Quellcode durchsuchen

Code and javadoc improvement

Signed-off-by: Eric Zhao <sczyh16@gmail.com>
Eric Zhao vor 6 Jahren
14 geänderte Dateien mit 147 neuen und 55 gelöschten Zeilen
  1. +18
  2. +24
  3. +2
  4. +34
  5. +12
  6. +17
  7. +6
  8. +4
  9. +9
  10. +1
  11. +5
  12. +5
  13. +3
  14. +7

+ 18
- 16
sentinel-core/src/main/java/com/alibaba/csp/sentinel/node/ClusterNode.java Datei anzeigen

@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
package com.alibaba.csp.sentinel.node;

import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock;

import com.alibaba.csp.sentinel.context.ContextUtil;
@@ -31,7 +32,7 @@ import com.alibaba.csp.sentinel.slots.block.BlockException;
* To distinguish invocation from different origin (declared in
* {@link ContextUtil#enter(String name, String origin)}),
* one {@link ClusterNode} holds an {@link #originCountMap}, this map holds {@link StatisticNode}
* of different origin. Use {@link #getOriginNode(String)} to get {@link Node} of the specific
* of different origin. Use {@link #getOrCreateOriginNode(String)} to get {@link Node} of the specific
* origin.<br/>
* Note that 'origin' usually is Service Consumer's app name.
* </p>
@@ -42,30 +43,31 @@ import com.alibaba.csp.sentinel.slots.block.BlockException;
public class ClusterNode extends StatisticNode {

* <p>
* the longer the application runs, the more stable this mapping will
* The longer the application runs, the more stable this mapping will
* become. so we don't concurrent map but a lock. as this lock only happens
* at the very beginning while concurrent map will hold the lock all the
* time
* </p>
* at the very beginning while concurrent map will hold the lock all the time.
private HashMap<String, StatisticNode> originCountMap = new HashMap<String, StatisticNode>();
private ReentrantLock lock = new ReentrantLock();
private Map<String, StatisticNode> originCountMap = new HashMap<String, StatisticNode>();

private final ReentrantLock lock = new ReentrantLock();

* Get {@link Node} of the specific origin. Usually the origin is the Service Consumer's app name.
* <p>Get {@link Node} of the specific origin. Usually the origin is the Service Consumer's app name.</p>
* <p>If the origin node for given origin is absent, then a new {@link StatisticNode}
* for the origin will be created and returned.</p>
* @param origin The caller's name. It is declared in the
* @param origin The caller's name, which is designated in the {@code parameter} parameter
* {@link ContextUtil#enter(String name, String origin)}.
* @return the {@link Node} of the specific origin.
* @return the {@link Node} of the specific origin
public Node getOriginNode(String origin) {
public Node getOrCreateOriginNode(String origin) {
StatisticNode statisticNode = originCountMap.get(origin);
if (statisticNode == null) {
try {
statisticNode = originCountMap.get(origin);
if (statisticNode == null) {
// The node is absent, create a new node for the origin.
statisticNode = new StatisticNode();
HashMap<String, StatisticNode> newMap = new HashMap<String, StatisticNode>(
originCountMap.size() + 1);
@@ -80,15 +82,15 @@ public class ClusterNode extends StatisticNode {
return statisticNode;

public synchronized HashMap<String, StatisticNode> getOriginCountMap() {
public synchronized Map<String, StatisticNode> getOriginCountMap() {
return originCountMap;

* Add exception count only when {@code throwable} is not {@link BlockException#isBlockException(Throwable)}
* Add exception count only when given {@code throwable} is not a {@link BlockException}.
* @param throwable
* @param count count to add.
* @param throwable target exception
* @param count count to add
public void trace(Throwable throwable, int count) {
if (!BlockException.isBlockException(throwable)) {

+ 24
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sentinel-core/src/main/java/com/alibaba/csp/sentinel/node/DefaultNode.java Datei anzeigen

@@ -40,10 +40,19 @@ import com.alibaba.csp.sentinel.slots.nodeselector.NodeSelectorSlot;
public class DefaultNode extends StatisticNode {

* The resource associated with the node.
private ResourceWrapper id;

private volatile HashSet<Node> childList = new HashSet<Node>();
* The list of all child nodes.
private volatile Set<Node> childList = new HashSet<Node>();

* Associated cluster node.
private ClusterNode clusterNode;

public DefaultNode(ResourceWrapper id, ClusterNode clusterNode) {
@@ -63,22 +72,32 @@ public class DefaultNode extends StatisticNode {
this.clusterNode = clusterNode;

