- import re
- from bridge.context import ContextType
- from channel.chat_message import ChatMessage
- from common.log import logger
- from common.tmp_dir import TmpDir
- from lib import itchat
- from lib.itchat.content import *
- class WeChatMessage(ChatMessage):
- def __init__(self, itchat_msg, is_group=False):
- super().__init__(itchat_msg)
- self.msg_id = itchat_msg["MsgId"]
- self.create_time = itchat_msg["CreateTime"]
- self.is_group = is_group
- if itchat_msg["Type"] == TEXT:
- self.ctype = ContextType.TEXT
- self.content = itchat_msg["Text"]
- elif itchat_msg["Type"] == VOICE:
- self.ctype = ContextType.VOICE
- self.content = TmpDir().path() + itchat_msg["FileName"]
- self._prepare_fn = lambda: itchat_msg.download(self.content)
- elif itchat_msg["Type"] == PICTURE and itchat_msg["MsgType"] == 3:
- self.ctype = ContextType.IMAGE
- self.content = TmpDir().path() + itchat_msg["FileName"]
- self._prepare_fn = lambda: itchat_msg.download(self.content)
- elif itchat_msg["Type"] == NOTE and itchat_msg["MsgType"] == 10000:
- if is_group and ("加入群聊" in itchat_msg["Content"] or "加入了群聊" in itchat_msg["Content"]):
- self.ctype = ContextType.JOIN_GROUP
- self.content = itchat_msg["Content"]
- if "加入了群聊" in itchat_msg["Content"]:
- self.actual_user_nickname = re.findall(r"\"(.*?)\"", itchat_msg["Content"])[-1]
- elif "加入群聊" in itchat_msg["Content"]:
- self.actual_user_nickname = re.findall(r"\"(.*?)\"", itchat_msg["Content"])[0]
- elif "拍了拍我" in itchat_msg["Content"]:
- self.ctype = ContextType.PATPAT
- self.content = itchat_msg["Content"]
- if is_group:
- self.actual_user_nickname = re.findall(r"\"(.*?)\"", itchat_msg["Content"])[0]
- else:
- raise NotImplementedError("Unsupported note message: " + itchat_msg["Content"])
- else:
- raise NotImplementedError("Unsupported message type: Type:{} MsgType:{}".format(itchat_msg["Type"], itchat_msg["MsgType"]))
- self.from_user_id = itchat_msg["FromUserName"]
- self.to_user_id = itchat_msg["ToUserName"]
- user_id = itchat.instance.storageClass.userName
- nickname = itchat.instance.storageClass.nickName
- if self.from_user_id == user_id:
- self.from_user_nickname = nickname
- if self.to_user_id == user_id:
- self.to_user_nickname = nickname
- try:
- self.other_user_id = itchat_msg["User"]["UserName"]
- self.other_user_nickname = itchat_msg["User"]["NickName"]
- if self.other_user_id == self.from_user_id:
- self.from_user_nickname = self.other_user_nickname
- if self.other_user_id == self.to_user_id:
- self.to_user_nickname = self.other_user_nickname
- except KeyError as e:
- logger.warn("[WX]get other_user_id failed: " + str(e))
- if self.from_user_id == user_id:
- self.other_user_id = self.to_user_id
- else:
- self.other_user_id = self.from_user_id
- if self.is_group:
- self.is_at = itchat_msg["IsAt"]
- self.actual_user_id = itchat_msg["ActualUserName"]
- if self.ctype not in [ContextType.JOIN_GROUP, ContextType.PATPAT]:
- self.actual_user_nickname = itchat_msg["ActualNickName"]