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tao.zhang 5b9865db1c Add gateway adapter for Zuul 2.x (#1138) 5 years ago
src Add gateway adapter for Zuul 2.x (#1138) 5 years ago Add gateway adapter for Zuul 2.x (#1138) 5 years ago
pom.xml Add gateway adapter for Zuul 2.x (#1138) 5 years ago

Sentinel Zuul 2.x Adapter

This adapter provides route level and customized API level flow control for Zuul 2.x API Gateway.

Note: this adapter only support Zuul 2.x.

How to use

You can refer to demo sentinel-demo-zuul2-gateway

  1. Add Maven dependency to your pom.xml:
  1. Register filters
filterMultibinder.addBinding().toInstance(new SentinelZuulInboundFilter(500));
filterMultibinder.addBinding().toInstance(new SentinelZuulOutboundFilter(500));
filterMultibinder.addBinding().toInstance(new SentinelZuulEndpoint());

How it works

As Zuul 2.x is based on netty, a event-drive model, so we use AsyncEntry to do flow control.

  • SentinelZuulInboundFilter: This inbound filter will regard all proxy ID (proxy in SessionContext) and all customized API as resources. When a BlockException caught, the filter will set endpoint to find a fallback to execute.
  • SentinelZuulOutboundFilter: When the response has no exception caught, the post filter will trace the exception and complete the entries.
  • SentinelZuulEndpoint: When an exception is caught, the filter will find a fallback to execute.

Integration with Sentinel Dashboard

  1. Start Sentinel Dashboard.
  2. You can configure the rules in Sentinel dashboard or via dynamic rule configuration.


You can implement ZuulBlockFallbackProvider to define your own fallback provider when Sentinel BlockException is thrown. The default fallback provider is DefaultBlockFallbackProvider.

By default fallback route is proxy ID (or customized API name).

Here is an example:

// custom provider
public class MyBlockFallbackProvider implements ZuulBlockFallbackProvider {

    private Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(DefaultBlockFallbackProvider.class);

    // you can define root as service level
    public String getRoute() {
        return "my-route";

        public BlockResponse fallbackResponse(String route, Throwable cause) {
  "[Sentinel DefaultBlockFallbackProvider] Run fallback route: %s", route));
            if (cause instanceof BlockException) {
                return new BlockResponse(429, "Sentinel block exception", route);
            } else {
                return new BlockResponse(500, "System Error", route);

 // register fallback
 ZuulBlockFallbackManager.registerProvider(new MyBlockFallbackProvider());

Default block response:

    "message":"Sentinel block exception",

Request origin parser

You can register customized request origin parser like this:

public class MyRequestOriginParser implements RequestOriginParser {
    public String parseOrigin(HttpRequestMessage request) {
        return request.getInboundRequest().getOriginalHost() + ":" + request.getInboundRequest().getOriginalPort();