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Eric Zhao ae214b5244 Bump version to 1.8.1 4 年前
src Refactor config mechanism for OkHttp adapter and polish related code 4 年前 Refactor config mechanism for OkHttp adapter and polish related code 4 年前
pom.xml Bump version to 1.8.1 4 年前

Sentinel OkHttp Adapter


Sentinel provides integration for OkHttp client to enable flow control for web requests.

Add the following dependency in pom.xml (if you are using Maven):


We can add the SentinelOkHttpInterceptor interceptor when OkHttpClient at initialization, for example:

OkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient.Builder()
        .addInterceptor(new SentinelOkHttpInterceptor(new SentinelOkHttpConfig()))


SentinelOkHttpConfig configuration:

name description type default value
resourcePrefix customized resource name prefix String okhttp:
resourceExtractor customized resource extractor OkHttpResourceExtractor DefaultOkHttpResourceExtractor
fallback handle request when it is blocked OkHttpFallback DefaultOkHttpFallback

Resource Extractor

We can define OkHttpResourceExtractor to customize the logic of extracting resource name from the HTTP request. For example: okhttp:GET:ip:port/okhttp/back/1 ==> /okhttp/back/{id}

OkHttpResourceExtractor extractor = (request, connection) -> {
    String resource = request.url().toString();
    String regex = "/okhttp/back/";
    if (resource.contains(regex)) {
        resource = resource.substring(0, resource.indexOf(regex) + regex.length()) + "{id}";
    return resource;

The pattern of default resource name extractor is ${HTTP_METHOD}:${URL} (e.g. GET:/foo).

Fallback (Block handling)

We can define OkHttpFallback to handle blocked request. For example:

public class DefaultOkHttpFallback implements OkHttpFallback {

    public Response handle(Request request, Connection connection, BlockException e) {
        return new Response(myErrorBuilder);