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16 измененных файлов: 522 добавлений и 30 удалений
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README.md Просмотреть файл

@@ -4,10 +4,10 @@


- [x] **多端部署:** 有多种部署方式可选择且功能完备,目前已支持个人微信,微信公众号和企业微信应用等部署方式
- [x] **多端部署:** 有多种部署方式可选择且功能完备,目前已支持个人微信、微信公众号和、业微信、飞书等部署方式
- [x] **基础对话:** 私聊及群聊的消息智能回复,支持多轮会话上下文记忆,支持 GPT-3.5, GPT-4, claude, 文心一言, 讯飞星火
- [x] **语音识别:** 可识别语音消息,通过文字或语音回复,支持 azure, baidu, google, openai(whisper/tts) 等多种语音模型
- [x] **图片生成:** 支持图片生成 和 图生图(如照片修复),可选择 Dall-E, stable diffusion, replicate, midjourney模型
- [x] **语音能力:** 可识别语音消息,通过文字或语音回复,支持 azure, baidu, google, openai(whisper/tts) 等多种语音模型
- [x] **图像能力:** 支持图片生成、图片识别、图生图(如照片修复),可选择 Dall-E-3, stable diffusion, replicate, midjourney, vision模型
- [x] **丰富插件:** 支持个性化插件扩展,已实现多角色切换、文字冒险、敏感词过滤、聊天记录总结、文档总结和对话等插件
- [X] **Tool工具:** 与操作系统和互联网交互,支持最新信息搜索、数学计算、天气和资讯查询、网页总结,基于 [chatgpt-tool-hub](https://github.com/goldfishh/chatgpt-tool-hub) 实现
- [x] **知识库:** 通过上传知识库文件自定义专属机器人,可作为数字分身、领域知识库、智能客服使用,基于 [LinkAI](https://link-ai.tech/console) 实现
@@ -28,6 +28,8 @@ Demo made by [Visionn](https://www.wangpc.cc/)

# 更新日志

>**2023.11.10:** [1.5.2版本](https://github.com/zhayujie/chatgpt-on-wechat/releases/tag/1.5.2),新增飞书通道、图像识别对话、黑名单配置

>**2023.11.10:** [1.5.0版本](https://github.com/zhayujie/chatgpt-on-wechat/releases/tag/1.5.0),新增 `gpt-4-turbo`, `dall-e-3`, `tts` 模型接入,完善图像理解&生成、语音识别&生成的多模态能力

>**2023.10.16:** 支持通过意图识别使用LinkAI联网搜索、数学计算、网页访问等插件,参考[插件文档](https://docs.link-ai.tech/platform/plugins)
@@ -52,6 +54,8 @@ Demo made by [Visionn](https://www.wangpc.cc/)

# 快速开始


## 准备

### 1. 账号注册

+ 3
- 3
app.py Просмотреть файл

@@ -5,8 +5,8 @@ import signal
import sys

from channel import channel_factory
from common.log import logger
from config import conf, load_config
from common import const
from config import load_config
from plugins import *

@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ def run():

channel = channel_factory.create_channel(channel_name)
if channel_name in ["wx", "wxy", "terminal", "wechatmp", "wechatmp_service", "wechatcom_app", "wework"]:
if channel_name in ["wx", "wxy", "terminal", "wechatmp", "wechatmp_service", "wechatcom_app", "wework", const.FEISHU]:

# startup channel

+ 117
- 7
bot/linkai/link_ai_bot.py Просмотреть файл

@@ -13,6 +13,9 @@ from bridge.reply import Reply, ReplyType
from common.log import logger
from config import conf, pconf
import threading
from common import memory, utils
import base64

class LinkAIBot(Bot):
# authentication failed
@@ -21,7 +24,7 @@ class LinkAIBot(Bot):

def __init__(self):
self.sessions = SessionManager(ChatGPTSession, model=conf().get("model") or "gpt-3.5-turbo")
self.sessions = LinkAISessionManager(LinkAISession, model=conf().get("model") or "gpt-3.5-turbo")
self.args = {}

def reply(self, query, context: Context = None) -> Reply:
@@ -61,17 +64,25 @@ class LinkAIBot(Bot):
linkai_api_key = conf().get("linkai_api_key")

session_id = context["session_id"]
session_message = self.sessions.session_msg_query(query, session_id)
logger.debug(f"[LinkAI] session={session_message}, session_id={session_id}")

