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12 satır

  1. <view class="privacy" wx:if="{{showPrivacy}}">
  2. <view class="content">
  3. <view class="title">隐私保护指引</view>
  4. <view class="des">
  5. 在使用当前小程序服务之前,请仔细阅读<text class="link" bind:tap="openPrivacyContract">{{privacyContractName}}</text>。如你同意{{privacyContractName}},请点击“同意”开始使用。
  6. </view>
  7. <view class="btns">
  8. <button class="item reject" bind:tap="exitMiniProgram">拒绝</button>
  9. <button id="agree-btn" class="item agree" open-type="agreePrivacyAuthorization" bindagreeprivacyauthorization="handleAgreePrivacyAuthorization">同意</button>
  10. </view>
  11. </view>
  12. </view>