* Add child node to current node.
* @param node valid child node
public void addChild(Node node) {

if (node == null) {
RecordLog.warn("Trying to add null child to node <{0}>, ignored", id.getName());
if (!childList.contains(node)) {

synchronized (this) {
if (!childList.contains(node)) {
HashSet<Node> newSet = new HashSet<Node>(childList.size() + 1);
Set<Node> newSet = new HashSet<Node>(childList.size() + 1);
childList = newSet;
RecordLog.info(String.format("Add child %s to %s", ((DefaultNode)node).id.getName(), id.getName()));
RecordLog.info("Add child <{0}> to node <{1}>", ((DefaultNode)node).id.getName(), id.getName());

* Reset the child node list.
public void removeChildList() {
this.childList = new HashSet<Node>();

+ 2
- 0
sentinel-core/src/main/java/com/alibaba/csp/sentinel/node/DefaultNodeBuilder.java Datei anzeigen

@@ -18,6 +18,8 @@ package com.alibaba.csp.sentinel.node;
import com.alibaba.csp.sentinel.slotchain.ResourceWrapper;

* Default implementation of {@link NodeBuilder}.
* @author qinan.qn
public class DefaultNodeBuilder implements NodeBuilder {

+ 34
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sentinel-core/src/main/java/com/alibaba/csp/sentinel/node/Node.java Datei anzeigen

@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ import com.alibaba.csp.sentinel.node.metric.MetricNode;
* @author qinan.qn
* @author leyou
* @author Eric Zhao
public interface Node {

@@ -70,6 +71,11 @@ public interface Node {
long successQps();

* Get estimated max success QPS till now.
* @return max success QPS
long maxSuccessQps();

@@ -79,9 +85,16 @@ public interface Node {

* Get average rt per second.
* @return average response time per second
long avgRt();

* Get minimal response time.
* @return recorded minimal response time
long minRt();

@@ -99,23 +112,43 @@ public interface Node {
long previousPassQps();

* Fetch all valid metric nodes of resources.
* @return valid metric nodes of resources
Map<Long, MetricNode> metrics();

* Add pass count.
void addPassRequest();

* Add rt and success count.
* @param rt
* @param rt response time
void rt(long rt);

* Increase the block count.
void increaseBlockQps();

* Increase the biz exception count.
void increaseExceptionQps();

* Increase current thread count.
void increaseThreadNum();

* Increase current thread count.
void decreaseThreadNum();


+ 12
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sentinel-core/src/main/java/com/alibaba/csp/sentinel/node/NodeBuilder.java Datei anzeigen

@@ -24,7 +24,19 @@ import com.alibaba.csp.sentinel.slotchain.ResourceWrapper;
public interface NodeBuilder {

* Create a new {@link DefaultNode} as tree node.
* @param id resource
* @param clusterNode the cluster node of the provided resource
* @return new created tree node
DefaultNode buildTreeNode(ResourceWrapper id, ClusterNode clusterNode);

* Create a new {@link ClusterNode} as universal statistic node for a single resource.
* @return new created cluster node
ClusterNode buildClusterNode();

+ 17
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sentinel-core/src/main/java/com/alibaba/csp/sentinel/node/StatisticNode.java Datei anzeigen

@@ -106,25 +106,24 @@ public class StatisticNode implements Node {
private AtomicInteger curThreadNum = new AtomicInteger(0);

* The last timestamp when metrics were fetched.
private long lastFetchTime = -1;

public Map<Long, MetricNode> metrics() {
// The fetch operation is thread-safe under a single-thread scheduler pool.
long currentTime = TimeUtil.currentTimeMillis();
currentTime = currentTime - currentTime % 1000;
Map<Long, MetricNode> metrics = new ConcurrentHashMap<Long, MetricNode>();
List<MetricNode> nodesOfEverySecond = rollingCounterInMinute.details();
long newLastFetchTime = lastFetchTime;
// Iterate metrics of all resources, filter valid metrics (not-empty and up-to-date).
for (MetricNode node : nodesOfEverySecond) {
if (node.getTimestamp() > lastFetchTime && node.getTimestamp() < currentTime) {
if (node.getPassQps() != 0
|| node.getBlockQps() != 0
|| node.getSuccessQps() != 0
|| node.getExceptionQps() != 0
|| node.getRt() != 0) {
metrics.put(node.getTimestamp(), node);
newLastFetchTime = Math.max(newLastFetchTime, node.getTimestamp());
if (isNodeInTime(node, currentTime) && isValidMetricNode(node)) {
metrics.put(node.getTimestamp(), node);
newLastFetchTime = Math.max(newLastFetchTime, node.getTimestamp());
lastFetchTime = newLastFetchTime;
@@ -132,6 +131,15 @@ public class StatisticNode implements Node {
return metrics;