# image process
img_cache = memory.USER_IMAGE_CACHE.get(session_id)
if img_cache:
messages = self._process_image_msg(app_code=app_code, session_id=session_id, query=query, img_cache=img_cache)
if messages:
session_message = messages

session = self.sessions.session_query(query, session_id)
model = conf().get("model")
# remove system message
if session.messages[0].get("role") == "system":
if session_message[0].get("role") == "system":
if app_code or model == "wenxin":

body = {
"app_code": app_code,
"messages": session.messages,
"messages": session_message,
"model": model, # 对话模型的名称, 支持 gpt-3.5-turbo, gpt-3.5-turbo-16k, gpt-4, wenxin, xunfei
"temperature": conf().get("temperature"),
"top_p": conf().get("top_p", 1),
@@ -94,7 +105,7 @@ class LinkAIBot(Bot):
reply_content = response["choices"][0]["message"]["content"]
total_tokens = response["usage"]["total_tokens"]
logger.info(f"[LINKAI] reply={reply_content}, total_tokens={total_tokens}")
self.sessions.session_reply(reply_content, session_id, total_tokens)
self.sessions.session_reply(reply_content, session_id, total_tokens, query=query)
agent_suffix = self._fetch_agent_suffix(response)
if agent_suffix:
@@ -130,6 +141,54 @@ class LinkAIBot(Bot):
logger.warn(f"[LINKAI] do retry, times={retry_count}")
return self._chat(query, context, retry_count + 1)

def _process_image_msg(self, app_code: str, session_id: str, query:str, img_cache: dict):
enable_image_input = False
app_info = self._fetch_app_info(app_code)
if not app_info:
logger.debug(f"[LinkAI] not found app, can't process images, app_code={app_code}")
return None
plugins = app_info.get("data").get("plugins")
for plugin in plugins:
if plugin.get("input_type") and "IMAGE" in plugin.get("input_type"):
enable_image_input = True
if not enable_image_input:
msg = img_cache.get("msg")
path = img_cache.get("path")
logger.info(f"[LinkAI] query with images, path={path}")
messages = self._build_vision_msg(query, path)
memory.USER_IMAGE_CACHE[session_id] = None
return messages
except Exception as e:

def _build_vision_msg(self, query: str, path: str):
suffix = utils.get_path_suffix(path)
with open(path, "rb") as file:
base64_str = base64.b64encode(file.read()).decode('utf-8')
messages = [{
"role": "user",
"content": [
"type": "text",
"text": query
"type": "image_url",
"image_url": {
"url": f"data:image/{suffix};base64,{base64_str}"
return messages
except Exception as e:

def reply_text(self, session: ChatGPTSession, app_code="", retry_count=0) -> dict:
if retry_count >= 2:
# exit from retry 2 times
@@ -195,6 +254,16 @@ class LinkAIBot(Bot):
logger.warn(f"[LINKAI] do retry, times={retry_count}")
return self.reply_text(session, app_code, retry_count + 1)

def _fetch_app_info(self, app_code: str):
headers = {"Authorization": "Bearer " + conf().get("linkai_api_key")}
# do http request
base_url = conf().get("linkai_api_base", "https://api.link-ai.chat")
params = {"app_code": app_code}
res = requests.get(url=base_url + "/v1/app/info", params=params, headers=headers, timeout=(5, 10))
if res.status_code == 200:
return res.json()
logger.warning(f"[LinkAI] find app info exception, res={res}")

def create_img(self, query, retry_count=0, api_key=None):
@@ -239,6 +308,7 @@ class LinkAIBot(Bot):
except Exception as e:

def _fetch_agent_suffix(self, response):
plugin_list = []
@@ -275,4 +345,44 @@ class LinkAIBot(Bot):
reply = Reply(ReplyType.IMAGE_URL, url)
channel.send(reply, context)
except Exception as e:

