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36 lines

  1. // 兼容 IE
  2. //
  3. import 'core-js/stable';
  4. import 'regenerator-runtime/runtime';
  5. import Vue from 'vue';
  6. import App from './App.vue';
  7. import router from './router';
  8. import store from './store/index';
  9. // 设置 js中可以访问 $cdn
  10. import { $cdn } from '@/config';
  11. Vue.prototype.$cdn = $cdn;
  12. import dayjs from 'dayjs';
  13. // 引入echarts
  14. import * as echarts from 'echarts';
  15. // 全局引入按需引入UI库 vant
  16. import '@/plugins/vant';
  17. // 引入全局样式
  18. import '@/assets/css/index.scss';
  19. // 移动端适配
  20. import 'amfe-flexible';
  21. Vue.prototype.$dayjs = dayjs;
  22. Vue.prototype.$echarts = echarts;
  23. Vue.prototype.$store = store;
  24. // filters
  25. import './filters';
  26. Vue.config.productionTip = false;
  27. new Vue({
  28. el: '#app',
  29. router,
  30. store,
  31. render: h => h(App)
  32. });