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Eric Zhao 6a9d479216 Improvements for cluster token client retry and stop control logic 6 年前
sentinel-cluster-client-default Improvements for cluster token client retry and stop control logic 6 年前
sentinel-cluster-common-default Config and log enhancement for cluster token client 6 年前
sentinel-cluster-server-default Optimize Netty dependency of cluster modules 6 年前 Update cluster related command APIs and some enhancement and fix for cluster module 6 年前
pom.xml Optimize Netty dependency of cluster modules 6 年前

Sentinel Cluster Flow Control

This is the default implementation of Sentinel cluster flow control.

  • sentinel-cluster-common-default: common module for cluster transport and functions
  • sentinel-cluster-client-default: default cluster client module using Netty as underlying transport library
  • sentinel-cluster-server-default: default cluster server module