- import shutil
- import wave
- import pysilk
- from pydub import AudioSegment
- sil_supports=[8000, 12000, 16000, 24000, 32000, 44100, 48000] # slk转wav时,支持的采样率
- def find_closest_sil_supports(sample_rate):
- """
- 找到最接近的支持的采样率
- """
- if sample_rate in sil_supports:
- return sample_rate
- closest = 0
- mindiff = 9999999
- for rate in sil_supports:
- diff = abs(rate - sample_rate)
- if diff < mindiff:
- closest = sample_rate
- mindiff = diff
- return closest
- def get_pcm_from_wav(wav_path):
- """
- 从 wav 文件中读取 pcm
- :param wav_path: wav 文件路径
- :returns: pcm 数据
- """
- wav = wave.open(wav_path, "rb")
- return wav.readframes(wav.getnframes())
- def any_to_wav(any_path, wav_path):
- """
- 把任意格式转成wav文件
- """
- if any_path.endswith('.wav'):
- shutil.copy2(any_path, wav_path)
- return
- if any_path.endswith('.sil') or any_path.endswith('.silk') or any_path.endswith('.slk'):
- return sil_to_wav(any_path, wav_path)
- audio = AudioSegment.from_file(any_path)
- audio.export(wav_path, format="wav")
- def any_to_sil(any_path, sil_path):
- """
- 把任意格式转成sil文件
- """
- if any_path.endswith('.sil') or any_path.endswith('.silk') or any_path.endswith('.slk'):
- shutil.copy2(any_path, sil_path)
- return 10000
- if any_path.endswith('.wav'):
- return pcm_to_sil(any_path, sil_path)
- if any_path.endswith('.mp3'):
- return mp3_to_sil(any_path, sil_path)
- raise NotImplementedError("Not support file type: {}".format(any_path))
- def mp3_to_wav(mp3_path, wav_path):
- """
- 把mp3格式转成pcm文件
- """
- audio = AudioSegment.from_mp3(mp3_path)
- audio.export(wav_path, format="wav")
- def pcm_to_sil(pcm_path, silk_path):
- """
- wav 文件转成 silk
- return 声音长度,毫秒
- """
- audio = AudioSegment.from_wav(pcm_path)
- wav_data = audio.raw_data
- silk_data = pysilk.encode(
- wav_data, data_rate=audio.frame_rate, sample_rate=find_closest_sil_supports(audio.frame_rate))
- with open(silk_path, "wb") as f:
- f.write(silk_data)
- return audio.duration_seconds * 1000
- def mp3_to_sil(mp3_path, silk_path):
- """
- mp3 文件转成 silk
- return 声音长度,毫秒
- """
- audio = AudioSegment.from_mp3(mp3_path)
- wav_data = audio.raw_data
- silk_data = pysilk.encode(wav_data, data_rate=audio.frame_rate, sample_rate=find_closest_sil_supports(audio.frame_rate))
- # Save the silk file
- with open(silk_path, "wb") as f:
- f.write(silk_data)
- return audio.duration_seconds * 1000
- def sil_to_wav(silk_path, wav_path, rate: int = 24000):
- """
- silk 文件转 wav
- """
- wav_data = pysilk.decode_file(silk_path, to_wav=True, sample_rate=rate)
- with open(wav_path, "wb") as f:
- f.write(wav_data)