class LinkAISessionManager(SessionManager):
def session_msg_query(self, query, session_id):
session = self.build_session(session_id)
messages = session.messages + [{"role": "user", "content": query}]
return messages

def session_reply(self, reply, session_id, total_tokens=None, query=None):
session = self.build_session(session_id)
if query:
max_tokens = conf().get("conversation_max_tokens", 2500)
tokens_cnt = session.discard_exceeding(max_tokens, total_tokens)
logger.info(f"[LinkAI] chat history discard, before tokens={total_tokens}, now tokens={tokens_cnt}")
except Exception as e:
logger.warning("Exception when counting tokens precisely for session: {}".format(str(e)))
return session

class LinkAISession(ChatGPTSession):
def calc_tokens(self):
cur_tokens = super().calc_tokens()
except Exception as e:
logger.debug("Exception when counting tokens precisely for query: {}".format(e))
cur_tokens = len(str(self.messages))
return cur_tokens

def discard_exceeding(self, max_tokens, cur_tokens=None):
cur_tokens = self.calc_tokens()
if cur_tokens > max_tokens:
for i in range(0, len(self.messages)):
if i > 0 and self.messages[i].get("role") == "assistant" and self.messages[i - 1].get("role") == "user":
self.messages.pop(i - 1)
return self.calc_tokens()
return cur_tokens

+ 2
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bot/session_manager.py Просмотреть файл

@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ class SessionManager(object):
total_tokens = session.discard_exceeding(max_tokens, None)
logger.debug("prompt tokens used={}".format(total_tokens))
except Exception as e:
logger.debug("Exception when counting tokens precisely for prompt: {}".format(str(e)))
logger.warning("Exception when counting tokens precisely for prompt: {}".format(str(e)))
return session

def session_reply(self, reply, session_id, total_tokens=None):
@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ class SessionManager(object):
tokens_cnt = session.discard_exceeding(max_tokens, total_tokens)
logger.debug("raw total_tokens={}, savesession tokens={}".format(total_tokens, tokens_cnt))
except Exception as e:
logger.debug("Exception when counting tokens precisely for session: {}".format(str(e)))
logger.warning("Exception when counting tokens precisely for session: {}".format(str(e)))
return session

def clear_session(self, session_id):

+ 6
- 2
channel/channel_factory.py Просмотреть файл

@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
channel factory
from common import const

def create_channel(channel_type):
@@ -35,6 +35,10 @@ def create_channel(channel_type):
return WechatComAppChannel()
elif channel_type == "wework":
from channel.wework.wework_channel import WeworkChannel

return WeworkChannel()

elif channel_type == const.FEISHU:
from channel.feishu.feishu_channel import FeiShuChanel
return FeiShuChanel()

raise RuntimeError

+ 21
- 6
channel/chat_channel.py Просмотреть файл

@@ -9,8 +9,7 @@ from bridge.context import *
from bridge.reply import *
from channel.channel import Channel
from common.dequeue import Dequeue
from common.log import logger
from config import conf
from common import memory
from plugins import *

@@ -95,6 +94,7 @@ class ChatChannel(Channel):
logger.debug("[WX]reference query skipped")
return None

nick_name_black_list = conf().get("nick_name_black_list", [])
if context.get("isgroup", False): # 群聊
# 校验关键字
match_prefix = check_prefix(content, conf().get("group_chat_prefix"))
@@ -106,6 +106,12 @@ class ChatChannel(Channel):
if match_prefix:
content = content.replace(match_prefix, "", 1).strip()
if context["msg"].is_at:
nick_name = context["msg"].actual_user_nickname
if nick_name and nick_name in nick_name_black_list:
# 黑名单过滤
logger.warning(f"[WX] Nickname {nick_name} in In BlackList, ignore")
return None

logger.info("[WX]receive group at")
if not conf().get("group_at_off", False):
flag = True
@@ -125,6 +131,12 @@ class ChatChannel(Channel):
logger.info("[WX]receive group voice, but checkprefix didn't match")
return None
else: # 单聊
nick_name = context["msg"].from_user_nickname
if nick_name and nick_name in nick_name_black_list:
# 黑名单过滤
logger.warning(f"[WX] Nickname '{nick_name}' in In BlackList, ignore")
return None

