@@ -12,16 +12,32 @@ |
<artifactId>sentinel-demo-dubbo</artifactId> |
<dependencies> |
<dependency> |
<groupId>org.springframework</groupId> |
<artifactId>spring-context</artifactId> |
<version>5.0.7.RELEASE</version> |
</dependency> |
<!-- Demo use dubbo 2.6.5, since it supports jdk1.6 --> |
<dependency> |
<groupId>com.alibaba</groupId> |
<artifactId>dubbo</artifactId> |
<version>2.6.5</version> |
</dependency> |
<!-- As dubbo provide qos plugin since 2.5.8 and is enable by default --> |
<!-- The dubbo-qos module is optional and it depends netty4, so add it explicitly --> |
<!-- @see http://dubbo.apache.org/zh-cn/docs/user/references/qos.html --> |
<dependency> |
<groupId>io.netty</groupId> |
<artifactId>netty-all</artifactId> |
<version>4.1.31.Final</version> |
</dependency> |
<!-- As demo use @DubboComponentScan to config, which is implemented in dubbo-config-spring module --> |
<!-- The dubbo-config-spring module is optional and it depends spring-context-support, so add it explicitly--> |
<!-- @see https://github.com/apache/incubator-dubbo/issues/2869 --> |
<dependency> |
<groupId>com.alibaba.spring</groupId> |
<artifactId>spring-context-support</artifactId> |
<version>1.0.2</version> |
</dependency> |
<!-- sentinel adapter and transport --> |
<dependency> |
<groupId>com.alibaba.csp</groupId> |
<artifactId>sentinel-dubbo-adapter</artifactId> |