yunan.zhang aef00c48ed
demo: Improve remoteAddress and groupId of sentinel-demo-nacos-datasource (#2134)
pirms 4 gadiem
sentinel-demo-annotation-cdi-interceptor Bump version to 1.8.2-SNAPSHOT pirms 4 gadiem
sentinel-demo-annotation-spring-aop Bump version to 1.8.2-SNAPSHOT pirms 4 gadiem
sentinel-demo-apache-dubbo Bump version to 1.8.2-SNAPSHOT pirms 4 gadiem
sentinel-demo-apache-httpclient Bump version to 1.8.2-SNAPSHOT pirms 4 gadiem
sentinel-demo-apollo-datasource Bump version to 1.8.2-SNAPSHOT pirms 4 gadiem
sentinel-demo-basic Bump version to 1.8.2-SNAPSHOT pirms 4 gadiem
sentinel-demo-cluster Bump version to 1.8.2-SNAPSHOT pirms 4 gadiem
sentinel-demo-command-handler Bump version to 1.8.2-SNAPSHOT pirms 4 gadiem
sentinel-demo-dubbo Bump version to 1.8.2-SNAPSHOT pirms 4 gadiem
sentinel-demo-dynamic-file-rule Bump version to 1.8.2-SNAPSHOT pirms 4 gadiem
sentinel-demo-etcd-datasource Bump version to 1.8.2-SNAPSHOT pirms 4 gadiem
sentinel-demo-jax-rs Bump version to 1.8.2-SNAPSHOT pirms 4 gadiem
sentinel-demo-log-logback Bump version to 1.8.2-SNAPSHOT pirms 4 gadiem
sentinel-demo-motan Bump version to 1.8.2-SNAPSHOT pirms 4 gadiem
sentinel-demo-nacos-datasource demo: Improve remoteAddress and groupId of sentinel-demo-nacos-datasource (#2134) pirms 4 gadiem
sentinel-demo-okhttp Bump version to 1.8.2-SNAPSHOT pirms 4 gadiem
sentinel-demo-parameter-flow-control Bump version to 1.8.2-SNAPSHOT pirms 4 gadiem
sentinel-demo-quarkus Bump version to 1.8.2-SNAPSHOT pirms 4 gadiem
sentinel-demo-rocketmq Bump version to 1.8.2-SNAPSHOT pirms 4 gadiem
sentinel-demo-slot-spi example: Add separate demo for slot/slot chain SPI (#2085) pirms 4 gadiem
sentinel-demo-slotchain-spi example: Add separate demo for slot/slot chain SPI (#2085) pirms 4 gadiem
sentinel-demo-sofa-rpc Bump version to 1.8.2-SNAPSHOT pirms 4 gadiem
sentinel-demo-spring-cloud-gateway Bump version to 1.8.2-SNAPSHOT pirms 4 gadiem
sentinel-demo-spring-webflux Bump version to 1.8.2-SNAPSHOT pirms 4 gadiem
sentinel-demo-spring-webmvc Bump version to 1.8.2-SNAPSHOT pirms 4 gadiem
sentinel-demo-transport-spring-mvc Add sentinel-transport-spring-mvc module (#1957) pirms 4 gadiem
sentinel-demo-zookeeper-datasource Bump version to 1.8.2-SNAPSHOT pirms 4 gadiem
sentinel-demo-zuul-gateway Bump version to 1.8.2-SNAPSHOT pirms 4 gadiem
sentinel-demo-zuul2-gateway Bump version to 1.8.2-SNAPSHOT pirms 4 gadiem Update documentation and issue template pirms 6 gadiem
pom.xml example: Add separate demo for slot/slot chain SPI (#2085) pirms 4 gadiem

Sentinel Examples

The examples demonstrate:

  • How to leverage basic features (e.g. flow control, circuit breaking, load protection) of Sentinel
  • How to use various data source extensions of Sentinel (e.g. file, Nacos, ZooKeeper)
  • How to use Dubbo with Sentinel
  • How to use Apache RocketMQ client with Sentinel
  • How to use Sentinel annotation support
  • How to add your own logic to Sentinel using Slot Chain SPI