cache_key in channel.running and cnt < 45: | |||||
cnt = cnt + 1 | |||||
time.sleep(0.1) | |||||
if cnt == 45: | |||||
# waiting for timeout (the POST query will be closed by wechat official server) | |||||
time.sleep(1) | |||||
# and do nothing | |||||
return | |||||
else: | |||||
pass | |||||
elif channel.query2.get(cache_key) == False: | |||||
# The second query from wechat official server | |||||
logger.debug("[wechatmp] query2 {}".format(cache_key)) | |||||
channel.query2[cache_key] = True | |||||
cnt = 0 | |||||
while cache_key in channel.running and cnt < 45: | |||||
cnt = cnt + 1 | |||||
time.sleep(0.1) | |||||
if cnt == 45: | |||||
# waiting for timeout (the POST query will be closed by wechat official server) | |||||
time.sleep(1) | |||||
# and do nothing | |||||
return | |||||
else: | |||||
pass | |||||
elif channel.query3.get(cache_key) == False: | |||||
# The third query from wechat official server | |||||
logger.debug("[wechatmp] query3 {}".format(cache_key)) | |||||
channel.query3[cache_key] = True | |||||
cnt = 0 | |||||
while cache_key in channel.running and cnt < 40: | |||||
cnt = cnt + 1 | |||||
time.sleep(0.1) | |||||
if cnt == 40: | |||||
# Have waiting for 3x5 seconds | |||||
# return timeout message | |||||
reply_text = "【正在思考中,回复任意文字尝试获取回复】" | |||||
logger.info( | |||||
"[wechatmp] Three queries has finished For {}: {}".format( | |||||
from_user, message_id | |||||
) | |||||
) | |||||
replyPost = reply.TextMsg(from_user, to_user, reply_text).send() | |||||
return replyPost | |||||
else: | |||||
pass | |||||
if ( | |||||
cache_key not in channel.cache_dict | |||||
and cache_key not in channel.running | |||||
): | |||||
# no return because of bandwords or other reasons | |||||
return "success" | |||||
# if float(time.time()) - float(query_time) > 4.8: | |||||
# reply_text = "【正在思考中,回复任意文字尝试获取回复】" | |||||
# logger.info("[wechatmp] Timeout for {} {}, return".format(from_user, message_id)) | |||||
# replyPost = reply.TextMsg(from_user, to_user, reply_text).send() | |||||
# return replyPost | |||||
if cache_key in channel.cache_dict: | |||||
content = channel.cache_dict[cache_key] | |||||
if len(content.encode("utf8")) <= MAX_UTF8_LEN: | |||||
reply_text = channel.cache_dict[cache_key] | |||||
channel.cache_dict.pop(cache_key) | |||||
else: | |||||
continue_text = "\n【未完待续,回复任意文字以继续】" | |||||
splits = split_string_by_utf8_length( | |||||
content, | |||||
MAX_UTF8_LEN - len(continue_text.encode("utf-8")), | |||||
max_split=1, | |||||
) | |||||
reply_text = splits[0] + continue_text | |||||
channel.cache_dict[cache_key] = splits[1] | |||||
logger.info( | |||||
"[wechatmp] {}:{} Do send {}".format( | |||||
web.ctx.env.get("REMOTE_ADDR"), | |||||
web.ctx.env.get("REMOTE_PORT"), | |||||
reply_text, | |||||
) | |||||
) | |||||
replyPost = reply.TextMsg(from_user, to_user, reply_text).send() | |||||
return replyPost | |||||
elif wechatmp_msg.msg_type == "event": | |||||
logger.info( | |||||
"[wechatmp] Event {} from {}".format( | |||||
wechatmp_msg.content, wechatmp_msg.from_user_id | |||||
) | |||||
) | |||||
content = subscribe_msg() | |||||
replyMsg = reply.TextMsg( | |||||
wechatmp_msg.from_user_id, wechatmp_msg.to_user_id, content | |||||
) | |||||
return replyMsg.send() | |||||
else: | |||||
logger.info("暂且不处理") | |||||
return "success" | |||||
except Exception as exc: | |||||
logger.exception(exc) | |||||
return exc |
@@ -2,9 +2,10 @@ import time | |||||
import web | import web | ||||
import channel.wechatmp.receive as receive | |||||
import channel.wechatmp.reply as reply | |||||
from channel.wechatmp.wechatmp_message import parse_xml | |||||
from channel.wechatmp.passive_reply_message import TextMsg | |||||
from bridge.context import * | from bridge.context import * | ||||
from bridge.reply import ReplyType | |||||
from channel.wechatmp.common import * | from channel.wechatmp.common import * | ||||
from channel.wechatmp.wechatmp_channel import WechatMPChannel | from channel.wechatmp.wechatmp_channel import WechatMPChannel | ||||