match_prefix = check_prefix(content, conf().get("single_chat_prefix", [""]))
if match_prefix is not None: # 判断如果匹配到自定义前缀,则返回过滤掉前缀+空格后的内容
content = content.replace(match_prefix, "", 1).strip()
@@ -205,14 +217,16 @@ class ChatChannel(Channel):
elif context.type == ContextType.IMAGE: # 图片消息,当前仅做下载保存到本地的逻辑
cmsg = context["msg"]
memory.USER_IMAGE_CACHE[context["session_id"]] = {
"path": context.content,
"msg": context.get("msg")
elif context.type == ContextType.SHARING: # 分享信息,当前无默认逻辑
elif context.type == ContextType.FUNCTION or context.type == ContextType.FILE: # 文件消息及函数调用等,当前无默认逻辑
logger.error("[WX] unknown context type: {}".format(context.type))
logger.warning("[WX] unknown context type: {}".format(context.type))
return reply

@@ -238,7 +252,8 @@ class ChatChannel(Channel):
reply = super().build_text_to_voice(reply.content)
return self._decorate_reply(context, reply)
if context.get("isgroup", False):
reply_text = "@" + context["msg"].actual_user_nickname + "\n" + reply_text.strip()
if not context.get("no_need_at", False):
reply_text = "@" + context["msg"].actual_user_nickname + "\n" + reply_text.strip()
reply_text = conf().get("group_chat_reply_prefix", "") + reply_text + conf().get("group_chat_reply_suffix", "")
reply_text = conf().get("single_chat_reply_prefix", "") + reply_text + conf().get("single_chat_reply_suffix", "")

+ 250
- 0
channel/feishu/feishu_channel.py Просмотреть файл

@@ -0,0 +1,250 @@

@author Saboteur7
@Date 2023/11/19

# -*- coding=utf-8 -*-
import uuid

import requests
import web
from channel.feishu.feishu_message import FeishuMessage
from bridge.context import Context
from bridge.reply import Reply, ReplyType
from common.log import logger
from common.singleton import singleton
from config import conf
from common.expired_dict import ExpiredDict
from bridge.context import ContextType
from channel.chat_channel import ChatChannel, check_prefix
from common import utils
import json
import os

URL_VERIFICATION = "url_verification"

class FeiShuChanel(ChatChannel):
feishu_app_id = conf().get('feishu_app_id')
feishu_app_secret = conf().get('feishu_app_secret')
feishu_token = conf().get('feishu_token')

def __init__(self):
# 历史消息id暂存,用于幂等控制
self.receivedMsgs = ExpiredDict(60 * 60 * 7.1)
logger.info("[FeiShu] app_id={}, app_secret={} verification_token={}".format(
self.feishu_app_id, self.feishu_app_secret, self.feishu_token))
# 无需群校验和前缀
conf()["group_name_white_list"] = ["ALL_GROUP"]
conf()["single_chat_prefix"] = []

def startup(self):
urls = (
'/', 'channel.feishu.feishu_channel.FeishuController'
app = web.application(urls, globals(), autoreload=False)
port = conf().get("feishu_port", 9891)
web.httpserver.runsimple(app.wsgifunc(), ("", port))

def send(self, reply: Reply, context: Context):
msg = context["msg"]
is_group = context["isgroup"]
headers = {
"Authorization": "Bearer " + msg.access_token,
"Content-Type": "application/json",
msg_type = "text"
logger.info(f"[FeiShu] start send reply message, type={context.type}, content={reply.content}")
reply_content = reply.content
content_key = "text"
if reply.type == ReplyType.IMAGE_URL:
# 图片上传
reply_content = self._upload_image_url(reply.content, msg.access_token)
if not reply_content:
logger.warning("[FeiShu] upload file failed")
msg_type = "image"
content_key = "image_key"
if is_group:
# 群聊中直接回复
url = f"https://open.feishu.cn/open-apis/im/v1/messages/{msg.msg_id}/reply"
data = {
"msg_type": msg_type,
"content": json.dumps({content_key: reply_content})
res = requests.post(url=url, headers=headers, json=data, timeout=(5, 10))
url = "https://open.feishu.cn/open-apis/im/v1/messages"
params = {"receive_id_type": context.get("receive_id_type")}
data = {
"receive_id": context.get("receiver"),
"msg_type": msg_type,
"content": json.dumps({content_key: reply_content})
res = requests.post(url=url, headers=headers, params=params, json=data, timeout=(5, 10))
res = res.json()
if res.get("code") == 0:
logger.info(f"[FeiShu] send message success")
logger.error(f"[FeiShu] send message failed, code={res.get('code')}, msg={res.get('msg')}")

