- import io
- import os
- from urllib.parse import urlparse
- from PIL import Image
- from common.log import logger
- def fsize(file):
- if isinstance(file, io.BytesIO):
- return file.getbuffer().nbytes
- elif isinstance(file, str):
- return os.path.getsize(file)
- elif hasattr(file, "seek") and hasattr(file, "tell"):
- pos = file.tell()
- file.seek(0, os.SEEK_END)
- size = file.tell()
- file.seek(pos)
- return size
- else:
- raise TypeError("Unsupported type")
- def compress_imgfile(file, max_size):
- if fsize(file) <= max_size:
- return file
- file.seek(0)
- img = Image.open(file)
- rgb_image = img.convert("RGB")
- quality = 95
- while True:
- out_buf = io.BytesIO()
- rgb_image.save(out_buf, "JPEG", quality=quality)
- if fsize(out_buf) <= max_size:
- return out_buf
- quality -= 5
- def split_string_by_utf8_length(string, max_length, max_split=0):
- encoded = string.encode("utf-8")
- start, end = 0, 0
- result = []
- while end < len(encoded):
- if max_split > 0 and len(result) >= max_split:
- result.append(encoded[start:].decode("utf-8"))
- break
- end = min(start + max_length, len(encoded))
- while end < len(encoded) and (encoded[end] & 0b11000000) == 0b10000000:
- end -= 1
- result.append(encoded[start:end].decode("utf-8"))
- start = end
- return result
- def get_path_suffix(path):
- path = urlparse(path).path
- return os.path.splitext(path)[-1].lstrip('.')
- def convert_webp_to_png(webp_image):
- from PIL import Image
- try:
- webp_image.seek(0)
- img = Image.open(webp_image).convert("RGBA")
- png_image = io.BytesIO()
- img.save(png_image, format="PNG")
- png_image.seek(0)
- return png_image
- except Exception as e:
- logger.error(f"Failed to convert WEBP to PNG: {e}")
- raise