from common.log import logger | from common.log import logger | ||||
@@ -22,10 +23,14 @@ class Query: | |||||
try: | try: | ||||
webData = web.data() | webData = web.data() | ||||
# logger.debug("[wechatmp] Receive request:\n" + webData.decode("utf-8")) | # logger.debug("[wechatmp] Receive request:\n" + webData.decode("utf-8")) | ||||
wechatmp_msg = receive.parse_xml(webData) | |||||
if wechatmp_msg.msg_type == "text" or wechatmp_msg.msg_type == "voice": | |||||
wechatmp_msg = parse_xml(webData) | |||||
if ( | |||||
wechatmp_msg.msg_type == "text" | |||||
or wechatmp_msg.msg_type == "voice" | |||||
# or wechatmp_msg.msg_type == "image" | |||||
): | |||||
from_user = wechatmp_msg.from_user_id | from_user = wechatmp_msg.from_user_id | ||||
message = wechatmp_msg.content.decode("utf-8") | |||||
message = wechatmp_msg.content | |||||
message_id = wechatmp_msg.msg_id | message_id = wechatmp_msg.msg_id | ||||
logger.info( | logger.info( | ||||
@@ -37,8 +42,12 @@ class Query: | |||||
message, | message, | ||||
) | ) | ||||
) | ) | ||||
if (wechatmp_msg.msg_type == "voice" and conf().get("voice_reply_voice") == True): | |||||
rtype = ReplyType.VOICE | |||||
else: | |||||
rtype = None | |||||
context = channel._compose_context( | context = channel._compose_context( | ||||
ContextType.TEXT, message, isgroup=False, msg=wechatmp_msg | |||||
ContextType.TEXT, message, isgroup=False, desire_rtype=rtype, msg=wechatmp_msg | |||||
) | ) | ||||
if context: | if context: | ||||
# set private openai_api_key | # set private openai_api_key | ||||
@@ -58,7 +67,7 @@ class Query: | |||||
) | ) | ||||
) | ) | ||||
content = subscribe_msg() | content = subscribe_msg() | ||||
replyMsg = reply.TextMsg( | |||||
replyMsg = TextMsg( | |||||
wechatmp_msg.from_user_id, wechatmp_msg.to_user_id, content | wechatmp_msg.from_user_id, wechatmp_msg.to_user_id, content | ||||
) | ) | ||||
return replyMsg.send() | return replyMsg.send() |
@@ -36,16 +36,16 @@ def verify_server(data): | |||||
def subscribe_msg(): | def subscribe_msg(): | ||||
trigger_prefix = conf().get("single_chat_prefix", [""])[0] | |||||
trigger_prefix = conf().get("single_chat_prefix", [""]) | |||||
msg = textwrap.dedent( | msg = textwrap.dedent( | ||||
f"""\ | f"""\ | ||||
感谢您的关注! | 感谢您的关注! | ||||
这里是ChatGPT,可以自由对话。 | 这里是ChatGPT,可以自由对话。 | ||||
资源有限,回复较慢,请勿着急。 | 资源有限,回复较慢,请勿着急。 | ||||
支持通用表情输入。 | |||||
支持语音对话。 | |||||
暂时不支持图片输入。 | 暂时不支持图片输入。 | ||||
支持图片输出,画字开头的问题将回复图片链接。 | |||||
支持角色扮演和文字冒险两种定制模式对话。 | |||||
支持图片输出,画字开头的消息将按要求创作图片。 | |||||
支持tool、角色扮演和文字冒险等丰富的插件。 | |||||
输入'{trigger_prefix}#帮助' 查看详细指令。""" | 输入'{trigger_prefix}#帮助' 查看详细指令。""" | ||||
) | ) | ||||
return msg | return msg | ||||
@@ -0,0 +1,196 @@ | |||||
import time | |||||
import asyncio | |||||
import web | |||||
from channel.wechatmp.wechatmp_message import parse_xml | |||||
from channel.wechatmp.passive_reply_message import TextMsg, VoiceMsg, ImageMsg | |||||
from bridge.context import * | |||||
from bridge.reply import ReplyType | |||||
from channel.wechatmp.common import * | |||||
from channel.wechatmp.wechatmp_channel import WechatMPChannel | |||||
from common.log import logger | |||||
from config import conf | |||||
# This class is instantiated once per query | |||||
class Query: | |||||
def GET(self): | |||||
return verify_server(web.input()) | |||||
def POST(self): | |||||
try: | |||||
request_time = time.time() | |||||
channel = WechatMPChannel() | |||||
webData = web.data() | |||||
logger.debug("[wechatmp] Receive post data:\n" + webData.decode("utf-8")) | |||||
wechatmp_msg = parse_xml(webData) | |||||
if wechatmp_msg.msg_type == "text" or wechatmp_msg.msg_type == "voice": | |||||
from_user = wechatmp_msg.from_user_id | |||||
to_user = wechatmp_msg.to_user_id | |||||
message = wechatmp_msg.content | |||||
message_id = wechatmp_msg.msg_id | |||||
supported = True | |||||
if "【收到不支持的消息类型,暂无法显示】" in message: | |||||
supported = False # not supported, used to refresh | |||||
# New request | |||||
if ( | |||||
from_user not in channel.cache_dict | |||||
and from_user not in channel.running | |||||
