##################################################################### # xunfei voice service # Auth: njnuko # Email: njnuko@163.com # # 要使用本模块, 首先到 xfyun.cn 注册一个开发者账号, # 之后创建一个新应用, 然后在应用管理的语音识别或者语音合同右边可以查看APPID API Key 和 Secret Key # 然后在 config.json 中填入这三个值 ##################################################################### import json import os import time from bridge.reply import Reply, ReplyType from common.log import logger from common.tmp_dir import TmpDir from config import conf from voice.voice import Voice from .xunfei_asr import xunfei_asr from .xunfei_tts import xunfei_tts from voice.audio_convert import any_to_mp3 import shutil from pydub import AudioSegment class XunfeiVoice(Voice): def __init__(self): try: curdir = os.path.dirname(__file__) config_path = os.path.join(curdir, "config.json") conf = None with open(config_path, "r") as fr: conf = json.load(fr) print(conf) self.APPID = str(conf.get("APPID")) self.APIKey = str(conf.get("APIKey")) self.APISecret = str(conf.get("APISecret")) self.BusinessArgsTTS = conf.get("BusinessArgsTTS") self.BusinessArgsASR= conf.get("BusinessArgsASR") except Exception as e: logger.warn("XunfeiVoice init failed: %s, ignore " % e) def voiceToText(self, voice_file): # 识别本地文件 try: logger.debug("[Xunfei] voice file name={}".format(voice_file)) #print("voice_file===========",voice_file) #print("voice_file_type===========",type(voice_file)) #mp3_name, file_extension = os.path.splitext(voice_file) #mp3_file = mp3_name + ".mp3" #pcm_data=get_pcm_from_wav(voice_file) #mp3_name, file_extension = os.path.splitext(voice_file) #AudioSegment.from_wav(voice_file).export(mp3_file, format="mp3") #shutil.copy2(voice_file, 'tmp/test1.wav') #shutil.copy2(mp3_file, 'tmp/test1.mp3') #print("voice and mp3 file",voice_file,mp3_file) text = xunfei_asr(self.APPID,self.APISecret,self.APIKey,self.BusinessArgsASR,voice_file) logger.info("讯飞语音识别到了: {}".format(text)) reply = Reply(ReplyType.TEXT, text) except Exception as e: logger.warn("XunfeiVoice init failed: %s, ignore " % e) reply = Reply(ReplyType.ERROR, "讯飞语音识别出错了;{0}") return reply def textToVoice(self, text): try: # Avoid the same filename under multithreading fileName = TmpDir().path() + "reply-" + str(int(time.time())) + "-" + str(hash(text) & 0x7FFFFFFF) + ".mp3" return_file = xunfei_tts(self.APPID,self.APIKey,self.APISecret,self.BusinessArgsTTS,text,fileName) logger.info("[Xunfei] textToVoice text={} voice file name={}".format(text, fileName)) reply = Reply(ReplyType.VOICE, fileName) except Exception as e: logger.error("[Xunfei] textToVoice error={}".format(fileName)) reply = Reply(ReplyType.ERROR, "抱歉,讯飞语音合成失败") return reply