def fetch_access_token(self) -> str:
url = "https://open.feishu.cn/open-apis/auth/v3/tenant_access_token/internal/"
headers = {
"Content-Type": "application/json"
req_body = {
"app_id": self.feishu_app_id,
"app_secret": self.feishu_app_secret
data = bytes(json.dumps(req_body), encoding='utf8')
response = requests.post(url=url, data=data, headers=headers)
if response.status_code == 200:
res = response.json()
if res.get("code") != 0:
logger.error(f"[FeiShu] get tenant_access_token error, code={res.get('code')}, msg={res.get('msg')}")
return ""
return res.get("tenant_access_token")
logger.error(f"[FeiShu] fetch token error, res={response}")

def _upload_image_url(self, img_url, access_token):
logger.debug(f"[WX] start download image, img_url={img_url}")
response = requests.get(img_url)
suffix = utils.get_path_suffix(img_url)
temp_name = str(uuid.uuid4()) + "." + suffix
if response.status_code == 200:
# 将图片内容保存为临时文件
with open(temp_name, "wb") as file:

# upload
upload_url = "https://open.feishu.cn/open-apis/im/v1/images"
data = {
'image_type': 'message'
headers = {
'Authorization': f'Bearer {access_token}',
with open(temp_name, "rb") as file:
upload_response = requests.post(upload_url, files={"image": file}, data=data, headers=headers)
logger.info(f"[FeiShu] upload file, res={upload_response.content}")
return upload_response.json().get("data").get("image_key")

class FeishuController:
# 类常量
FAILED_MSG = '{"success": false}'
SUCCESS_MSG = '{"success": true}'
MESSAGE_RECEIVE_TYPE = "im.message.receive_v1"

def GET(self):
return "Feishu service start success!"

def POST(self):
channel = FeiShuChanel()

request = json.loads(web.data().decode("utf-8"))
logger.debug(f"[FeiShu] receive request: {request}")

# 1.事件订阅回调验证
if request.get("type") == URL_VERIFICATION:
varify_res = {"challenge": request.get("challenge")}
return json.dumps(varify_res)

# 2.消息接收处理
# token 校验
header = request.get("header")
if not header or header.get("token") != channel.feishu_token:
return self.FAILED_MSG

# 处理消息事件
event = request.get("event")
if header.get("event_type") == self.MESSAGE_RECEIVE_TYPE and event:
if not event.get("message") or not event.get("sender"):
logger.warning(f"[FeiShu] invalid message, msg={request}")
return self.FAILED_MSG
msg = event.get("message")

# 幂等判断
if channel.receivedMsgs.get(msg.get("message_id")):
logger.warning(f"[FeiShu] repeat msg filtered, event_id={header.get('event_id')}")
return self.SUCCESS_MSG
channel.receivedMsgs[msg.get("message_id")] = True

is_group = False
chat_type = msg.get("chat_type")
if chat_type == "group":
if not msg.get("mentions") and msg.get("message_type") == "text":
# 群聊中未@不响应
return self.SUCCESS_MSG
if msg.get("mentions")[0].get("name") != conf().get("feishu_bot_name") and msg.get("message_type") == "text":
# 不是@机器人,不响应
return self.SUCCESS_MSG
# 群聊
is_group = True
receive_id_type = "chat_id"
elif chat_type == "p2p":
receive_id_type = "open_id"
logger.warning("[FeiShu] message ignore")
return self.SUCCESS_MSG
# 构造飞书消息对象
feishu_msg = FeishuMessage(event, is_group=is_group, access_token=channel.fetch_access_token())
if not feishu_msg:
return self.SUCCESS_MSG