or message.startswith("#") | |||||
and message_id not in channel.request_cnt # insert the godcmd | |||||
): | |||||
# The first query begin | |||||
if (wechatmp_msg.msg_type == "voice" and conf().get("voice_reply_voice") == True): | |||||
rtype = ReplyType.VOICE | |||||
else: | |||||
rtype = None | |||||
context = channel._compose_context( | |||||
ContextType.TEXT, message, isgroup=False, desire_rtype=rtype, msg=wechatmp_msg | |||||
) | |||||
logger.debug( | |||||
"[wechatmp] context: {} {}".format(context, wechatmp_msg) | |||||
) | |||||
if supported and context: | |||||
# set private openai_api_key | |||||
# if from_user is not changed in itchat, this can be placed at chat_channel | |||||
user_data = conf().get_user_data(from_user) | |||||
context["openai_api_key"] = user_data.get("openai_api_key") | |||||
channel.running.add(from_user) | |||||
channel.produce(context) | |||||
else: | |||||
trigger_prefix = conf().get("single_chat_prefix", [""]) | |||||
if trigger_prefix or not supported: | |||||
if trigger_prefix: | |||||
content = textwrap.dedent( | |||||
f"""\ | |||||
请输入'{trigger_prefix}'接你想说的话跟我说话。 | |||||
例如: | |||||
{trigger_prefix}你好,很高兴见到你。""" | |||||
) | |||||
else: | |||||
content = textwrap.dedent( | |||||
"""\ | |||||
你好,很高兴见到你。 | |||||
请跟我说话吧。""" | |||||
) | |||||
else: | |||||
logger.error(f"[wechatmp] unknown error") | |||||
content = textwrap.dedent( | |||||
"""\ | |||||
未知错误,请稍后再试""" | |||||
) | |||||
replyPost = TextMsg(wechatmp_msg.from_user_id, wechatmp_msg.to_user_id, content).send() | |||||
return replyPost | |||||
# Wechat official server will request 3 times (5 seconds each), with the same message_id. | |||||
# Because the interval is 5 seconds, here assumed that do not have multithreading problems. | |||||
request_cnt = channel.request_cnt.get(message_id, 0) + 1 | |||||
channel.request_cnt[message_id] = request_cnt | |||||
logger.info( | |||||
"[wechatmp] Request {} from {} {}\n{}\n{}:{}".format( | |||||
request_cnt, | |||||
from_user, | |||||
message_id, | |||||
message, | |||||
web.ctx.env.get("REMOTE_ADDR"), | |||||
web.ctx.env.get("REMOTE_PORT"), | |||||
) | |||||
) | |||||
task_running = True | |||||
waiting_until = request_time + 4 | |||||
while time.time() < waiting_until: | |||||
if from_user in channel.running: | |||||
time.sleep(0.1) | |||||
else: | |||||
task_running = False | |||||
break | |||||
reply_text = "" | |||||
if task_running: | |||||
if request_cnt < 3: | |||||
# waiting for timeout (the POST request will be closed by Wechat official server) | |||||
time.sleep(2) | |||||
# and do nothing, waiting for the next request | |||||
return "success" | |||||
else: # request_cnt == 3: | |||||
# return timeout message | |||||
reply_text = "【正在思考中,回复任意文字尝试获取回复】" | |||||
replyPost = TextMsg(from_user, to_user, reply_text).send() | |||||
return replyPost | |||||
# reply is ready | |||||
channel.request_cnt.pop(message_id) | |||||
# no return because of bandwords or other reasons | |||||
if ( | |||||
from_user not in channel.cache_dict | |||||
and from_user not in channel.running | |||||
): | |||||
return "success" | |||||
# Only one request can access to the cached data | |||||
try: | |||||
(reply_type, content) = channel.cache_dict.pop(from_user) | |||||
except KeyError: | |||||
return "success" | |||||
if (reply_type == "text"): | |||||
if len(content.encode("utf8")) <= MAX_UTF8_LEN: | |||||
reply_text = content | |||||
else: | |||||
continue_text = "\n【未完待续,回复任意文字以继续】" | |||||
splits = split_string_by_utf8_length( | |||||
content, | |||||
MAX_UTF8_LEN - len(continue_text.encode("utf-8")), | |||||
max_split=1, | |||||
) | |||||
reply_text = splits[0] + continue_text | |||||
channel.cache_dict[from_user] = ("text", splits[1]) | |||||
logger.info( | |||||
"[wechatmp] Request {} do send to {} {}: {}\n{}".format( | |||||
request_cnt, | |||||
from_user, | |||||
message_id, | |||||
message, | |||||
reply_text, | |||||
) | |||||
) | |||||
replyPost = TextMsg(from_user, to_user, reply_text).send() | |||||
return replyPost | |||||
elif (reply_type == "voice"): | |||||
