Jason Joo 5d3ccb0863 Solve the issue that sleeping-based tests are not stable and optimize slow tests (#546) 6 jaren geleden
src Add adapter support for Zuul 1.x (#188) 6 jaren geleden Update document and pom for sentinel-zuul-adapter 6 jaren geleden
pom.xml Solve the issue that sleeping-based tests are not stable and optimize slow tests (#546) 6 jaren geleden

Sentinel Zuul Adapter

Sentinel Zuul Adapter provides ServiceId level and API Path level flow control for Zuul gateway service.

Note: this adapter only support Zuul 1.x.

How to use

  1. Add Maven dependency to your pom.xml:
  1. Register filters
// get registry
final FilterRegistry r = FilterRegistry.instance();
// this is property config. set filter enable
SentinelZuulProperties properties = new SentinelZuulProperties();
// set url cleaner, here use default
DefaultUrlCleaner defaultUrlCleaner = new DefaultUrlCleaner();
// set origin parser. here use default
DefaultRequestOriginParser defaultRequestOriginParser = new DefaultRequestOriginParser();

// register filters. you must register all three filters.
SentinelPreFilter sentinelPreFilter = new SentinelPreFilter(properties, defaultUrlCleaner, defaultRequestOriginParser);
r.put("sentinelPreFilter", sentinelPreFilter);
SentinelPostFilter postFilter = new SentinelPostFilter(properties);
r.put("sentinelPostFilter", postFilter);
SentinelErrorFilter errorFilter = new SentinelErrorFilter(properties);
r.put("sentinelErrorFilter", errorFilter);

How it works

As Zuul run as per thread per connection block model, we add filters around route Filter to trace sentinel statistics.

  • SentinelPreFilter: Get an entry of resource, the first order is ServiceId (the key in RequestContext is serviceId, this can set in own custom filter), then API Path.
  • SentinelPostFilter: When success response, exit entry.
  • SentinelPreFilter: When an Exception caught, trace the exception and exit context.

The order of filters can be changed in property.

The invocation chain resembles this:

EntranceNode: machine-root(t:3 pq:0 bq:0 tq:0 rt:0 prq:0 1mp:0 1mb:0 1mt:0)
-EntranceNode: coke(t:2 pq:0 bq:0 tq:0 rt:0 prq:0 1mp:0 1mb:0 1mt:0)
--coke(t:2 pq:0 bq:0 tq:0 rt:0 prq:0 1mp:0 1mb:0 1mt:0)
---/coke/coke(t:0 pq:0 bq:0 tq:0 rt:0 prq:0 1mp:0 1mb:0 1mt:0)
-EntranceNode: sentinel_default_context(t:0 pq:0 bq:0 tq:0 rt:0 prq:0 1mp:0 1mb:0 1mt:0)
-EntranceNode: book(t:1 pq:0 bq:0 tq:0 rt:0 prq:0 1mp:0 1mb:0 1mt:0)
--book(t:1 pq:0 bq:0 tq:0 rt:0 prq:0 1mp:0 1mb:0 1mt:0)
---/book/coke(t:0 pq:0 bq:0 tq:0 rt:0 prq:0 1mp:0 1mb:0 1mt:0)
  • book and coke are serviceId.
  • /book/coke is api path, the real API path is /coke.

Integration with Sentinel Dashboard

  1. Start Sentinel Dashboard.
  2. You can configure the rules in Sentinel dashboard or via dynamic rule configuration.


You can implement SentinelFallbackProvider to define your own fallback provider when Sentinel BlockException is thrown. The default fallback provider is DefaultBlockFallbackProvider.

By default fallback route is ServiveId + URI PATH, example /book/coke, first book is serviceId, /coke is URI PATH, so that both can be needed.

Here is an example:

// custom provider
public class MyBlockFallbackProvider implements ZuulBlockFallbackProvider {

    private Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(DefaultBlockFallbackProvider.class);

    // you can define root as service level
    public String getRoute() {
        return "/coke/coke";

        public BlockResponse fallbackResponse(String route, Throwable cause) {
  "[Sentinel DefaultBlockFallbackProvider] Run fallback route: %s", route));
            if (cause instanceof BlockException) {
                return new BlockResponse(429, "Sentinel block exception", route);
            } else {
                return new BlockResponse(500, "System Error", route);

 // register fallback
 ZuulBlockFallbackManager.registerProvider(new MyBlockFallbackProvider());

Default block response:

    "message":"Sentinel block exception",

Request origin parser

You can register customized request origin parser like this:

public class MyRequestOriginParser implements RequestOriginParser {
    public String parseOrigin(HttpServletRequest request) {
        return request.getRemoteAddr();