#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding=utf-8 -*- import io import os import textwrap import requests import web from wechatpy.enterprise import WeChatClient, create_reply, parse_message from wechatpy.enterprise.crypto import WeChatCrypto from wechatpy.enterprise.exceptions import InvalidCorpIdException from wechatpy.exceptions import InvalidSignatureException, WeChatClientException from bridge.context import Context from bridge.reply import Reply, ReplyType from channel.chat_channel import ChatChannel from channel.wechatcom.wechatcomapp_message import WechatComAppMessage from common.log import logger from common.singleton import singleton from common.utils import compress_imgfile, fsize from config import conf from voice.audio_convert import any_to_amr @singleton class WechatComAppChannel(ChatChannel): NOT_SUPPORT_REPLYTYPE = [] def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.corp_id = conf().get("wechatcom_corp_id") self.secret = conf().get("wechatcomapp_secret") self.agent_id = conf().get("wechatcomapp_agent_id") self.token = conf().get("wechatcomapp_token") self.aes_key = conf().get("wechatcomapp_aes_key") print(self.corp_id, self.secret, self.agent_id, self.token, self.aes_key) logger.info( "[wechatcom] init: corp_id: {}, secret: {}, agent_id: {}, token: {}, aes_key: {}".format( self.corp_id, self.secret, self.agent_id, self.token, self.aes_key ) ) self.crypto = WeChatCrypto(self.token, self.aes_key, self.corp_id) self.client = WeChatClient(self.corp_id, self.secret) # todo: 这里可能有线程安全问题 def startup(self): # start message listener urls = ("/wxcomapp", "channel.wechatcom.wechatcomapp_channel.Query") app = web.application(urls, globals(), autoreload=False) port = conf().get("wechatcomapp_port", 8080) web.httpserver.runsimple(app.wsgifunc(), ("", port)) def send(self, reply: Reply, context: Context): receiver = context["receiver"] if reply.type in [ReplyType.TEXT, ReplyType.ERROR, ReplyType.INFO]: self.client.message.send_text(self.agent_id, receiver, reply.content) logger.info("[wechatcom] sendMsg={}, receiver={}".format(reply, receiver)) elif reply.type == ReplyType.VOICE: try: file_path = reply.content amr_file = os.path.splitext(file_path)[0] + ".amr" any_to_amr(file_path, amr_file) response = self.client.media.upload("voice", open(amr_file, "rb")) logger.debug("[wechatcom] upload voice response: {}".format(response)) except WeChatClientException as e: logger.error("[wechatcom] upload voice failed: {}".format(e)) return try: os.remove(file_path) if amr_file != file_path: os.remove(amr_file) except Exception: pass self.client.message.send_voice( self.agent_id, receiver, response["media_id"] ) logger.info( "[wechatcom] sendVoice={}, receiver={}".format(reply.content, receiver) ) elif reply.type == ReplyType.IMAGE_URL: # 从网络下载图片 img_url = reply.content pic_res = requests.get(img_url, stream=True) image_storage = io.BytesIO() for block in pic_res.iter_content(1024): image_storage.write(block) if (sz := fsize(image_storage)) >= 10 * 1024 * 1024: logger.info( "[wechatcom] image too large, ready to compress, sz={}".format(sz) ) image_storage = compress_imgfile(image_storage, 10 * 1024 * 1024 - 1) logger.info( "[wechatcom] image compressed, sz={}".format(fsize(image_storage)) ) image_storage.seek(0) try: response = self.client.media.upload("image", image_storage) logger.debug("[wechatcom] upload image response: {}".format(response)) except WeChatClientException as e: logger.error("[wechatcom] upload image failed: {}".format(e)) return self.client.message.send_image( self.agent_id, receiver, response["media_id"] ) logger.info( "[wechatcom] sendImage url={}, receiver={}".format(img_url, receiver) ) elif reply.type == ReplyType.IMAGE: # 从文件读取图片 image_storage = reply.content if (sz := fsize(image_storage)) >= 10 * 1024 * 1024: logger.info( "[wechatcom] image too large, ready to compress, sz={}".format(sz) ) image_storage = compress_imgfile(image_storage, 10 * 1024 * 1024 - 1) logger.info( "[wechatcom] image compressed, sz={}".format(fsize(image_storage)) ) image_storage.seek(0) try: response = self.client.media.upload("image", image_storage) logger.debug("[wechatcom] upload image response: {}".format(response)) except WeChatClientException as e: logger.error("[wechatcom] upload image failed: {}".format(e)) return self.client.message.send_image( self.agent_id, receiver, response["media_id"] ) logger.info("[wechatcom] sendImage, receiver={}".format(receiver)) class Query: def GET(self): channel = WechatComAppChannel() params = web.input() signature = params.msg_signature timestamp = params.timestamp nonce = params.nonce echostr = params.echostr print(params) try: echostr = channel.crypto.check_signature( signature, timestamp, nonce, echostr ) except InvalidSignatureException: raise web.Forbidden() return echostr def POST(self): channel = WechatComAppChannel() params = web.input() signature = params.msg_signature timestamp = params.timestamp nonce = params.nonce try: message = channel.crypto.decrypt_message( web.data(), signature, timestamp, nonce ) except (InvalidSignatureException, InvalidCorpIdException): raise web.Forbidden() msg = parse_message(message) logger.debug("[wechatcom] receive message: {}, msg= {}".format(message, msg)) if msg.type == "event": if msg.event == "subscribe": trigger_prefix = conf().get("single_chat_prefix", [""])[0] reply_content = textwrap.dedent( f"""\ 感谢您的关注! 这里是ChatGPT,可以自由对话。 支持语音对话。 支持通用表情输入。 支持图片输入输出。 支持角色扮演和文字冒险两种定制模式对话。 输入'{trigger_prefix}#help' 查看详细指令。""" ) reply = create_reply(reply_content, msg).render() res = channel.crypto.encrypt_message(reply, nonce, timestamp) return res else: try: wechatcom_msg = WechatComAppMessage(msg, client=channel.client) except NotImplementedError as e: logger.debug("[wechatcom] " + str(e)) return "success" context = channel._compose_context( wechatcom_msg.ctype, wechatcom_msg.content, isgroup=False, msg=wechatcom_msg, ) if context: channel.produce(context) return "success"