media_id = content | |||||
asyncio.run_coroutine_threadsafe(channel.delete_media(media_id), channel.delete_media_loop) | |||||
replyPost = VoiceMsg(from_user, to_user, media_id).send() | |||||
return replyPost | |||||
elif (reply_type == "image"): | |||||
media_id = content | |||||
asyncio.run_coroutine_threadsafe(channel.delete_media(media_id), channel.delete_media_loop) | |||||
replyPost = ImageMsg(from_user, to_user, media_id).send() | |||||
return replyPost | |||||
elif wechatmp_msg.msg_type == "event": | |||||
logger.info( | |||||
"[wechatmp] Event {} from {}".format( | |||||
wechatmp_msg.content, wechatmp_msg.from_user_id | |||||
) | |||||
) | |||||
content = subscribe_msg() | |||||
replyMsg = TextMsg( | |||||
wechatmp_msg.from_user_id, wechatmp_msg.to_user_id, content | |||||
) | |||||
return replyMsg.send() | |||||
else: | |||||
logger.info("暂且不处理") | |||||
return "success" | |||||
except Exception as exc: | |||||
logger.exception(exc) | |||||
return exc |
@@ -32,6 +32,29 @@ class TextMsg(Msg): | |||||
return XmlForm.format(**self.__dict) | return XmlForm.format(**self.__dict) | ||||
class VoiceMsg(Msg): | |||||
def __init__(self, toUserName, fromUserName, mediaId): | |||||
self.__dict = dict() | |||||
self.__dict["ToUserName"] = toUserName | |||||
self.__dict["FromUserName"] = fromUserName | |||||
self.__dict["CreateTime"] = int(time.time()) | |||||
self.__dict["MediaId"] = mediaId | |||||
def send(self): | |||||
XmlForm = """ | |||||
<xml> | |||||
<ToUserName><![CDATA[{ToUserName}]]></ToUserName> | |||||
<FromUserName><![CDATA[{FromUserName}]]></FromUserName> | |||||
<CreateTime>{CreateTime}</CreateTime> | |||||
<MsgType><![CDATA[voice]]></MsgType> | |||||
<Voice> | |||||
<MediaId><![CDATA[{MediaId}]]></MediaId> | |||||
</Voice> | |||||
</xml> | |||||
""" | |||||
return XmlForm.format(**self.__dict) | |||||
class ImageMsg(Msg): | class ImageMsg(Msg): | ||||
def __init__(self, toUserName, fromUserName, mediaId): | def __init__(self, toUserName, fromUserName, mediaId): | ||||
self.__dict = dict() | self.__dict = dict() |
@@ -1,20 +1,22 @@ | |||||
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- | # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- | ||||
import json | |||||
import threading | |||||
import io | |||||
import os | |||||
import time | import time | ||||
import imghdr | |||||
import requests | import requests | ||||
import web | |||||
from bridge.context import * | from bridge.context import * | ||||
from bridge.reply import * | from bridge.reply import * | ||||
from channel.chat_channel import ChatChannel | from channel.chat_channel import ChatChannel | ||||
from channel.wechatmp.wechatmp_client import WechatMPClient | |||||
from channel.wechatmp.common import * | from channel.wechatmp.common import * | ||||
from common.expired_dict import ExpiredDict | |||||
from common.log import logger | from common.log import logger | ||||
from common.singleton import singleton | from common.singleton import singleton | ||||
from config import conf | from config import conf | ||||
import asyncio | |||||
from threading import Thread | |||||
import web | |||||
# If using SSL, uncomment the following lines, and modify the certificate path. | # If using SSL, uncomment the following lines, and modify the certificate path. | ||||
# from cheroot.server import HTTPServer | # from cheroot.server import HTTPServer | ||||
# from cheroot.ssl.builtin import BuiltinSSLAdapter | # from cheroot.ssl.builtin import BuiltinSSLAdapter | ||||
@@ -28,94 +30,120 @@ class WechatMPChannel(ChatChannel): | |||||
def __init__(self, passive_reply=True): | def __init__(self, passive_reply=True): | ||||
super().__init__() | super().__init__() | ||||
self.passive_reply = passive_reply | self.passive_reply = passive_reply | ||||
self.running = set() | |||||
self.received_msgs = ExpiredDict(60 * 60 * 24) | |||||
self.NOT_SUPPORT_REPLYTYPE = [] | |||||
self.client = WechatMPClient() | |||||
if self.passive_reply: | if self.passive_reply: | ||||
self.NOT_SUPPORT_REPLYTYPE = [ReplyType.IMAGE, ReplyType.VOICE] | |||||