private boolean isNodeInTime(MetricNode node, long currentTime) {
return node.getTimestamp() > lastFetchTime && node.getTimestamp() < currentTime;

private boolean isValidMetricNode(MetricNode node) {
return node.getPassQps() > 0 || node.getBlockQps() > 0 || node.getSuccessQps() > 0
|| node.getExceptionQps() > 0 || node.getRt() > 0;

public void reset() {
rollingCounterInSecond = new ArrayMetric(1000 / SampleCountProperty.SAMPLE_COUNT, IntervalProperty.INTERVAL);

+ 6
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sentinel-core/src/main/java/com/alibaba/csp/sentinel/node/metric/MetricNode.java Datei anzeigen

@@ -19,6 +19,12 @@ import java.text.DateFormat;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.Date;

* Metrics data for a specific resource at given {@code timestamp}.
* @author jialiang.linjl
* @author Carpenter Lee
public class MetricNode {

private long timestamp;

+ 4
- 2
sentinel-core/src/main/java/com/alibaba/csp/sentinel/node/metric/MetricTimerListener.java Datei anzeigen

@@ -27,6 +27,9 @@ import com.alibaba.csp.sentinel.node.ClusterNode;
import com.alibaba.csp.sentinel.slotchain.ResourceWrapper;
import com.alibaba.csp.sentinel.slots.clusterbuilder.ClusterBuilderSlot;

* @author jialiang.linjl
public class MetricTimerListener implements Runnable {

private static final MetricWriter metricWriter = new MetricWriter(SentinelConfig.singleMetricFileSize(),
@@ -57,11 +60,10 @@ public class MetricTimerListener implements Runnable {
try {
metricWriter.write(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
} catch (Exception e) {
RecordLog.info("write metric error: ", e);
RecordLog.warn("[MetricTimerListener] Write metric error", e);



+ 9
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sentinel-core/src/main/java/com/alibaba/csp/sentinel/node/metric/MetricsReader.java Datei anzeigen

@@ -22,12 +22,17 @@ import java.nio.charset.Charset;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

* Reads metrics data from log file.
class MetricsReader {

* avoid OOM in any case
* Avoid OOM in any cases.
private static final int maxLinesReturn = 100000;
private Charset charset;
private static final int MAX_LINES_RETURN = 100000;

private final Charset charset;

public MetricsReader(Charset charset) {
this.charset = charset;
@@ -58,7 +63,7 @@ class MetricsReader {
} else {
return false;
if (list.size() >= maxLinesReturn) {
if (list.size() >= MAX_LINES_RETURN) {
return false;

+ 1
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sentinel-core/src/main/java/com/alibaba/csp/sentinel/slots/DefaultSlotChainBuilder.java Datei anzeigen

@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ import com.alibaba.csp.sentinel.slots.statistic.StatisticSlot;
import com.alibaba.csp.sentinel.slots.system.SystemSlot;

* Helper class to create {@link ProcessorSlotChain}.
* Builder for a default {@link ProcessorSlotChain}.
* @author qinan.qn
* @author leyou

+ 5
- 7
sentinel-core/src/main/java/com/alibaba/csp/sentinel/slots/block/flow/controller/RateLimiterController.java Datei anzeigen

@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ public class RateLimiterController implements TrafficShapingController {

private final int maxQueueingTimeMs;
private final double count;

private final AtomicLong latestPassedTime = new AtomicLong(-1);

public RateLimiterController(int timeOut, double count) {
@@ -38,21 +39,19 @@ public class RateLimiterController implements TrafficShapingController {

public boolean canPass(Node node, int acquireCount) {

// 按照斜率来计算计划中应该什么时候通过
long currentTime = TimeUtil.currentTimeMillis();
// Calculate the interval between every two requests.
long costTime = Math.round(1.0 * (acquireCount) / count * 1000);

// Expected pass time of this request.
long expectedTime = costTime + latestPassedTime.get();

if (expectedTime <= currentTime) {
// Contention may exist here, but it's okay.
return true;
} else {
// 计算自己需要的等待时间
// Calculate the time to wait.
long waitTime = costTime + latestPassedTime.get() - TimeUtil.currentTimeMillis();
if (waitTime >= maxQueueingTimeMs) {
return false;
@@ -70,7 +69,6 @@ public class RateLimiterController implements TrafficShapingController {

return false;

