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home.wxml 1.6KB

2 vuotta sitten
2 vuotta sitten
2 vuotta sitten
2 vuotta sitten
2 vuotta sitten
  1. <view class="home-container">
  2. <!--header -->
  3. <view class="header">
  4. <text>设备不支持5G类型以及机场,酒店等热点WLAN。如未获取到,请打开WIFI和GPS后刷新页面。点击WLAN即可查看对应的WLAN信息。</text>
  5. </view>
  6. <!-- list -->
  7. <view class="disable-wlan">
  8. <text>可用WLAN列表</text>
  9. <button class="disable-wlan-btn" type="primary" size="mini" bindtap="onRefresh" wx:if="{{wlanList.length > 0}}">刷新</button>
  10. </view>
  11. <!-- body -->
  12. <view class="body">
  13. <view class="wlan-list" wx:if="{{wlanList.length > 0}}">
  14. <view class="wlan-item" wx:for="{{wlanList}}" wx:key="index">
  15. <view bindtap="onSave" data-name="{{wlanList[index]}}" class="{{ index === 0 && isConnectWlan ? 'isConnect' : ''}}">
  16. {{wlanList[index].SSID}}
  17. <text class="wlan-item-text" wx:if="{{index === 0 && isConnectWlan}}">(当前手机连接网络)</text>
  18. </view>
  19. </view>
  20. </view>
  21. <view class="wlan-list-empty" wx:else="{{wlanList.length === 0}}">
  22. <image class="no_wifi" src="../../images/icon/no_wifi.png"></image>
  23. <text bindtap="onHelp">找不到WLAN?</text>
  24. <button type="primary" bindtap="onRefresh">刷新</button>
  25. </view>
  26. </view>
  27. <!-- footer -->
  28. <view class="footer">
  29. <image class="help" src="../../images/icon/help.png"></image><text bindtap="onHelp">搜索不到WLAN</text>
  30. </view>
  31. <UserPrivacyDialog bind:onStartWifi='onStartWifi'></UserPrivacyDialog>
  32. </view>