# Cache the reply to the user's first message | |||||
self.cache_dict = dict() | self.cache_dict = dict() | ||||
self.query1 = dict() | |||||
self.query2 = dict() | |||||
self.query3 = dict() | |||||
else: | |||||
# TODO support image | |||||
self.NOT_SUPPORT_REPLYTYPE = [ReplyType.IMAGE, ReplyType.VOICE] | |||||
self.app_id = conf().get("wechatmp_app_id") | |||||
self.app_secret = conf().get("wechatmp_app_secret") | |||||
self.access_token = None | |||||
self.access_token_expires_time = 0 | |||||
self.access_token_lock = threading.Lock() | |||||
self.get_access_token() | |||||
# Record whether the current message is being processed | |||||
self.running = set() | |||||
# Count the request from wechat official server by message_id | |||||
self.request_cnt = dict() | |||||
# The permanent media need to be deleted to avoid media number limit | |||||
self.delete_media_loop = asyncio.new_event_loop() | |||||
t = Thread(target=self.start_loop, args=(self.delete_media_loop,)) | |||||
t.setDaemon(True) | |||||
t.start() | |||||
def startup(self): | def startup(self): | ||||
if self.passive_reply: | if self.passive_reply: | ||||
urls = ("/wx", "channel.wechatmp.SubscribeAccount.Query") | |||||
urls = ("/wx", "channel.wechatmp.passive_reply.Query") | |||||
else: | else: | ||||
urls = ("/wx", "channel.wechatmp.ServiceAccount.Query") | |||||
urls = ("/wx", "channel.wechatmp.active_reply.Query") | |||||
app = web.application(urls, globals(), autoreload=False) | app = web.application(urls, globals(), autoreload=False) | ||||
port = conf().get("wechatmp_port", 8080) | port = conf().get("wechatmp_port", 8080) | ||||
web.httpserver.runsimple(app.wsgifunc(), ("", port)) | web.httpserver.runsimple(app.wsgifunc(), ("", port)) | ||||
def wechatmp_request(self, method, url, **kwargs): | |||||
r = requests.request(method=method, url=url, **kwargs) | |||||
r.raise_for_status() | |||||
r.encoding = "utf-8" | |||||
ret = r.json() | |||||
if "errcode" in ret and ret["errcode"] != 0: | |||||
raise WeChatAPIException("{}".format(ret)) | |||||
return ret | |||||
def start_loop(self, loop): | |||||
asyncio.set_event_loop(loop) | |||||
loop.run_forever() | |||||
def get_access_token(self): | |||||
# return the access_token | |||||
if self.access_token: | |||||
if self.access_token_expires_time - time.time() > 60: | |||||
return self.access_token | |||||
# Get new access_token | |||||
# Do not request access_token in parallel! Only the last obtained is valid. | |||||
if self.access_token_lock.acquire(blocking=False): | |||||
# Wait for other threads that have previously obtained access_token to complete the request | |||||
# This happens every 2 hours, so it doesn't affect the experience very much | |||||
time.sleep(1) | |||||
self.access_token = None | |||||
url = "https://api.weixin.qq.com/cgi-bin/token" | |||||
params = { | |||||
"grant_type": "client_credential", | |||||
"appid": self.app_id, | |||||
"secret": self.app_secret, | |||||
} | |||||
data = self.wechatmp_request(method="get", url=url, params=params) | |||||
self.access_token = data["access_token"] | |||||
self.access_token_expires_time = int(time.time()) + data["expires_in"] | |||||
logger.info("[wechatmp] access_token: {}".format(self.access_token)) | |||||
self.access_token_lock.release() | |||||
else: | |||||
# Wait for token update | |||||
while self.access_token_lock.locked(): | |||||
time.sleep(0.1) | |||||
return self.access_token | |||||
async def delete_media(self, media_id): | |||||
logger.debug("[wechatmp] permanent media {} will be deleted in 10s".format(media_id)) | |||||
await asyncio.sleep(10) | |||||
self.client.delete_permanent_media(media_id) | |||||
logger.info("[wechatmp] permanent media {} has been deleted".format(media_id)) | |||||
def send(self, reply: Reply, context: Context): | def send(self, reply: Reply, context: Context): | ||||
receiver = context["receiver"] | |||||
if self.passive_reply: | if self.passive_reply: | ||||
receiver = context["receiver"] | |||||
self.cache_dict[receiver] = reply.content | |||||
