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Eric Zhao 3d2c33ef1d Bump version to 1.6.1 (release) 5 年前
src/main/java/com/alibaba/csp/sentinel/demo/apache/dubbo Add demo module for integration with Apache Dubbo 2.7.x and above version 6 年前 Add demo module for integration with Apache Dubbo 2.7.x and above version 6 年前
pom.xml Bump version to 1.6.1 (release) 5 年前

Sentinel Apache Dubbo Demo

This demo shows how to integrate Apache Dubbo 2.7.x or above version with Sentinel using sentinel-apache-dubbo-adapter module.

Run the demo

For the provider demo FooProviderBootstrap, you need to add the following parameters when startup:

For the consumer demo FooConsumerBootstrap, you need to add the following parameters when startup: