You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

88 lines

  1. // 项目版本号
  2. export const VersionModel = '1.0.1';
  3. export const DeviceCommandModel = {
  4. locate: '0001', // 立即定位
  5. locateType: '0002', // 定位模式
  6. prohibition: '0003', // 上课禁用时段
  7. sleep: '0004', // 休眠时段
  8. remoteSetting: '0005', // 远程设置
  9. familyNum: '0006', // 亲情号码
  10. remoteListening: '0007', // 远程监听
  11. clock: '0008', // 闹钟设置
  12. safeArea: '0009', // 电子围栏
  13. sim: '0010', // 设置sim卡
  14. activateDevice: '0011', // 激活设备
  15. deviceName: '0012', // 设备昵称
  16. deviceCode: '0013', // 设备安全码
  17. sendMsg: '0014' // 下发信息
  18. };
  19. export const FamilyNumberModel = {
  20. appType: {
  21. parentWeb: 0,
  22. manufactor: 1,
  23. commonWeb: 2
  24. },
  25. editable: {
  26. parentWeb: true,
  27. manufactor: false,
  28. commonWeb: true
  29. },
  30. level: 1,
  31. callOut: 1,
  32. outtime: '0000~2400|1+2+3+4+5+6+7',
  33. inComing: 1,
  34. incomingTime: '0000~2400|1+2+3+4+5+6+7'
  35. };
  36. export const ProhibitModel = {
  37. recordType: {
  38. parentWeb: 0,
  39. manufactor: 1,
  40. commonWeb: 2
  41. },
  42. editable: {
  43. parentWeb: true,
  44. manufactor: false,
  45. commonWeb: true
  46. }
  47. };
  48. export const SafeAreaModel = {
  49. appType: {
  50. parentWeb: 0,
  51. manufactor: 1
  52. },
  53. fenceType: {
  54. circle: 1, // 圆形
  55. polygon: 2 // 多边形
  56. }
  57. };
  58. export const WechatHomeModel = {
  59. production: '', // 随手精灵公众号
  60. test: '', // 校乐园
  61. development: '' // 校乐园
  62. };
  63. export const LocationType = {
  64. GPS: 1,
  65. LBS: 2,
  66. WIFI: 3
  67. };
  68. export const msgType = {
  69. record: 1,
  70. text: 2
  71. };
  72. export const MsgStatus = {
  73. alreadyRead: 1,
  74. notRead: 2
  75. };
  76. export const BaiduStatisticsModel = {
  77. production: '', // 随手精灵百度流量统计 正式环境
  78. test: '', // 随手精灵百度流量统计 测试环境
  79. development: '' // 随手精灵百度流量统计 测试环境
  80. };
  81. // 微信ocr Service ID
  82. export const WxOcrServiceId = {
  83. production: 'wx79ac3de8be320b71',
  84. test: 'wx79ac3de8be320b71',
  85. development: 'wx79ac3de8be320b71'
  86. };