- # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
- import web
- import time
- import math
- import hashlib
- import textwrap
- from channel.chat_channel import ChatChannel
- import channel.wechatmp.reply as reply
- import channel.wechatmp.receive as receive
- from common.singleton import singleton
- from common.log import logger
- from config import conf
- from bridge.reply import *
- from bridge.context import *
- from plugins import *
- import traceback
- # If using SSL, uncomment the following lines, and modify the certificate path.
- # from cheroot.server import HTTPServer
- # from cheroot.ssl.builtin import BuiltinSSLAdapter
- # HTTPServer.ssl_adapter = BuiltinSSLAdapter(
- # certificate='/ssl/cert.pem',
- # private_key='/ssl/cert.key')
- # from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor
- # thread_pool = ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=8)
- @singleton
- class WechatMPChannel(ChatChannel):
- def __init__(self):
- super().__init__()
- self.cache_dict = dict()
- self.query1 = dict()
- self.query2 = dict()
- self.query3 = dict()
- def startup(self):
- urls = (
- '/wx', 'SubsribeAccountQuery',
- )
- app = web.application(urls, globals())
- port = conf().get('wechatmp_port', 8080)
- web.httpserver.runsimple(app.wsgifunc(), ('', port))
- def send(self, reply: Reply, context: Context):
- reply_cnt = math.ceil(len(reply.content) / 600)
- receiver = context["receiver"]
- self.cache_dict[receiver] = (reply_cnt, reply.content)
- logger.debug("[send] reply to {} saved to cache: {}".format(receiver, reply))
- def verify_server():
- try:
- data = web.input()
- if len(data) == 0:
- return "None"
- signature = data.signature
- timestamp = data.timestamp
- nonce = data.nonce
- echostr = data.echostr
- token = conf().get('wechatmp_token') #请按照公众平台官网\基本配置中信息填写
- data_list = [token, timestamp, nonce]
- data_list.sort()
- sha1 = hashlib.sha1()
- # map(sha1.update, data_list) #python2
- sha1.update("".join(data_list).encode('utf-8'))
- hashcode = sha1.hexdigest()
- print("handle/GET func: hashcode, signature: ", hashcode, signature)
- if hashcode == signature:
- return echostr
- else:
- return ""
- except Exception as Argument:
- return Argument
- # This class is instantiated once per query
- class SubsribeAccountQuery():
- def GET(self):
- return verify_server()
- def POST(self):
- channel_instance = WechatMPChannel()
- try:
- query_time = time.time()
- webData = web.data()
- # logger.debug("[wechatmp] Receive request:\n" + webData.decode("utf-8"))
- wechat_msg = receive.parse_xml(webData)
- if wechat_msg.msg_type == 'text':
- from_user = wechat_msg.from_user_id
- to_user = wechat_msg.to_user_id
- message = wechat_msg.content.decode("utf-8")
- message_id = wechat_msg.msg_id
- logger.info("[wechatmp] {}:{} Receive post query {} {}: {}".format(web.ctx.env.get('REMOTE_ADDR'), web.ctx.env.get('REMOTE_PORT'), from_user, message_id, message))
- cache_key = from_user
- cache = channel_instance.cache_dict.get(cache_key)
- reply_text = ""
- # New request
- if cache == None:
- # The first query begin, reset the cache
- context = channel_instance._compose_context(ContextType.TEXT, message, isgroup=False, msg=wechat_msg)
- logger.debug("[wechatmp] context: {} {}".format(context, wechat_msg))
- if context:
- # set private openai_api_key
- # if from_user is not changed in itchat, this can be placed at chat_channel
- user_data = conf().get_user_data(from_user)
- context['openai_api_key'] = user_data.get('openai_api_key') # None or user openai_api_key
- channel_instance.cache_dict[cache_key] = (0, "")
- channel_instance.produce(context)
- else:
- trigger_prefix = conf().get('single_chat_prefix',[''])[0]
- if trigger_prefix:
- content = textwrap.dedent(f"""\
- 请输入'{trigger_prefix}'接你想说的话跟我说话。
- 例如:
- {trigger_prefix}你好,很高兴见到你。""")
- else:
- logger.error(f"[wechatmp] unknown error")
- content = textwrap.dedent("""\
- 未知错误,请稍后再试""")
- replyMsg = reply.TextMsg(wechat_msg.from_user_id, wechat_msg.to_user_id, content)
- return replyMsg.send()
- channel_instance.query1[cache_key] = False
- channel_instance.query2[cache_key] = False
- channel_instance.query3[cache_key] = False
- # Request again
- elif cache[0] == 0 and channel_instance.query1.get(cache_key) == True and channel_instance.query2.get(cache_key) == True and channel_instance.query3.get(cache_key) == True:
- channel_instance.query1[cache_key] = False #To improve waiting experience, this can be set to True.