+ 5
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sentinel-core/src/main/java/com/alibaba/csp/sentinel/slots/clusterbuilder/ClusterBuilderSlot.java Datei anzeigen

@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ public class ClusterBuilderSlot extends AbstractLinkedProcessorSlot<DefaultNode>
* <p>
* Remember that same resource({@link ResourceWrapper#equals(Object)}) will share
* the same {@link ProcessorSlotChain} globally, no matter in witch context. So if
* code goes into {@link #entry(Context, ResourceWrapper, DefaultNode, int, Object...)},
* code goes into {@link #entry(Context, ResourceWrapper, DefaultNode, int, boolean, Object...)},
* the resource name must be same but context name may not.
* </p>
* <p>
@@ -62,8 +62,7 @@ public class ClusterBuilderSlot extends AbstractLinkedProcessorSlot<DefaultNode>
* <p>
* The longer the application runs, the more stable this mapping will
* become. so we don't concurrent map but a lock. as this lock only happens
* at the very beginning while concurrent map will hold the lock all the
* time
* at the very beginning while concurrent map will hold the lock all the time.
* </p>
private static volatile Map<ResourceWrapper, ClusterNode> clusterNodeMap
@@ -74,7 +73,8 @@ public class ClusterBuilderSlot extends AbstractLinkedProcessorSlot<DefaultNode>
private ClusterNode clusterNode = null;

public void entry(Context context, ResourceWrapper resourceWrapper, DefaultNode node, int count, boolean prioritized, Object... args)
public void entry(Context context, ResourceWrapper resourceWrapper, DefaultNode node, int count,
boolean prioritized, Object... args)
throws Throwable {
if (clusterNode == null) {
synchronized (lock) {
@@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ public class ClusterBuilderSlot extends AbstractLinkedProcessorSlot<DefaultNode>
* the specific origin.
if (!"".equals(context.getOrigin())) {
Node originNode = node.getClusterNode().getOriginNode(context.getOrigin());
Node originNode = node.getClusterNode().getOrCreateOriginNode(context.getOrigin());

+ 3
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sentinel-core/src/main/java/com/alibaba/csp/sentinel/slots/statistic/base/LeapArray.java Datei anzeigen

@@ -45,6 +45,9 @@ public abstract class LeapArray<T> {

protected final AtomicReferenceArray<WindowWrap<T>> array;

* The fine-grained update lock is used only when current bucket is deprecated.
private final ReentrantLock updateLock = new ReentrantLock();


sentinel-core/src/test/java/com/alibaba/csp/sentinel/slots/clusterbuilder/ClusterNodeBuilder.java → sentinel-core/src/test/java/com/alibaba/csp/sentinel/slots/clusterbuilder/ClusterNodeBuilderTest.java Datei anzeigen

@@ -15,6 +15,8 @@
package com.alibaba.csp.sentinel.slots.clusterbuilder;

import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotSame;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertSame;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;

import org.junit.Test;
@@ -28,7 +30,7 @@ import com.alibaba.csp.sentinel.node.Node;
* @author jialiang.linjl
public class ClusterNodeBuilder {
public class ClusterNodeBuilderTest {

public void clusterNodeBuilder_normal() throws Exception {
@@ -37,10 +39,10 @@ public class ClusterNodeBuilder {
Entry nodeA = SphU.entry("nodeA");

Node curNode = nodeA.getCurNode();
assertTrue(curNode.getClass() == DefaultNode.class);
assertSame(curNode.getClass(), DefaultNode.class);
DefaultNode dN = (DefaultNode)curNode;
assertTrue(nodeA.getOriginNode() == dN.getClusterNode().getOriginNode("caller1"));
assertSame(nodeA.getOriginNode(), dN.getClusterNode().getOrCreateOriginNode("caller1"));

if (nodeA != null) {
@@ -52,10 +54,10 @@ public class ClusterNodeBuilder {
nodeA = SphU.entry("nodeA");

curNode = nodeA.getCurNode();
assertTrue(curNode.getClass() == DefaultNode.class);
assertSame(curNode.getClass(), DefaultNode.class);
DefaultNode dN1 = (DefaultNode)curNode;
assertTrue(dN1 != dN);
assertNotSame(dN1, dN);

if (nodeA != null) {
