- Add new field `clusterMode` and `clusterConfig` for cluster mode
- Add a `ClusterFlowConfig` class for specific items for cluster flow control
- Update FlowRuleChecker to support cluster mode
- Extract valid rule checking and rule map generating logic to FlowRuleUtil
Signed-off-by: Eric Zhao <sczyh16@gmail.com>
- Add a universal `TokenService` SPI interface for both local flow control and distributed flow control
- Add TokenResult entity to represents result of acquiring token
- Add `ClusterTokenClient` as the SPI interface for client of Sentinel cluster flow control
Signed-off-by: Eric Zhao <sczyh16@gmail.com>
- Update ParamFlowRule to support cluster mode
- Add `ParamFlowClusterConfig` to provide cluster mode items for the rule
- Update ParamFlowChecker to support cluster flow mode
- Extract ParamFlowRuleUtil class
- Change type of `flowId` from Integer to Long
Signed-off-by: Eric Zhao <sczyh16@gmail.com>
- Add new field `clusterMode` and `clusterConfig` for cluster mode
- Add a `ClusterFlowConfig` class for specific items for cluster flow control
- Update FlowRuleChecker to support cluster mode
- Extract valid rule checking and rule map generating logic to FlowRuleUtil
Signed-off-by: Eric Zhao <sczyh16@gmail.com>
- Add a universal `TokenService` SPI interface for both local flow control and distributed flow control
- Add TokenResult entity to represents result of acquiring token
- Add `ClusterTokenClient` as the SPI interface for client of Sentinel cluster flow control
Signed-off-by: Eric Zhao <sczyh16@gmail.com>
- Enhance rule checking in rule managers and Sentinel Dashboard frontend
- Enhance error information when reporting invalid fields in rule dialog
Signed-off-by: Eric Zhao <sczyh16@gmail.com>
* sentinel-transport-netty-http will also retry when port specified has been used
* LogBase support variable arguments
* Remove duplicated JVM properties overriding in SentinelConfig
* Add VersionUtil to get version from jar
- Add callback registry for statistic slot for extensions.
- Add a new module `sentinel-parameter-flow-control` under `sentinel-extension`.
- Add a `CacheMap` interface to provide abstraction for cache. We use ConcurrentLinkedHashMap as the default implementation (LRU strategy)..
- Add a `ParameterMetric` class as frequent parameter metrics for a specific resource. The metric map is located in `ParamFlowSlot` rather than `ClusterNode`.
- Implement `ParameterLeapArray` as statistic data structure for frequent parameters in a period of time window.
- Add `ParamFlowSlot` as the checker slot; Add `ParamFlowChecker` to do rule checking; Add `ParamFlowRuleManager` to do rule managing.
- The statistic metrics for frequent parameters is enabled only if the related resource has configured parameter flow rule; Parameter metrics for removed rules will be cleared automatically.
- Leverage extensible `SlotChainBuilder` to provide a `HotParamSlotChainBuilder`.
- Add command handlers for hot param rules.
- Add test cases and demo.
- When amount of context exceeds the threshold, the `NullContext` will be set to current thread local. Thus, when checking context in `CtSph#entry`, once `NullContext` detected, the entry will not do rule checking on the slot chain.
- Cache the default context during initialization. Then when amount of context exceeds the threshold, entries under default context can do rule checking under default context.
- Enhance the error message
Signed-off-by: Eric Zhao <sczyh16@gmail.com>