- channel_instance.query2[cache_key] = False #To improve waiting experience, this can be set to True.
- channel_instance.query3[cache_key] = False
- elif cache[0] >= 1:
- # Skip the waiting phase
- channel_instance.query1[cache_key] = True
- channel_instance.query2[cache_key] = True
- channel_instance.query3[cache_key] = True
- cache = channel_instance.cache_dict.get(cache_key)
- if channel_instance.query1.get(cache_key) == False:
- # The first query from wechat official server
- logger.debug("[wechatmp] query1 {}".format(cache_key))
- channel_instance.query1[cache_key] = True
- cnt = 0
- while cache[0] == 0 and cnt < 45:
- cnt = cnt + 1
- time.sleep(0.1)
- cache = channel_instance.cache_dict.get(cache_key)
- if cnt == 45:
- # waiting for timeout (the POST query will be closed by wechat official server)
- time.sleep(5)
- # and do nothing
- return
- else:
- pass
- elif channel_instance.query2.get(cache_key) == False:
- # The second query from wechat official server
- logger.debug("[wechatmp] query2 {}".format(cache_key))
- channel_instance.query2[cache_key] = True
- cnt = 0
- while cache[0] == 0 and cnt < 45:
- cnt = cnt + 1
- time.sleep(0.1)
- cache = channel_instance.cache_dict.get(cache_key)
- if cnt == 45:
- # waiting for timeout (the POST query will be closed by wechat official server)
- time.sleep(5)
- # and do nothing
- return
- else:
- pass
- elif channel_instance.query3.get(cache_key) == False:
- # The third query from wechat official server
- logger.debug("[wechatmp] query3 {}".format(cache_key))
- channel_instance.query3[cache_key] = True
- cnt = 0
- while cache[0] == 0 and cnt < 40:
- cnt = cnt + 1
- time.sleep(0.1)
- cache = channel_instance.cache_dict.get(cache_key)
- if cnt == 40:
- # Have waiting for 3x5 seconds
- # return timeout message
- reply_text = "【正在思考中,回复任意文字尝试获取回复】"
- logger.info("[wechatmp] Three queries has finished For {}: {}".format(from_user, message_id))
- replyPost = reply.TextMsg(from_user, to_user, reply_text).send()
- return replyPost
- else:
- pass
- if float(time.time()) - float(query_time) > 4.8:
- logger.info("[wechatmp] Timeout for {} {}".format(from_user, message_id))
- return
- if cache[0] > 1:
- reply_text = cache[1][:600] + "\n【未完待续,回复任意文字以继续】" #wechatmp auto_reply length limit
- channel_instance.cache_dict[cache_key] = (cache[0] - 1, cache[1][600:])
- elif cache[0] == 1:
- reply_text = cache[1]
- channel_instance.cache_dict.pop(cache_key)
- logger.info("[wechatmp] {}:{} Do send {}".format(web.ctx.env.get('REMOTE_ADDR'), web.ctx.env.get('REMOTE_PORT'), reply_text))
- replyPost = reply.TextMsg(from_user, to_user, reply_text).send()
- return replyPost
- elif wechat_msg.msg_type == 'event':
- logger.info("[wechatmp] Event {} from {}".format(wechat_msg.Event, wechat_msg.from_user_id))
- trigger_prefix = conf().get('single_chat_prefix',[''])[0]
- content = textwrap.dedent(f"""\
- 感谢您的关注!
- 这里是ChatGPT,可以自由对话。
- 资源有限,回复较慢,请勿着急。
- 支持通用表情输入。
- 暂时不支持图片输入。
- 支持图片输出,画字开头的问题将回复图片链接。
- 支持角色扮演和文字冒险两种定制模式对话。
- 输入'{trigger_prefix}#帮助' 查看详细指令。""")
- replyMsg = reply.TextMsg(wechat_msg.from_user_id, wechat_msg.to_user_id, content)
- return replyMsg.send()
- else:
- logger.info("暂且不处理")
- return "success"
- except Exception as exc:
- logger.exception(exc)
- return exc