""" wechat channel """ import itchat import json from itchat.content import * from channel.channel import Channel from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor thead_pool = ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=8) @itchat.msg_register(TEXT) def handler_single_msg(msg): WechatChannel().handle(msg) @itchat.msg_register(TEXT, isGroupChat=True) def handler_group_msg(msg): WechatChannel().handle_group(msg) class WechatChannel(Channel): def __init__(self): pass def startup(self): # login by scan QRCode itchat.auto_login(enableCmdQR=2) # start message listener itchat.run() def handle(self, msg): print("[WX]receive msg: " + json.dumps(msg, ensure_ascii=False)) from_user_id = msg['FromUserName'] other_user_id = msg['User']['UserName'] content = msg['Text'] if from_user_id == other_user_id and (content.lower().startswith('bot') or content.lower().startswith('@bot')): str_list = content.split('bot', 1) if len(str_list) == 2: content = str_list[1].strip() thead_pool.submit(self._do_send, content, from_user_id) def handle_group(self, msg): group_white_list = ['学就完事了', '小宝群', '全天乱斗模式', '戒赌吧', '命苦还要快乐','攒钱让姐妹当小三的组织'] print("[WX]receive group msg: " + json.dumps(msg, ensure_ascii=False)) group_id = msg['User']['UserName'] group_name = msg['User'].get('NickName', None) if not group_name: return "" origin_content = msg['Content'] content = msg['Content'] content_list = content.split(' ', 1) context_special_list = content.split('\u2005', 1) if len(context_special_list) == 2: content = context_special_list[1] elif len(content_list) == 2: content = content_list[1] if group_name in group_white_list and (msg['IsAt'] or origin_content.lower().startswith('@bot')): thead_pool.submit(self._do_send_group, content, msg) def send(self, msg, receiver): # time.sleep(random.randint(1, 3)) print('[WX] sendMsg={}, receiver={}'.format(msg, receiver)) itchat.send(msg, toUserName=receiver) def _do_send(self, send_msg, reply_user_id): context = dict() context['from_user_id'] = reply_user_id content = super().build_reply_content(send_msg, context) if content: self.send("[bot] " + content, reply_user_id) def _do_send_group(self, content, msg): context = dict() context['from_user_id'] = msg['ActualUserName'] reply_text = super().build_reply_content(content, context) reply_text = '@' + msg['ActualNickName'] + ' ' + reply_text if reply_text: self.send(reply_text, msg['User']['UserName'])