context = self._compose_context(
if context:
logger.info(f"[FeiShu] query={feishu_msg.content}, type={feishu_msg.ctype}")
return self.SUCCESS_MSG

except Exception as e:
return self.FAILED_MSG

def _compose_context(self, ctype: ContextType, content, **kwargs):
context = Context(ctype, content)
context.kwargs = kwargs
if "origin_ctype" not in context:
context["origin_ctype"] = ctype

cmsg = context["msg"]
context["session_id"] = cmsg.from_user_id
context["receiver"] = cmsg.other_user_id

if ctype == ContextType.TEXT:
# 1.文本请求
# 图片生成处理
img_match_prefix = check_prefix(content, conf().get("image_create_prefix"))
if img_match_prefix:
content = content.replace(img_match_prefix, "", 1)
context.type = ContextType.IMAGE_CREATE
context.type = ContextType.TEXT
context.content = content.strip()

elif context.type == ContextType.VOICE:
# 2.语音请求
if "desire_rtype" not in context and conf().get("voice_reply_voice"):
context["desire_rtype"] = ReplyType.VOICE

return context

+ 92
- 0
channel/feishu/feishu_message.py Просмотреть файл

@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
from bridge.context import ContextType
from channel.chat_message import ChatMessage
import json
import requests
from common.log import logger
from common.tmp_dir import TmpDir
from common import utils

class FeishuMessage(ChatMessage):
def __init__(self, event: dict, is_group=False, access_token=None):
msg = event.get("message")
sender = event.get("sender")
self.access_token = access_token
self.msg_id = msg.get("message_id")
self.create_time = msg.get("create_time")
self.is_group = is_group
msg_type = msg.get("message_type")

if msg_type == "text":
self.ctype = ContextType.TEXT
content = json.loads(msg.get('content'))
self.content = content.get("text").strip()
elif msg_type == "file":
self.ctype = ContextType.FILE
content = json.loads(msg.get("content"))
file_key = content.get("file_key")
file_name = content.get("file_name")

self.content = TmpDir().path() + file_key + "." + utils.get_path_suffix(file_name)

def _download_file():
# 如果响应状态码是200,则将响应内容写入本地文件
url = f"https://open.feishu.cn/open-apis/im/v1/messages/{self.msg_id}/resources/{file_key}"
headers = {
"Authorization": "Bearer " + access_token,
params = {
"type": "file"
response = requests.get(url=url, headers=headers, params=params)
if response.status_code == 200:
with open(self.content, "wb") as f:
logger.info(f"[FeiShu] Failed to download file, key={file_key}, res={response.text}")
self._prepare_fn = _download_file

# elif msg.type == "voice":
# self.ctype = ContextType.VOICE
# self.content = TmpDir().path() + msg.media_id + "." + msg.format # content直接存临时目录路径
# def download_voice():
# # 如果响应状态码是200,则将响应内容写入本地文件
# response = client.media.download(msg.media_id)
# if response.status_code == 200:
# with open(self.content, "wb") as f:
# f.write(response.content)
# else:
# logger.info(f"[wechatcom] Failed to download voice file, {response.content}")
# self._prepare_fn = download_voice
# elif msg.type == "image":
# self.ctype = ContextType.IMAGE
# self.content = TmpDir().path() + msg.media_id + ".png" # content直接存临时目录路径
# def download_image():
# # 如果响应状态码是200,则将响应内容写入本地文件
# response = client.media.download(msg.media_id)
# if response.status_code == 200:
# with open(self.content, "wb") as f:
# f.write(response.content)
# else:
# logger.info(f"[wechatcom] Failed to download image file, {response.content}")
# self._prepare_fn = download_image
raise NotImplementedError("Unsupported message type: Type:{} ".format(msg_type))

self.from_user_id = sender.get("sender_id").get("open_id")
self.to_user_id = event.get("app_id")
if is_group:
# 群聊
self.other_user_id = msg.get("chat_id")
self.actual_user_id = self.from_user_id
self.content = self.content.replace("@_user_1", "").strip()
self.actual_user_nickname = ""
# 私聊
self.other_user_id = self.from_user_id
self.actual_user_id = self.from_user_id