logger.info("[send] reply to {} saved to cache: {}".format(receiver, reply)) | |||||
if reply.type == ReplyType.TEXT or reply.type == ReplyType.INFO or reply.type == ReplyType.ERROR: | |||||
reply_text = reply.content | |||||
logger.info("[wechatmp] reply to {} cached:\n{}".format(receiver, reply_text)) | |||||
self.cache_dict[receiver] = ("text", reply_text) | |||||
elif reply.type == ReplyType.VOICE: | |||||
voice_file_path = reply.content | |||||
logger.info("[wechatmp] voice file path {}".format(voice_file_path)) | |||||
with open(voice_file_path, 'rb') as f: | |||||
filename = receiver + "-" + context["msg"].msg_id + ".mp3" | |||||
media_id = self.client.upload_permanent_media("voice", (filename, f, "audio/mpeg")) | |||||
# 根据文件大小估计一个微信自动审核的时间,审核结束前返回将会导致语音无法播放,这个估计有待验证 | |||||
f_size = os.fstat(f.fileno()).st_size | |||||
print(f_size) | |||||
time.sleep(1.0 + 2 * f_size / 1024 / 1024) | |||||
logger.info("[wechatmp] voice reply to {} uploaded: {}".format(receiver, media_id)) | |||||
self.cache_dict[receiver] = ("voice", media_id) | |||||
elif reply.type == ReplyType.IMAGE_URL: # 从网络下载图片 | |||||
img_url = reply.content | |||||
pic_res = requests.get(img_url, stream=True) | |||||
print(pic_res.headers) | |||||
image_storage = io.BytesIO() | |||||
for block in pic_res.iter_content(1024): | |||||
image_storage.write(block) | |||||
image_storage.seek(0) | |||||
image_type = imghdr.what(image_storage) | |||||
filename = receiver + "-" + context["msg"].msg_id + "." + image_type | |||||
content_type = "image/" + image_type | |||||
media_id = self.client.upload_permanent_media("image", (filename, image_storage, content_type)) | |||||
logger.info("[wechatmp] image reply to {} uploaded: {}".format(receiver, media_id)) | |||||
self.cache_dict[receiver] = ("image", media_id) | |||||
elif reply.type == ReplyType.IMAGE: # 从文件读取图片 | |||||
image_storage = reply.content | |||||
image_storage.seek(0) | |||||
image_type = imghdr.what(image_storage) | |||||
filename = receiver + "-" + context["msg"].msg_id + "." + image_type | |||||
content_type = "image/" + image_type | |||||
media_id = self.client.upload_permanent_media("image", (filename, image_storage, content_type)) | |||||
logger.info("[wechatmp] image reply to {} uploaded: {}".format(receiver, media_id)) | |||||
self.cache_dict[receiver] = ("image", media_id) | |||||
else: | else: | ||||
receiver = context["receiver"] | |||||
reply_text = reply.content | |||||
url = "https://api.weixin.qq.com/cgi-bin/message/custom/send" | |||||
params = {"access_token": self.get_access_token()} | |||||
json_data = { | |||||
"touser": receiver, | |||||
"msgtype": "text", | |||||
"text": {"content": reply_text}, | |||||
} | |||||
self.wechatmp_request( | |||||
method="post", | |||||
url=url, | |||||
params=params, | |||||
data=json.dumps(json_data, ensure_ascii=False).encode("utf8"), | |||||
) | |||||
logger.info("[send] Do send to {}: {}".format(receiver, reply_text)) | |||||
if reply.type == ReplyType.TEXT or reply.type == ReplyType.INFO or reply.type == ReplyType.ERROR: | |||||
reply_text = reply.content | |||||
self.client.send_text(receiver, reply_text) | |||||
logger.info("[wechatmp] Do send to {}: {}".format(receiver, reply_text)) | |||||
elif reply.type == ReplyType.VOICE: | |||||
voice_file_path = reply.content | |||||
logger.info("[wechatmp] voice file path {}".format(voice_file_path)) | |||||
with open(voice_file_path, 'rb') as f: | |||||
filename = receiver + "-" + context["msg"].msg_id + ".mp3" | |||||
media_id = self.client.upload_media("voice", (filename, f, "audio/mpeg")) | |||||
self.client.send_voice(receiver, media_id) | |||||
logger.info("[wechatmp] Do send voice to {}".format(receiver)) | |||||
elif reply.type == ReplyType.IMAGE_URL: # 从网络下载图片 | |||||
img_url = reply.content | |||||
pic_res = requests.get(img_url, stream=True) | |||||
print(pic_res.headers) | |||||
image_storage = io.BytesIO() | |||||
for block in pic_res.iter_content(1024): | |||||
image_storage.write(block) | |||||
image_storage.seek(0) | |||||