+ 3
- 0
common/const.py Просмотреть файл

@@ -18,3 +18,6 @@ TTS_1 = "tts-1"
TTS_1_HD = "tts-1-hd"

MODEL_LIST = ["gpt-3.5-turbo", "gpt-3.5-turbo-16k", "gpt-4", "wenxin", "wenxin-4", "xunfei", "claude", "gpt-4-turbo", GPT4_TURBO_PREVIEW, "tongyi"]

# channel
FEISHU = "feishu"

+ 3
- 0
common/memory.py Просмотреть файл

@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
from common.expired_dict import ExpiredDict

USER_IMAGE_CACHE = ExpiredDict(60 * 3)

+ 6
- 1
common/utils.py Просмотреть файл

@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
import io
import os
from urllib.parse import urlparse
from PIL import Image

@@ -49,3 +49,8 @@ def split_string_by_utf8_length(string, max_length, max_split=0):
start = end
return result

def get_path_suffix(path):
path = urlparse(path).path
return os.path.splitext(path)[-1].lstrip('.')

+ 9
- 0
config.py Просмотреть файл

@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ available_setting = {
"group_name_white_list": ["ChatGPT测试群", "ChatGPT测试群2"], # 开启自动回复的群名称列表
"group_name_keyword_white_list": [], # 开启自动回复的群名称关键词列表
"group_chat_in_one_session": ["ChatGPT测试群"], # 支持会话上下文共享的群名称
"nick_name_black_list": [], # 用户昵称黑名单
"group_welcome_msg": "", # 配置新人进群固定欢迎语,不配置则使用随机风格欢迎
"trigger_by_self": False, # 是否允许机器人触发
"text_to_image": "dall-e-2", # 图片生成模型,可选 dall-e-2, dall-e-3
@@ -121,6 +122,14 @@ available_setting = {
"wechatcomapp_secret": "", # 企业微信app的secret
"wechatcomapp_agent_id": "", # 企业微信app的agent_id
"wechatcomapp_aes_key": "", # 企业微信app的aes_key

# 飞书配置
"feishu_port": 80, # 飞书bot监听端口
"feishu_app_id": "", # 飞书机器人应用APP Id
"feishu_app_secret": "", # 飞书机器人APP secret
"feishu_token": "", # 飞书 verification token
"feishu_bot_name": "", # 飞书机器人的名字

# chatgpt指令自定义触发词
"clear_memory_commands": ["#清除记忆"], # 重置会话指令,必须以#开头
# channel配置

+ 1
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plugins/linkai/README.md Просмотреть файл

@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
"enabled": true, # 文档总结和对话功能开关
"group_enabled": true, # 是否支持群聊开启
"max_file_size": 5000, # 文件的大小限制,单位KB,默认为5M,超过该大小直接忽略
"type": ["FILE", "SHARING", "IMAGE"] # 支持总结的类型,分别表示 文件、分享链接、图片
"type": ["FILE", "SHARING", "IMAGE"] # 支持总结的类型,分别表示 文件、分享链接、图片,其中文件和链接默认打开,图片默认关闭

+ 1
- 1
plugins/linkai/config.json.template Просмотреть файл

@@ -15,6 +15,6 @@
"enabled": true,
"group_enabled": true,
"max_file_size": 5000,
"type": ["FILE", "SHARING", "IMAGE"]
"type": ["FILE", "SHARING"]

+ 1
- 3
plugins/linkai/linkai.py Просмотреть файл

@@ -192,9 +192,7 @@ class LinkAI(Plugin):
return False
if context.kwargs.get("isgroup") and not self.sum_config.get("group_enabled"):
return False
support_type = self.sum_config.get("type")
if not support_type:
return True
support_type = self.sum_config.get("type") or ["FILE", "SHARING"]
if context.type.name not in support_type:
return False
return True

+ 0
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plugins/linkai/summary.py Просмотреть файл

@@ -91,5 +91,4 @@ class LinkSummary:
for support_url in support_list:
if url.strip().startswith(support_url):
return True
logger.debug(f"[LinkSum] unsupported url, no need to process, url={url}")
return False