image_type = imghdr.what(image_storage) | |||||
filename = receiver + "-" + context["msg"].msg_id + "." + image_type | |||||
content_type = "image/" + image_type | |||||
# content_type = pic_res.headers.get('content-type') | |||||
media_id = self.client.upload_media("image", (filename, image_storage, content_type)) | |||||
self.client.send_image(receiver, media_id) | |||||
logger.info("[wechatmp] sendImage url={}, receiver={}".format(img_url, receiver)) | |||||
elif reply.type == ReplyType.IMAGE: # 从文件读取图片 | |||||
image_storage = reply.content | |||||
image_storage.seek(0) | |||||
image_type = imghdr.what(image_storage) | |||||
filename = receiver + "-" + context["msg"].msg_id + "." + image_type | |||||
content_type = "image/" + image_type | |||||
media_id = self.client.upload_media("image", (filename, image_storage, content_type)) | |||||
self.client.send_image(receiver, media_id) | |||||
logger.info("[wechatmp] sendImage, receiver={}".format(receiver)) | |||||
return | return | ||||
def _success_callback(self, session_id, context, **kwargs): # 线程异常结束时的回调函数 | def _success_callback(self, session_id, context, **kwargs): # 线程异常结束时的回调函数 | ||||
@@ -0,0 +1,180 @@ | |||||
import time | |||||
import json | |||||
import requests | |||||
import threading | |||||
from channel.wechatmp.common import * | |||||
from common.log import logger | |||||
from config import conf | |||||
class WechatMPClient: | |||||
def __init__(self): | |||||
self.app_id = conf().get("wechatmp_app_id") | |||||
self.app_secret = conf().get("wechatmp_app_secret") | |||||
self.access_token = None | |||||
self.access_token_expires_time = 0 | |||||
self.access_token_lock = threading.Lock() | |||||
self.get_access_token() | |||||
def wechatmp_request(self, method, url, **kwargs): | |||||
r = requests.request(method=method, url=url, **kwargs) | |||||
r.raise_for_status() | |||||
r.encoding = "utf-8" | |||||
ret = r.json() | |||||
if "errcode" in ret and ret["errcode"] != 0: | |||||
if ret["errcode"] == 45009: | |||||
self.clear_quota_v2() | |||||
raise WeChatAPIException("{}".format(ret)) | |||||
return ret | |||||
def get_access_token(self): | |||||
# return the access_token | |||||
if self.access_token: | |||||
if self.access_token_expires_time - time.time() > 60: | |||||
return self.access_token | |||||
# Get new access_token | |||||
# Do not request access_token in parallel! Only the last obtained is valid. | |||||
if self.access_token_lock.acquire(blocking=False): | |||||
# Wait for other threads that have previously obtained access_token to complete the request | |||||
# This happens every 2 hours, so it doesn't affect the experience very much | |||||
time.sleep(1) | |||||
self.access_token = None | |||||
url = "https://api.weixin.qq.com/cgi-bin/token" | |||||
params = { | |||||
"grant_type": "client_credential", | |||||
"appid": self.app_id, | |||||
"secret": self.app_secret, | |||||
} | |||||
ret = self.wechatmp_request(method="get", url=url, params=params) | |||||
self.access_token = ret["access_token"] | |||||
self.access_token_expires_time = int(time.time()) + ret["expires_in"] | |||||
logger.info("[wechatmp] access_token: {}".format(self.access_token)) | |||||
self.access_token_lock.release() | |||||
else: | |||||
# Wait for token update | |||||
while self.access_token_lock.locked(): | |||||
time.sleep(0.1) | |||||
return self.access_token | |||||
def send_text(self, receiver, reply_text): | |||||
url = "https://api.weixin.qq.com/cgi-bin/message/custom/send" | |||||
params = {"access_token": self.get_access_token()} | |||||
json_data = { | |||||
"touser": receiver, | |||||
"msgtype": "text", | |||||
"text": {"content": reply_text}, | |||||
} | |||||
self.wechatmp_request( | |||||
method="post", | |||||
url=url, | |||||
params=params, | |||||
data=json.dumps(json_data, ensure_ascii=False).encode("utf8"), | |||||
) | |||||
def send_voice(self, receiver, media_id): | |||||
url="https://api.weixin.qq.com/cgi-bin/message/custom/send" | |||||
params = {"access_token": self.get_access_token()} | |||||
json_data = { | |||||
"touser": receiver, | |||||
"msgtype": "voice", | |||||
"voice": { | |||||
"media_id": media_id | |||||
} | |||||
} | |||||
self.wechatmp_request( | |||||
method="post", | |||||
url=url, | |||||
params=params, | |||||
data=json.dumps(json_data, ensure_ascii=False).encode("utf8"), | |||||
) | |||||
def send_image(self, receiver, media_id): | |||||
url="https://api.weixin.qq.com/cgi-bin/message/custom/send" | |||||
params = {"access_token": self.get_access_token()} | |||||
json_data = { | |||||
"touser": receiver, | |||||
"msgtype": "image", | |||||
"image": { | |||||
"media_id": media_id | |||||
} | |||||
} | |||||
self.wechatmp_request( | |||||
method="post", | |||||
url=url, | |||||
params=params, | |||||
data=json.dumps(json_data, ensure_ascii=False).encode("utf8"), | |||||
) | |||||
def upload_media(self, media_type, media_file): | |||||
url="https://api.weixin.qq.com/cgi-bin/media/upload" | |||||
params={ | |||||
"access_token": self.get_access_token(), | |||||
"type": media_type | |||||
} | |||||
files={"media": media_file} | |||||
ret = self.wechatmp_request( | |||||
method="post", | |||||
url=url, | |||||
params=params, | |||||
files=files | |||||
) | |||||
logger.debug("[wechatmp] media {} uploaded".format(media_file)) | |||||
return ret["media_id"] | |||||
def upload_permanent_media(self, media_type, media_file): | |||||
url="https://api.weixin.qq.com/cgi-bin/material/add_material" | |||||
params={ | |||||
"access_token": self.get_access_token(), | |||||
"type": media_type | |||||
} | |||||
files={"media": media_file} | |||||
ret = self.wechatmp_request( | |||||
method="post", | |||||
url=url, | |||||
params=params, | |||||
files=files | |||||
) | |||||
logger.debug("[wechatmp] permanent media {} uploaded".format(media_file)) | |||||
return ret["media_id"] | |||||
def delete_permanent_media(self, media_id): | |||||
url="https://api.weixin.qq.com/cgi-bin/material/del_material" | |||||
params={ | |||||
"access_token": self.get_access_token() | |||||
} | |||||
self.wechatmp_request( | |||||
method="post", | |||||
url=url, | |||||
params=params, | |||||
data=json.dumps({"media_id": media_id}, ensure_ascii=False).encode("utf8") | |||||
) | |||||
logger.debug("[wechatmp] permanent media {} deleted".format(media_id)) | |||||
def clear_quota(self): | |||||
url="https://api.weixin.qq.com/cgi-bin/clear_quota" | |||||
params = { | |||||
"access_token": self.get_access_token() | |||||
} | |||||
self.wechatmp_request( | |||||
method="post", | |||||
url=url, | |||||
params=params, | |||||
data={"appid": self.app_id} | |||||
) | |||||
logger.debug("[wechatmp] API quata has been cleard") | |||||
def clear_quota_v2(self): | |||||
url="https://api.weixin.qq.com/cgi-bin/clear_quota/v2" | |||||
self.wechatmp_request( | |||||
method="post", | |||||
url=url, | |||||
data={"appid": self.app_id, "appsecret": self.app_secret} | |||||
) | |||||
logger.debug("[wechatmp] API quata has been cleard") |
@@ -32,12 +32,15 @@ class WeChatMPMessage(ChatMessage): | |||||
if self.msg_type == "text": | if self.msg_type == "text": | ||||
self.ctype = ContextType.TEXT | self.ctype = ContextType.TEXT | ||||
self.content = xmlData.find("Content").text.encode("utf-8") | |||||
self.content = xmlData.find("Content").text | |||||
elif self.msg_type == "voice": | elif self.msg_type == "voice": | ||||
self.ctype = ContextType.TEXT | self.ctype = ContextType.TEXT | ||||
self.content = xmlData.find("Recognition").text.encode("utf-8") # 接收语音识别结果 | |||||
self.content = xmlData.find("Recognition").text # 接收语音识别结果 | |||||
# other voice_to_text method not implemented yet | |||||
if self.content == None: | |||||
self.content = "你好" | |||||
elif self.msg_type == "image": | elif self.msg_type == "image": | ||||
# not implemented | |||||
# not implemented yet | |||||
self.pic_url = xmlData.find("PicUrl").text | self.pic_url = xmlData.find("PicUrl").text | ||||
self.media_id = xmlData.find("MediaId").text | self.media_id = xmlData.find("MediaId").text | ||||
elif self.msg_type == "event": | elif self.msg_type == "event": |